Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

Robert Hughes channeling

INNER BEING 2 – How to increase the connection with your Inner Being

LightSitting with your Inner Being each day in Meditation is very important – the best possible use of your time: for optimum health, inner guidance and to know the truth of your life

“Your Inner Being knows you better than you know yourself.  He loves you in your joy and in the wrongs that you have learned from.  Sit with him each day in the quiet of his love, let him show you the truth that he sees.  Not my [Robert’s] truth, find truth for yourself with your own Inner Being.  It is written in no book, for it is ever becoming, never done.

All my life, even in the trenches, my faith was strong.  But the book [religion] dulled my thirst for truth, like a baby suckling the silver (a silver dummy).  Around you are many who fear another’s book and will kill the other.  You should force no book [doctrine] on another, nor fear another’s book.  Your environment sustains not because there is one shape of beast or plant, but because there are many; all are ever becoming, never done.  Such is truth, shaped by many, not one, ever becoming, never done.”

Sitting with your Inner Being is the most important thing for everyone, the best use of your time. Many people never have knowings of their Inner Being as they never meditate. It’s important to grow your pipe [connection] to your Inner Being, then the Inner Being can flow faster energy to you. The best way to meditate is to simply connect to the Inner Being (no music or images) and the best time is when getting ready to sleep. Go asleep with your Inner Being because that leaves your conscious mind in a state where it is easier for your Inner Being to work with you through the night.

Illness – If the pipe to the Inner Being is small and the energy is not fast enough, then the physical apparatus cannot be properly sustained by the Inner Being (for optimum health), then gradually there will be a declining in the physical body and illness will come. It can be made better by having more meditating with the Inner Being and taking time for the pipe to get bigger. Then the physical apparatus will change and return to health.

The best way to meditate is to simply connect to the Inner Being without music or images.  Sometimes, especially when people are new to meditation, or if they have difficulty in stilling the mind, it can help for them to use music and/or a visualisation meditation.  But if they become aware that their mind is only busy with the pictures, they will have no room for the Inner Being, so then it’s better to try with no words.

Related Posts: Creation – Clock Analogy

See Robert’s original words on this subject

INNER BEING 1 – What is an Inner Being?

Robert Hughes channeling

Summary of Robert’s Explanations of the Inner Being (or Higher Self).

Robert often uses everyday objects to help us understand complex concepts. To help us understand the nature of consciousness as one energy operating at different ‘Levels’, and the nature of our own ‘Inner Beings’ that have created every one of us, he chose a set of nesting Russian Dolls.

  • In this analogy the human being is the smallest Wooden Doll on the right. Robert refers to the consciousness that manifested the Wooden Doll as its Inner Being, an energy consciousness that has no form but exists as an energy waveform
  • The Inner Being is choosing to project a small portion of itself into the physical environment that we call Earth as the Wooden Doll for the duration of its human life, ie it manifests its consciousness into a physical human
  • Robert stresses that the most important part of his message, the reason why he speaks now, is so that more people can come to know their own Inner Being and its Truth by sitting in quiet meditation
  • This Inner Being is energy that is projected by its own Inner Being which exists at a higher vibrational level (the next doll to the left, and so on)
  • Each physical human knows itself as a unique consciousness. But in each moment of our lives, full awareness of our consciousness flows back to the one source via the chain of Inner Beings.Robert Hughes channeling
  • Consciousness is a ‘system’ of billions of linked parts (you, your Inner Being, me, my Inner Being, its Inner Being etc). Each has its own experiences, but all experiences flow to drive the growth and development of the whole
  • Robert refers to Inner Beings by their ‘Level’. This is not a hierarchy, but a naming convention Robert worked out with his medium to help him denote the speed of vibration of a consciousness at a point in time. The more experience a consciousness has, the faster its vibration. However Robert explains that levels are like the cogs in a clock; some spin fast, some slow, but all must spin for the clock to work – ie Inner Beings are no more important than Humans, we influence our physical environment (Earth), they influence the non-physical environment
  • There is only ONE ENERGY. All individual consciousnesses; you and I, our Inner Beings, their Inner Beings & so on; are all projected energy from this single source
  • The human has the slowest vibration (physical), we can do few things at once. Inner Beings have faster vibration, their consciousness can take part in more activities at once

Taming the Monkey Mind

Can you explain to me about ego. Is ego the same as monkey or is there a difference? CC 24.6.14

It is not the same. What I am calling the monkey, this is the part of your head that is the amygdala (the Limbic system*). Thinking and fearing, more instinct, that what I am calling the monkey. Most of your apparatus flows into this. Only a small part of your head goes to the thinking part, most of the apparatus is flowing to what I have called the monkey, for it, not words and thoughts, works very fast in your apparatus. Much faster than can be through thinking, a small part is given for thinking. The most parts are not given for thinking, they are used for the monkey.

[*The Limbic system includes many components including: Cingulate gyrus – cognitive functions and attention, autonomic functions eg regulating heart rate, blood pressure; Amygdala – fear, flight or fight response; Hippocampus – memory; Orbitofrontal cortex – decision making; Hypothalamus – metabolic processes eg body temperature, sleep, hunger]

So is the monkey the conscious brain? AS 29.8.14

The conscious mostly, some parts are subconscious but all of the conscious is the monkey. He has value, he’s not bad. He makes your physical apparatus survive. All parts – seeing and hearing and such, he has the fast workings with them. He only chooses to show small parts in the other part of your head. The other part of your head is slow, the monkey is fast. You need the monkey, he’s not bad.

But where does the ego fit in? CC 24.6.14

This is not a part of head, it is a word for the ‘I know of me’, the ‘I am me’. This does not happen when you have transition, for that becomes the coat, that part. The rest of you is flowing in the Inner Being, having doings in the pools and such like of choosing, but the ‘this is me’ part, this ‘I am’ part, this is the ego, this goes into the coat.

Is it by meditating that I get the knowing from my Inner Being? JG 10.6.14

This is easier, can be like that most of the time, but also there are other ways that the Inner Being can give the knowings for you in your head, in the normal things when you are talking or reading, many times you will wonder, ‘Ah where did that come from? That’s not in the book? I have read the book, the book didn’t say this, why have I thought of this?’ It’s from the Inner Being. When you are reading, your head is in a way (frame of mind) where it’s easy for the Inner Being to get a knowing into your head. You are thinking I have read it in a book – it’s not in the book. Ha ha.

Can I invite the Inner Being to have more influence than the monkey? AM 19.8.14

The Monkey Squawks

The Monkey Squawks

The Inner Being is always wanting this, but it cannot have the doings (make it happen), this is your job. You need to think of happy things all of the day. But I’m afraid of everything. This is the problem; the monkey has the fearing, the squawking, he is always squawking and you’re not happy. Your head has the choosing, not the monkey. When the monkey has the squawking and big fearing, then you need to think of happy things you like, like the taste of cake in your mouth, ha ha. Always the thing you like makes the monkey comfortable; then he sleeps, he’s happy, he likes cake. Then the Inner Being can have a slightly bigger part each time. After many hundreds of such times when the monkey is sleeping and your head is happy, then your vibration will be faster. Then the Inner Being can have more influence in your head. Then you will have the deliberate choosing always for happy. It’s not easy. Saesneggar practised for 2 years before she had a big change of vibration. You might have 2 years of hard work to make your monkey happy. For the monkey has control of all of your life now, you cannot have a quick switch off of the monkey.

For most Wooden Dolls now it’s the monkey doing the choosing; it has to be in this environment, all have need of the monkey (for survival). Your beasts are different but they have the fast seeing and choosing from their monkey.

Can you explain the best way to tell the difference between promptings of Inner Being and what is coming from monkey brain, eg if we have fear is it Inner Being telling us don’t go in this direction now or is it the monkey saying I’m afraid? JP G 22.5.14

Your emotions, the Inner Being mostly has happy emotion; the emotion of the monkey is not always happy. Saesneggar goes on a train and the words make Robert laugh ‘MIND THE GAP’. I say to my Saesneggar ‘MIND THE GAP’, your Inner Being has a happy thought-form and you’re not happy – MIND THE GAP. It has knowing of the gap, you say your gut feelings – that’s the gap. Always ask your gut feelings about the gap. And if there is a gap, it’s not from your Inner Being.

How do I raise my consciousness and get the monkey out of way so I can go into trance? AS 29.8.14

The easy way, Saesneggar wasn’t able to this for many years, then she found it easy to do this. She thought of saying in her head what she wanted and then expecting it to happen, not possible. Then she had the knowing of wanting the monkey to be asleep but the head awake (to be able to go into trance). How to do that? She tried many things. What worked for her monkey is to give him work, important doings, then he is busy with that. He doesn’t sleep. It wasn’t possible to have him sleep for this. Your one is probably the same. You will need to give the monkey important things to do, then he is busy and the Inner Being can then be able to influence the vibration of your head and put your head in the vibration that matches the foot to go in your slipper. You cannot have the knowing of this. The Inner Being is able to do this but only when the monkey is allowing. Saesneggar’s monkey didn’t allow, that was a problem, so the monkey needed to be busy then he didn’t care, he didn’t notice the Inner Being.

So is that why when I’m driving I feel knowing from the Inner Being?

This is so, this is easier for your Inner Being, but he knows it’s not possible when you are in your car, it could hurt you (to be distracted). It is possible for him but he is choosing not to, it’s not safe. But it’s needed for something to make the monkey busy, like driving.

The same happens when I’m in the bath, so it’s not forcing it?

You cannot make it happen, you must make the monkey busy, then it will happen, but don’t expect it. Experiment with different doings for the monkey, have a game of many things for the monkey to do, then practise to know what works and what doesn’t work.

Further explanation of the Monkey from Saesneggar

Robert has often referred to two parts of the Wooden Doll’s mind, the part that is ‘connected’ to the Inner Being and the ‘monkey’ part which has the stronger genetic influence.  He says that the two work together but don’t always agree. He says that all input from our 5 senses will always go straight to the monkey part (this is our physiology and will never change) where it is processed very quickly and most of it is ignored because it is deemed to be unimportant e.g. your eyes see an aisle full of washing powder but straight away you are aware of the pack that you want and you haven’t really noticed the 99 others on the shelves.  

Robert says that the important bits of what we see/hear etc are pulled out by the monkey part and can be either sent to the wider mind for consideration or the monkey part engages an instant fight or flight response.  He says that some wooden Angry-Cartoon-monkeydolls with small pipes to their Inner Being will almost always act from the monkey part – for example they feel threatened and make aggressive comments when someone ignores them, whereas their Inner Being would want them to consider the wider context such as maybe that person is having a bad day or just hasn’t noticed me, ‘either way it’s not my problem so I don’t need to react negatively or even feel negative about this, I’m quite happy for them to choose to notice me or not’.  

Robert says that the monkey part constantly evolves from our genetic past and adapts slightly from each experience, it isn’t always wrong and is vital to our physical survival, so he admits to teasing by the use of the word ‘monkey’. He says that when we develop a bigger, stronger pipe to the Inner Being we have a better balance of judgement – those with a strong pipe are usually positive and not fearful because they are able to comfort their own monkey part regularly, therefore their monkey seldom feels threatened and doesn’t ‘kick off’ (my words).  


Robert explains the importance of sitting with your Inner Being each day in mediation –  for optimum health, inner guidance and to know the truth of your life

“Your Inner Being knows you better than you know yourself.  He loves you in your joy and in the wrongs that you have learned from.  Sit with him each day in the quiet of his love, let him show you the truth that he sees.  Not my [Robert’s] truth, find truth for yourself with your own Inner Being.  It is written in no book, for it is ever becoming, never done.

All my life, even in the trenches, my faith was strong.  But the book [religion] dulled my thirst for truth, like a baby suckling the silver (a silver dummy).  Around you are many who fear another’s book and will kill the other.  You should force no book [doctrine] on another, nor fear another’s book.  Your environment sustains not because there is one shape of beast or plant, but because there are many; all are ever becoming, never done.  Such is truth, shaped by many, not one, ever becoming, never done.”

Sitting with your Inner Being is the most important thing for everyone, the best use of your time. Many people never have knowings of their Inner Being as they never meditate. It’s important to grow your pipe to your Inner Being, then the Inner Being can flow faster energy to you. The best way to meditate is to simply connect to the Inner Being (no music or images) and the best time is when getting ready to sleep. Go asleep with your Inner Being because that leaves your conscious mind in a state where it is easier for your Inner Being to work with you through the night.

Illness – If the pipe to the Inner Being is small and the energy is not fast enough, then the physical apparatus cannot be properly sustained by the Inner Being (for optimum health), then gradually there will be a declining in the physical body and illness will come. It can be made better by having more meditating with the Inner Being and taking time for the pipe to get bigger. Then the physical apparatus will change and return to health.

The best way to meditate is to simply connect to the Inner Being without music or images.  Sometimes, especially when people are new to meditation, or if they have difficulty in stilling the mind, it can help for them to use music and/or a visualisation meditation.  But if they become aware that their mind is only busy with the pictures, they will have no room for the Inner Being, so then it’s better to try with no words.