Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

Robert Hughes channeling

INNER BEING 2 – How to increase the connection with your Inner Being

LightSitting with your Inner Being each day in Meditation is very important – the best possible use of your time: for optimum health, inner guidance and to know the truth of your life

“Your Inner Being knows you better than you know yourself.  He loves you in your joy and in the wrongs that you have learned from.  Sit with him each day in the quiet of his love, let him show you the truth that he sees.  Not my [Robert’s] truth, find truth for yourself with your own Inner Being.  It is written in no book, for it is ever becoming, never done.

All my life, even in the trenches, my faith was strong.  But the book [religion] dulled my thirst for truth, like a baby suckling the silver (a silver dummy).  Around you are many who fear another’s book and will kill the other.  You should force no book [doctrine] on another, nor fear another’s book.  Your environment sustains not because there is one shape of beast or plant, but because there are many; all are ever becoming, never done.  Such is truth, shaped by many, not one, ever becoming, never done.”

Sitting with your Inner Being is the most important thing for everyone, the best use of your time. Many people never have knowings of their Inner Being as they never meditate. It’s important to grow your pipe [connection] to your Inner Being, then the Inner Being can flow faster energy to you. The best way to meditate is to simply connect to the Inner Being (no music or images) and the best time is when getting ready to sleep. Go asleep with your Inner Being because that leaves your conscious mind in a state where it is easier for your Inner Being to work with you through the night.

Illness – If the pipe to the Inner Being is small and the energy is not fast enough, then the physical apparatus cannot be properly sustained by the Inner Being (for optimum health), then gradually there will be a declining in the physical body and illness will come. It can be made better by having more meditating with the Inner Being and taking time for the pipe to get bigger. Then the physical apparatus will change and return to health.

The best way to meditate is to simply connect to the Inner Being without music or images.  Sometimes, especially when people are new to meditation, or if they have difficulty in stilling the mind, it can help for them to use music and/or a visualisation meditation.  But if they become aware that their mind is only busy with the pictures, they will have no room for the Inner Being, so then it’s better to try with no words.

Related Posts: Creation – Clock Analogy

See Robert’s original words on this subject

WAR & RELIGION – the causes of conflict

Here are 3 instances where Robert explains the causes of conflict and why religious wars are a threat to us all

Why do you (the Inner Being of Robert) want to speak to us at this point in time? TG 9.11.14

Silver dummyWhat I want to say is that, when I was alive, all my life, all, even in the trenches, I had a strong faith, always. It made dull my thirst for the truth. Like a baby suckling on silver (a silver dummy), ha, that was me. There are many books (religious belief systems), many who fear another’s book, and there is killing because of it. I do not want this. All Wooden Dolls (humans) have an Inner Being. The Inner Being knows them, knows them better than they know themselves. The Inner Being loves them, in joy and in their wrong-doings for learning; all is loved.

I want Wooden Dolls to sit in the quiet love of their Inner Being, then they will see the truth, not in a book. No amount of killings can make a book truth, the only truth comes when you sit with your Inner Being. Now, it’s not Robert’s truth, the truth comes from the Inner Being of each person. As with the beasts and the plants of your environment, there is not only one, there are many different ones. All are needed to sustain the earth environment. It is the same with truth. There is not only one, there is no book, all Inner Beings have their truth. All have the growing. It’s never done, always growing. This is why I want to give this message to reach many people. They have fearing of other books, they have killing. If humans continue to have no knowing from their Inner Being, but believe in a book (religion), you need to know that it’s probable your loved ones will be involved in the killing. This is why I want to speak. Many others (in spirit) want to speak also (through humans). This is needed for you to know in the now.

Many people were killed (on this day – 9.11) because of a book (religion). Many more will be killed. This can only be prevented if the Inner Beings can show the truth to their Wooden Dolls. But if the Wooden Dolls continue with the killing, then the environment can no longer be sustained. Robert loves this environment, but (Inner Beings) cannot intervene.

Colwyn Bay War Memorial

Colwyn Bay War Memorial

What do you think if you look at our world today with all those war activities all over the world, how do you feel about that? Sn 15.4.13

It is very interesting to me to see the difference of a soldier today and my time (WW1). I would not think him a soldier at all. A lot of the soldiers today act on intelligence. The fighting is not with soldiers. The fighting is with cowards who do not show themselves. They would not wear a uniform. They would hide in a children’s school and they would shoot. That is not a soldier.

I know that the majority of the people on your earth, they have learned so much from my time and from the war in between, and the smaller wars later, so for the most part, the people, they do not need war now. The conflict now, it is not with the people, or with their governments now. They have outgrown the useful war. The conflict now it is with the religions, which will not last long. This is just one step because for the most people, the religions are not strong in their heart now, and the conflict now, this is serving a good purpose to be the death of how any respect to an old religion. People would not follow for long now. And that is a major step in the expansion for your environment, and my old environment too, for we are brothers.

Could you explain why people have to do terrible things to each other, kill each other and have war? Sn 21.4.13

It is not always, but it is many times, caused by the fear. The Inner Being can try to give emotions to influence the Wooden Doll (positively), but it cannot compel its doll to do anything, or to think anything. It can only pass the emotion and the emotion does not always bring the thought that the Inner Being would want. So the Inner Being would then give the stronger emotion to change the doll and the doll’s thinking. So the strong emotion, the fear, some moments that fear will be too strong for the Wooden Doll to think properly.

So this is the reason why all these things happen?

It is always, in all of the dolls, the doll is not to blame, it is that its Inner Being has not yet the experience, the knowing of how to flow energy of value and emotion of value to the doll. But the Inner Being learns here in this slow environment (earth).

Robert's name on War Memorial

Robert’s name on Colwyn Bay War Memorial

Read Robert’s original words on this subject (the above has been edited slightly for ease of understanding)

Climate Change

Globe-Hands-LightYou’ve said previously that our conscious beliefs create our reality, so if that’s happening on a personal scale, does the same happen for humanity. Looking at something like humanity’s effect on the planet, is it because of our mass belief about climate change that we experience climate change as a negative impact on earth, or is it that we have physically mismanaged our resources and therefore we are experiencing climate change? SC 7.10.14

This is both. There are many influences of physical weather for your environment. Some is due to the influence of the human. Most is due to influence not of humans. There have been many climate changes, big changes when there have been no humans. Always the environment is changing. It’s normal. But the human also makes faster the change from the doings of the humans and from the thought forms of the humans also. But it’s not a problem for it is possible to make stable for the change of the living. There can be the no more of the beasts (extinctions), but have the growing of the new beasts (evolution). This has happened many times in your environment and in all physical environments. Beasts change. Humans can have some change, not all. It is possible to help make slow of the change if it is wanted by many, many hundreds of humans. But the change (is brought about by) many. It makes hot the ice, the poles. It can make the poles small. Then it creates warm and the more of the oceans in your environment. That will have then the balance of the big cold. There have been seven of such (already in the history of earth). There will be more doing of the cold (ice age), but not while you are living. There will be the hot while you are living. It takes many years for the balance of the cold.

Now, the big problem for while you are living, now there is the burning of the old planting – the fossil fuels. There have been many wars, the fighting to have the owning of such. But while you are still living, there will be the starting of being able (to access) the energy of the zero point field. Then you will not have the want of fossil fuels. That problem will be gone. But the new problem, drinking water , cannot have. There will be a shortage. There will be much water that’s not drinkable, but not enough drinkable water. Many parts of your environment will not be able to sustain the plants and the beasts. They will not have the water. This will cause many wars for the water. Not the fuel. The problem of the climate. The new need, it will be water. The old of the needed energy.

Is there anything people who are trying to help the planet can do with our thought processes to help ease the situation, or is it just part of the experience to live with that?

There is always change of climate. Always change of the beasts and plants. Always this has the changing. Cannot be any other way. But it can help for the humans not to have the fearing of the book (religion). Not to have the killing (in the name of religion). This is the first of the killing. Soon there will be not the water. This (the water shortage) will not be big in your lifetime, but the killing of the book (in the name of religion), this is in your lifetime. There is the influence of the ones who have fear of the book (religion) of others. Then they have the killing. They have the big need of knowing that the book is not real. They can have their Inner Being flowing in them. Then they will not want the book. They will not want to kill. They will have the knowing that all living things, the humans, the plants, the beasts, they are all of the Inner Being. (They will know that) ‘they are the same as me’ (that we are all one). They will have no want of killing. This is what we want, all of us (the Inner Beings). This is why we have the want of speaking to the humans now. It is possible that there will be no more humans from such (as a result of this situation). We do not want this. No problem, we are able to manifest in many environments, but there is the possibility no kill (to avoid the killing). We have want of this.

So I can understand what you’re saying about wars, what’s happened with something like Ebola virus and that is potential for killing lots of Wooden Dolls. Why has that started?

This is normal. There is always the changing of all living things. It cannot stand still. There is always the morphing of the new to make the different. Some (of the new) will survive, some will not survive. The virus is able to change fast. Many hundreds, always new. Most are not a problem for the beasts and the humans, but certain ones have the problem of the virus. Always there are many hundreds mutating. Making new. This is always normal for all viruses, but there will be the 1 or 2 that have the problem for the apparatus of the human and the beasts.

ETs, UFOs & Light Beings

Do ETs exist? Are there beings living on other planets? Do humans really see UFOs and have aliens abducted humans?  Robert answers from the spirit perspective


Do extra-terrestrials exist? CC 2.5.14

ET is a name used by Wooden Dolls of this environment (humans). Your time is measured by a clock. If you look inside this machine it has many hundreds of pieces which all work with the next piece. If one piece does not work then the whole thing does not work. I have talked about the energy of Inner Beings from Levels 1 to 5 – they are all pieces of the clock, all work with the piece next to it, each piece cannot work with pieces too different from it. [Also see Creation – Clock Analogy] The knowing of Wooden Dolls is only of earth. There are also many other environments in your earth that (Wooden Dolls) have no knowings of. They are in (the same) now and earth but they are also one more piece of the clock. There are millions of pieces of the clock in other earths. Others are not physical. Level 2 environments do not ever manifest physical. Level 3 and bigger pieces of clock than level 2, have very fast energy.

Are there Inner Beings living on other planets on other galaxies in the universe? WM24.6.14

The Inner Beings of different levels will manifest in a different environment for their energy, some are like earth and have physical particles and matter, most do not. The new Inner Beings have particles like you here. Most do not need it, they have faster energy as wave form. The Inner Beings of the higher ones like Level 3 and 4, they have manifested many hundreds of Wooden Dolls in many different environments. It’s very hard for higher level Inner Beings to manifest here, they do not have experience for sustaining Wooden Dolls here and it takes a lot of energy. All Inner Beings have the knowings of the doings, the learning of each of their Wooden Dolls in each environment. That learning flows to the Inner Beings from the different environments.

The science in your environment speaks of entanglement, it means all waves and all particles in the moment are paired together. All is one, all have knowings of all, that’s how Wooden Dolls in your environment discover knowings of how it is; there are startings of the knowings, now (some Wooden Dolls are) not wanting the book (religious doctrine). The child (is given) the book when it has fear of ‘what am I and where am I’, like the boy when the mam has a baby and the boy is jealous of the baby, then the mam gives the boy a book saying the baby comes from the big bird (stork), but when he grows older, he understands that the baby comes from the mam. There are many books, Wooden Dolls are possessive of their own books (of beliefs).

Are there any beings living on other planets or are they all just in other dimensions?

There are many hundreds of Level 1 physical environments like your environment, many hundreds. They are physical like you are and their beasts, many hundreds of the different beasts in the physical environments. But for the how (they would) travel to visit, it the same as how I travel to see the Stone Ones (Robert’s name for a group of Level 3 healer beings); when I have their vibration, I tune in to their song and I go there. That is how we all one, we don’t have talking with each other with the mouth, we have talking with thought-forms and we have knowing of their energy from their thought-forms like their fingerprint and when we have their fingerprint, we have the thought-form to go and visit our energy to where they are. That is how we travel. We do not have a machine to get into, we have the thought-form, the thought form is all. And now it’s not necessary (for us) to go to work on a plane, it’s all thought-form, can be thought form to get there.


When humans see UFOs what is it? CC 27.5.14

Ha ha, they are not from other places, ha ha, there are many hundreds in your environment. They are different energy, Wooden dolls cannot have the apparatus to see them, like me. I am in your environment, the biggest part of my energy is in your environment, but I am not much seen. [Note: The Inner Being of Robert has shown himself to humans sometimes as an orb or spirit light. Visual aspects of Robert the man, such as his moustache, have occasionally been visible over Saesneggar’s face when in trance through transfiguration]

‘Spaceships’ are of your environment. Some are like new mapping of planes, for experimenting (new designs being tested). Built by humans for experience and might have a different way of making their energy for powering them. Not used yet. Experimental, that is the word I wanted. Some are for joking. Most are for joking (hoaxes). That’s the thinking about the ones in the fields (crop circles) that they are joking, but they are not joking, they are art, they are done for love, for pictures.

Are ETs able to manifest UFOs for us to experience? WM 24.6.14

Their energy is not slow enough to manifest here, it cannot be known by your apparatus. It can be recorded on some contraptions and there is some interference with your contraptions. The manifesting is not seen or heard or smelt.

Alien Abduction

What is happening when people think they have experienced Alien abduction? CC 29.7.14

This is 2 things. It can be either. Now, the first can be the dreaming of the Wooden Doll, but also it can be that the Inner Being is choosing to show this for its Wooden Doll’s experience.

Why would the Inner Being want that, to make the Wooden Doll afraid?

May not have the wanting of fear, may have the wanting of the leading, the important, (to use the image to make the person pay attention) to have the Wooden Doll talking to its Inner Being. The Inner Being might feel the Wooden Doll does not want to receive communication from its Inner Being, that it is not being listened to. It might also want to convey important messages to other Wooden Dolls. (The alien image is being shown by) the IB, it can choose from many different images. One from a different environment (ET) can be shown, or the angel, or of the book (a religious character). There are many choices. [Note: the Inner Being chooses an image that they know will resonate with the Wooden Doll, and therefore the Wooden Doll will pay attention to it.]

Light Beings

Are there Light Beings working with me in healing? CC-Sg 14.5.2014

There is one only, one energy, one thought, one mind you call it.  It’s many parts, all parts are different. There are many different speeds and power of the different energy. That is how I have described the levels, but all are one and all have knowing of each other part. It is all the one mind, different parts of one mind. The ones that are working with you and that you have love of, they are like you and me. They are all different parts of the one energy. No part is more important than another. I have said that they (Pleiadians) are a story, for a story is how a man explains of these parts to another man. They are a story, not the truth, but yes the energy forms they all exist, they are all real in different ways. Different energy that cannot be known by your physical apparatus. You cannot feel and see and taste these ones. They are not always in your physical environment. They can sometimes be and sometimes not be. Like any other energies they will cross your environment when they have choosing, when they have wanting for it.

In a clairvoyant reading I was told I was originally a Pleiadian, is this so? AS 8.7.14

The word Pleiadian has come to represent the idea of an experienced Inner Being, not from this environment. Your Inner Being has chosen to manifest many hundreds of experiences in this environment; it is not a young Inner Being. Like Robert’s Inner Being chose to have many hundreds of experiences in this environment. When Inner Beings have faster energy at Level 2, they cannot have Level 1 experiences and there is much to be learned from Level 1.  The idea of a Pleiadian is like the Nazarene and Nanak, a book (story) to help Wooden Dolls’ understanding, it is not a manifest thing. It is like a story to help understand an idea, like I talk about Wooden Dolls, that’s my book, my story to illustrate something. The Pleiadian is a picture used for the healers.

Importance of Humans (Wooden Dolls)

The Importance of Humans (Wooden Dolls) and the pressing need for greater connection to their Inner Beings (Sg 14.5.2014)

(for further explanation of Wooden Dolls see Human Beings & Inner Beings)

blavatar RHNow what I have to explain, is that the physical is important, the Wooden Dolls I call them (humans). The Wooden Dolls are important.  They are very much big important, for the growing, the ever-becoming of your environment – there are many hundreds of environments all becoming (evolving). Your one is all becoming, a part of the all, no different. Look at your environment. There are hundreds and hundreds of your different beasts and your plants and such like them. Many hundreds – all different, all have influence on the other ones. Now your Wooden Dolls they are the ones through whom we other energies (in Spirit can have most influence on your physical environment. We flow, all energies, we flow the life force, you call it, into all of your beasts and your plants and your Wooden Dolls but most in this moment, the most influence of knowing of what our wanting is, is from your Wooden Dolls. Now the Wooden Dolls have big influence on all of the others in your environment, your beasts and such. That’s why it’s very important that more Wooden Dolls develop bigger pipes to their Inner Being. So there can be more influence from their Inner Beings, this is wanted now.

‘Tis important for your environment has need for less polluting energy, for the energy created by the Wooden Dolls now to sustain their lives has (negative) influence on your beasts and your environment. Now there is a bigger energy, – Zero Point energy. It exists, it’s all here, it’s all everywhere. It’s what I am, it’s what you are. When I talk of energy that is what I mean. That is the word that your Man has for it. One day your Man, your Wooden Dolls will know. They will have the knowing to work with this Zero Point Energy and it will be used instead of the energy that you are now using.

It is very good for the beasts and the environment of your living. It helps the growing, the ever-becoming. It (Zero Point Energy) will be easier and faster and less of a problem for it. But it can also be a big problem if it is not properly developed. It can harm the beasts and your physical environment. It can be big harmed. So there is a big need now that all the Wooden Dolls do not have belief in the stories of their Mams and Dads. Now they have bigger need for no stories (of religions etc), but to have bigger pipe to their Inner Being, so the Inner Being can have bigger energy to the Wooden Doll and more influence for the Wooden Doll. This moment in time is important for Wooden Dolls. All environments have moments when there is great importance and moments when it’s not so important. Now in this environment it is very important in this moment that Wooden Dolls start to have bigger pipes. So do not think that Wooden Dolls are not important. They are most important for the becoming of them and their beasts, and their environment (the Earth) will develop (and thrive) or not develop because of the Wooden Doll more than all others.



How Inner Beings and the Earth Environment grow based on the experiences and thought-forms of humans (Wooden Dolls)

Is it resonance that connects everything, especially with your example of the Russian dolls? JP G 22.5.14

All beings have at any moment an ‘Aaah’ (positive) or an ‘Urgh’ (negative) feeling; the sum total of all these feelings is what grows the environment and is responsible for how it grows (whether in a positive or negative direction). That is important for all to know. It is always becoming, all is always becoming. I have big laughing for the one here, Saesneggar, thinks of heaven and hell. But all is the thought-form. Now I am at Level 2, I do not sit on the cloud with a harp. I am not done, I am becoming, always all are becoming, not done, all growing. We are growing ‘Aah’ or growing ‘urgh’, that’s your job, that’s what you do. Your thought-forms are strong. The monkey makes the thought-forms, that is strong, it has the growings for the one on the cloud with the harp (our thought-forms help the Inner Beings to grow).


Related posts: Creation – Clock AnalogyHuman Beings & Inner Beings

Read Robert’s Original words


Robert explains the importance of sitting with your Inner Being each day in mediation –  for optimum health, inner guidance and to know the truth of your life

“Your Inner Being knows you better than you know yourself.  He loves you in your joy and in the wrongs that you have learned from.  Sit with him each day in the quiet of his love, let him show you the truth that he sees.  Not my [Robert’s] truth, find truth for yourself with your own Inner Being.  It is written in no book, for it is ever becoming, never done.

All my life, even in the trenches, my faith was strong.  But the book [religion] dulled my thirst for truth, like a baby suckling the silver (a silver dummy).  Around you are many who fear another’s book and will kill the other.  You should force no book [doctrine] on another, nor fear another’s book.  Your environment sustains not because there is one shape of beast or plant, but because there are many; all are ever becoming, never done.  Such is truth, shaped by many, not one, ever becoming, never done.”

Sitting with your Inner Being is the most important thing for everyone, the best use of your time. Many people never have knowings of their Inner Being as they never meditate. It’s important to grow your pipe to your Inner Being, then the Inner Being can flow faster energy to you. The best way to meditate is to simply connect to the Inner Being (no music or images) and the best time is when getting ready to sleep. Go asleep with your Inner Being because that leaves your conscious mind in a state where it is easier for your Inner Being to work with you through the night.

Illness – If the pipe to the Inner Being is small and the energy is not fast enough, then the physical apparatus cannot be properly sustained by the Inner Being (for optimum health), then gradually there will be a declining in the physical body and illness will come. It can be made better by having more meditating with the Inner Being and taking time for the pipe to get bigger. Then the physical apparatus will change and return to health.

The best way to meditate is to simply connect to the Inner Being without music or images.  Sometimes, especially when people are new to meditation, or if they have difficulty in stilling the mind, it can help for them to use music and/or a visualisation meditation.  But if they become aware that their mind is only busy with the pictures, they will have no room for the Inner Being, so then it’s better to try with no words.

The Meaning of Life

Why are we here? What is the purpose of life? And what is Earth’s role in the bigger picture of creation? Robert answers from the spirit perspective.

Humans are always growing. This always will be and always was. Now, when (the Earth was) first growing, and this is still true in parts of your environment (third world), life was hard  ̶   the meaning of life was having your belly full that day, and the belly of others. But, humans also had the books (religions), the doctrines, they had the knowing, they were happy. The part where you are living, the West, they had more growing   ̶   the doings of science, the learning, the wealth. Living is now easy for them. They have the means of life, but they are now losing the meaning of life.  They have the freedom and the learning. They have the knowing in their head. They can no longer (be content with what they had). (During my life) I was happy with the doctrine (bible). I didn’t know anything else. I was like the baby, sucking on my dummy (pacifier, dulling the need to search for the truth). I was happy about it. I had no questions. But many now have the knowing that the sustenance of the dummy is not enough. The baby now (is growing up), they want more now. (They want what is) real now, not the dummy, so there’s a problem, (they need to find) the meaning of life. The means of living is easy, comfortable, but the meaning of life has gone. They are not happy, so how can they grow more now?

It’s easy for me (to answer), this why I want to speak now. I want them to have knowing, every human, that they each have an Inner Being. The Inner Being is always here, eternal. He has the knowing of the human in every moment, all the knowing of his experiences. This is the learning, the growing of the Inner Being. So, the meaning of the human, is easy. (They create) the learning and the development of the Inner Being. This is part, a small part, but part of the one source. The Inner Being is part of source. So the human is contributing to the growing and doings of the one  ̶  the consciousness Saesneggar (Robert’s medium) calls it. I call it source, it’s the same. But this is the meaning. The humans, they have the need of knowing they have meaning. They don’t need a book (religion). They have an Inner Being. He is the source, they are the source. Not any another. They are the source, they have the freedom for choosing in life. The experience is not written. It’s the choosing in (every) moment. This shapes the source. Always becoming, not done. This is the answer. I am happy to say it.
