Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

Healing 2 – Different Modalities

  • Different Modalities
  • NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming)
  • Crystals

Different Modalities: Is there any form of energy healing that is more effective than others, or is it mostly down to the size of the pipe of the practitioner and of the recipient, or is it their readiness to change? CC 7.10.14

Mmm, this is not easy to answer, this is all (of them). Now the healer needs to have a big enough pipe for the fast vibration of his Inner Being. This is one need, but there is also a need to be able to flow fast energy from the Inner Being of the patient to the Wooden Doll of the patient. This is not always possible.

So are some forms of healing more effective than others?

They have different flowing. Now, what works with one doll, doesn’t work with another doll. The pipe of the doll and the speed of the vibration of the doll can be a problem. Cannot always have the flowing. Also, with the same doll, they can have a big pipe, then have a small pipe when they have much of the ‘urgh’ (unhappy and negative). So the healing is able to work on them sometimes, then not able to work on them (another time).

Do all the forms of healing I do speed up the repair using the DNA fingerprint?

No. Only when this is needed. Most have the offer of the fast vibration for the flow of app. Then apparatus have the able of the regenerate of self. All apparatus have able of such, but have need of fast energy for this.

So it’s mostly that it’s bringing fast energy, and it’s also re-balancing the meridians?

This is so. For then the apparatus is able to use the energy. Cannot have this when there is not the flowing of the meridians. Like your cars, you have a fast car, but when have a broken road, you cannot have the flowing. It’s the same with energy.

NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming): Is NLP more effective than the energy healing? AS 24.6.14

Yes this is a teaching for the monkey. In the Wooden Doll biggest problem is the monkey squawking. Your teachings help make the monkey comfortable and sleep. Then the Wooden Doll can be happy and like itself. When the monkey squawks it has fear and the feeling of not being good enough.

Is energy healing enough on its own to heal someone? AS 24.6.14

What the healing does is open the pipe for more energy into the apparatus, it helps big, but only in that moment while you have pipe open. When you are gone, the pipe may go to small once more. When the Wooden Doll is not happy, the pipe goes small. NLP make the patients happy and the pipe bigger all the time then more fast energy (can flow) from the Inner Being to the WD, not only when you’re there. NLP combined with energy healing is the combination that is important for both – to heal the head and the body.

Crystals: Do crystals help people to heal? AS 24.6.14

Not always. Some are useful to make the vibration faster, so if the Wooden Doll has a small pipe and a slow vibration, then a crystal can help in the moment while the crystal is there. But when the person goes home he doesn’t have the crystal and the pipe is small once more.

Healing 1 – Thought-forms and Healing

Importance of Thought-Forms in Healing

What is the best way to strengthen our thought-forms for healing? JP 22.5.14

Your Inner Being needs much practice with your Wooden Doll to build and grow the pipe then when the pipe is big and strong, then the more energy can flow from the Inner Being through thought-forms to the Wooden Doll. It’s not that you have need for learning. Your Inner Being has need for practice to grow your energy in here. It cannot grow fast as (the energy of) your Inner Being is hundreds and hundreds of times bigger and stronger than your apparatus (body) can take now. Your Inner Being cannot give more for you, your apparatus is slow, small energy, but when you sit with you Inner Being more (in meditation), each time your Inner Being can make your pipe bigger and stronger to take bigger and stronger energy. But each step is so tiny. It must be in many small steps, not big steps or the apparatus would stop. Spend your moments with Inner Being, each moment you spend with your Inner Being, then your pipe can be growing more of the energy from your Inner Being. There is no better use for your time than for sitting with your Inner Being.

What makes us ill? JP 22.5.14

It’s all deliberate thought-forms in the moment, many hundreds of people in this moment are thinking ‘will I have health or illness?’, that is only the choosing of your thought-forms. If you have ‘aaah’ (feel happy and positive), you have the health; if you have the ‘urgh’ (feel unhappy and negative) and ‘I have big fear, I am ill’, then you will be ill. Your Inner Being always gives you the feeling of no fear, be happy, then you will not be ill but the more your thought- form is ‘urgh’, the more you will be ill and the more you will fee ‘urgh’, and the smaller the pipe to your Inner Being will be. Smaller energy from the Inner Being flows through the small pipe to the Wooden Doll and the body will not have all the energy it needs to sustain it, and there will be more manifesting of small energy (from the Inner Being), that’s what illness is. It’s all down to the thought-forms – you have the choosing. (What you are thinking is) important in all moments. There is only one thought-form in the moment, so if you have lots of happy thoughts then have one sad thought, it brings it down. So when you are ill and you need healing, the thought-form is not happy, but there are other things, many hundreds of things in your head that make you happy, think of them, then your thought-form will be happy and the illness can go, for each moment that you are thinking the happy thought-form, your Inner Being can grow your energy and then the apparatus can have the energy it needs. The apparatus is not ill, it is never ill. The apparatus is always in good health when it has the energy to sustain it from the Inner Being, but if the energy of the thought-form is ‘urgh’, the body cannot be sustained.

Can you eradicate illness by changing your thought-forms? AS 24.6.14

This is very important. Being ill comes because the Wooden Doll has the ‘urgh’ (is unhappy and has negative thinking), and therefore a small pipe to the Inner Being. So the Inner Being cannot flow enough life force to the apparatus and then the apparatus will decline, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly. But different parts of the apparatus cannot survive after a lot of time with small energy, then if the person is not able to become happier, then the energy gets slower and slower and smaller, and eventually they cannot survive any longer and they have transition (death). The Wooden Doll can be helped to be happier and to see in each day the things that will make it happy, then the pipe to the Inner Being will open more and the faster energy will make the declining parts better, and there will be healing.

Is there any illness that can’t be healed?

The body has the ability to heal – eg healing a cut, (first there is a) scar, then no scar. This is normal when the Inner Being can flow (energy) to the Wooden Doll. When the Wooden Doll is not happy, then the energy cannot be big and fast to sustain (the body). Then there would be no part of the apparatus that would not be sustained. The Wooden Dolls make Robert and (the other) Inner Beings laugh, for they think, ‘if I am 60, I am old’. If the Inner Being has knowledge of how to properly sustain a Wooden Doll, then healing can help, but if the Inner Being does not have the knowledge of how to sustain (a human body), then it cannot be healed. (An inexperienced) Inner Being needs to learn by getting it wrong.

When someone comes for healing, why does it seem to get in the way if they have high expectations? CC 22.7.14

Hmm. This is the monkey of the friend (healing client). The friend wants things to be different. Their monkey is thinking: “if I talk about what I want, then what I want will happen”. Not possible. The healing that the body wants will flow, not what the monkey wants, it’s not the same.

They’ve got to change their thinking too?

They need their monkey to be sleeping (comfortable with the process and relaxed), then there is no problem, the apparatus can have healing. When the monkey is making the head of the person stressed, this creates a problem for the body. The healing is helping the body, but the monkey is a problem. If the monkey stresses the apparatus, there will be more problems. If the monkey is not comfortable with the healing, he blocks the ‘sleeping’ of the person in the healing. If the monkey wants to squawk, it’s hard for the Inner Being of the friend (healing client) to flow the healing when the monkey squawks. It cannot flow.

And when a person comes for healing, is there any way of knowing if it is something that can be healed or is the person just having an experience wanted by their Inner Being? Or is it possible to heal anyone, if the person can change their thought-forms? CC 22.7.14

That is so. The Inner Being always wants the experience. The Wooden Doll has the choosing, once he knows what is creating the disease. He then has the choice to have new thought-forms or not to have new thought-forms. That is the healing. The healing from light beings can make the apparatus well in the now, but they have no influence on the future of the one having the healing and what their future they will choose their thought-forms to be in the future. The healing only works on the apparatus in that moment.

Can you explain the difference between the big wanting with rockets of desire that is helpful in the Law of Attraction, and when people have high expectations that isn’t helpful, such as when a person who comes for healing is expecting a miracle but doesn’t understand that they need to change their thought-forms? CC 18.6.14

The difference is easy for me. When the Wooden Doll knows that it can be made well, the believing is the momentum of the thought-form . The monkey in the head is saying “I have knowing I will be well, I have knowing my apparatus will be well, only this is stopping the well, but the apparatus will always be well”. That is in the (positive) knowing in the head. The way that doesn’t work though, is where the person is saying “I want to be well, but I have knowing, my belief is that the body, the whole apparatus is broken and cannot heal. Their thought-forms have big momentum of broken and no momentum of well. A healing practitioner can offer the healing energy to this one and they will say, “oh this is different, I like it”, but it cannot make them well if their thought-forms always create the ill, the not well, that is the belief of people like this, their thought-forms have big momentum for the ‘not well’.

When we want to help others how much influence does healing have? JP 22.5.14

In this case if they are having ‘aah’ thought-forms they can have knowing of your thought-forms; if they are having ‘urgh’ thought-forms, their pipe (can still be) big enough to have your thought-forms. Your thought-form goes into their apparatus from their Inner Being, your thought-form goes via your Inner Being to their Inner Being to their Wooden Doll.

So when we do healing for someone else are we helping to make their pipe bigger? JP 22.5.14

Your thought-form is helping them, but also your energy is big in your apparatus and the thought-form, when you are speaking with them, tell them in words that it’s important not to think of fear and pain, to think of the happy, such as hearing a song they love in their head and seeing the food they love in their head. When they are in the bed (in hospital) weak and dying, and in much fear, they look in the beds of the others (in the hospital) and it’s the fear and the not happy that makes the pipe small. When you are healing you must remember that you can tell them it’s important not to have thought-forms of being ill, and others by them who are ill. Have thought-forms in all moments of the joy, what you enjoy. Tell them to think always of that. Saesneggar is a healer and she has known patients who get the happy all clear, because they have had healing and learned to be happy, but in year or two will have forgotten. They will not have made the changes in life that were needed for happy, and will have again the cancer. But you cannot always in the moment make the Wooden Doll happy.