Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

Happiness 2 – Car on the Road Analogy

Why do I find it hard to be happy? JM 19.8.14

It’s your choosing. It’s always your choice whether to be happy, you can do this. You can have many things in your life that are not happy. You can have one thing you have seen that makes you happy. Or think of a thing you like in your head – cake or chocolate. Think of the thing you like, the taste of the thing you like. Imagine turning it around in your mouth for many moments. Feel the happiness of tasting it in your head. Choose the vibration of happy. Do more practice of this. How can you have the cake in your head? More practice then it comes easy to have the happy feeling. When your vibration has momentum for happy, then you will feel happier. If you have no vibration of happy then there is no momentum, then it’s hard to be happy. You must have the deliberate choosing for happy. At the end of each day before you sleep, have pen and paper and write 5 things that have made you happy that day. It’s hard when you start, then each day it gets a bit easier, then much easier. When it’s much easier then try the hard part – do it differently, write the 5 things then that you have done that  day that make you happy. That’s harder. Then you will appreciate yourself more, this is hard. This you don’t do at present. You need first to think of the happy things. Make the momentum of happy by having the thinking in your head of the happy things or a good taste. This is needed for many days then the momentum grows faster, gradually building each day.

What type of environment is it best for me to live in, countryside, seaside, town?

You can have joy in any of them, you can also have joy in prison. Your now has no joy. Your prison is the monkey at present. (See Taming the Monkey mind) When your monkey is sleeping, then you can have joy, even in prison, it’s not important where you live. You can have joy when and where you choose. Always the choosing is in your head only, all environments can make you happy. Diversity of experience is good, when you are happy you will be wanting more change. You will not be wanting one thing always.

How can I make more friends?

The problem at present is that your ‘car’ is on the road of the not wanted. Your car is not on the shining road; friends don’t notice your light. Make yourself happy, then your car will be on the right road. Your vibration is different to the friends’ vibration; your vibration is slower and not shining. Your monkey has control of you (at present). When you have fear, it’s important to choose no fear – choose joy. Things don’t make you happy, it’s only the choosing in your head. Then you will be on the happy road where what you want is.

Robert Hughes channeling

Choose the road of the wanted

Car AnalogyNote from Saesneggar: Robert says that moment by moment, our vibration attracts (like a magnet) that version of reality that best matches our current vibration. I struggled to understand this concept, so he explained using the analogy that I am driving my car (living my now) along a section of road that matches my vibration. A change in my vibration causes my car to switch to a different road  ̶  to happy (fast vibration) or sad (slow) or one of a million shades of grey in between (possible universes). Our life experience is attracted, section by section, in each moment as we go through life.

Robert insists that nobody can tell your future, not even your Inner Being. Humans can imagine a future based on past experiences. Your Inner Being can see a small distance in your headlights, based on probability and your current vibration, but your Inner Being cannot influence your vibration to switch roads, only you can do this.

For some of Robert’s tips on how to be happy see Attract Positivity

Sleep, Dreaming & Insomnia


What is happening when we sleep? (WG 24.6.14)

During sleep, most of the energy of the person is reabsorbed into the Inner Being. The Inner Being spends it on other things it wants to do, maybe to give energy to others of its Wooden Dolls that are awake when you are asleep. Also some energy is spent where the Inner Being wants doing, or learning, or playing with something new. It may want a piece of its energy to go into a pool to do something. I [the Inner Being of Robert] joined a pool for communicating. I wanted to try it. I tried connecting with many different Wooden Dolls for speaking in trance. Like the story of the foot in the slipper (Cinderella). None of them fit, then many beings were trying to match with the energy of Saesneggar and none fit. Then Robert tried Saesneggar’s energy and it fit. That is how the energy is never not moving, it is always used by Inner Being. Hundreds of years ago, the energy of your Inner Being was made from a thought form. That energy flows in you now, the same energy always. In many hundreds of years to come, your energy made from your thought forms in this moment will flow into another wooden doll. It is the balance of all thought forms together in the moment that make the difference to how that local environment (eg Earth) expands.

Sometimes images come into my mind when I’m waking up (AS 8.7.14)

There is always coming and going of energy from the Inner Being. The Inner Being has choosing to spend its energy like humans spend money. (During) waking, beasts and Wooden Dolls need much money [ie energy from the Inner Being]. The sleeping needs small money, it comes back into the bank or pocket of the Inner Being. You have some knowings when you wake of doings and think ‘that memory it’s not me, who is this person?.’ Some are memories of the ones where your energy has been flowing [into other Wooden Dolls from the same Inner Being who are alive at the same time in other parts of the world]. You only become aware of them in the moment where the energy is moving back from another Wooden Doll to you. Inner Beings do not sleep, they do not have a physical apparatus which needs sleep. They are not physical, there is a slow vibration with mass and matter, Inner Beings do not have that (physical matter).

Dreaming: Where do dreams come from? (WMG 24.6.14)

When you are sleeping the fast energy is reabsorbed into the Inner Being. It is used in other Wooden Dolls (of your Inner Being). Sometimes dreams are not dreams, but a glimpse of what has been going on with other Wooden Dolls of your Inner Being. Most does not come into the Wooden Doll, it stays in the Inner Being, but for some Wooden Dolls that have fast energy from a big pipe, they have some awareness of the other uses of their energy while they are sleeping.

Can the monkey give pictures in dreaming? Where does the dreaming come from? How much of it is messages from the Inner Being? (CC 29.7.14)

Ah, the monkey is not able when dreaming. When (the Wooden Doll is) sleeping, the monkey is sleeping, this why it is important for healing, for the Inner Being is able to flow, there is no monkey problem.

So are dreams always important?

The emotion of the dreaming, that’s what is important. The Inner Being can choose how to show the dreaming. The only purpose of the showing is to make the Wooden Doll feel an emotion. Emotion always important, doings are not important.

Dreaming/Insomnia: Why does the monkey go happily asleep at night but then we wake up and our minds start racing? (SC 29.7.14)

This is where the energy from Inner Being is flowing. When sleeping, the energy to you from the Inner Being is small, just (enough) to sustain the apparatus, no doings in the head. The energy flows only for the Inner Being – he uses the energy in pools and sometimes for other Wooden Dolls. The Inner Being also wants your Wooden Doll to have the thinking properly for helping (to manifest what is wanted in their lives). There are things that the Inner Being wants the Wooden Doll have proper thinking about to finish it (the image of what is wanted), then the thought form will be created. When it’s not happening, the Inner Being is most able to send the wanting to the Wooden Doll when sleeping. Now the wanting has more energy, now the Inner Being sends that wanting and the apparatus of the Wooden Doll has knowings of the wanting. Then monkey says ‘what’s this, where is it coming from? I have fear of it’. Then the monkey squawks and the apparatus (body) wakes up. Cannot have sleeping for the monkey is dancing and squawking because of knowings (thoughts) in the head that are not from him. He doesn’t like it. But it’s important because it’s about knowings that are not finished, what the Inner Being wants to be finished. The emotion is important, not the picture. The Inner Being will have sent pictures to your head in sleep, dreams. The dream is not important, your Inner Being uses dreams to manifest the emotion that is important, not the dream. The dream is for constructing the emotion. The emotion will be recognised by the monkey. He will think ‘what is this emotion for, what do I need to think about?’ The monkey part of your head will know that. That is how your Inner Being has a conversation with your monkey. Cannot have this when you are awake. The Inner Being cannot talk to the monkey.

Insomnia: I don’t sleep very well at all and I get quite vivid dreams, some not very nice about death and dying. (LFG 9.6.14)

Two things to explain. The first reason is the when you are sleeping, the energy from the Inner Being is small, just enough to sustain the apparatus while sleeping. Most of your energy is reabsorbed into the Inner Being, like when you transition, it’s no different to sleeping. The energy is in the Inner Being. Well what does it do when in the Inner Being? It does not do nothing, your Inner Being is busy. It does not sit on a cloud playing a harp, it’s busy, doing many hundreds of things. It sustains other Wooden Dolls that are not sleeping – different parts of your environment sleep in different moments [time zones]. Now your energy is mostly in other Wooden Dolls when you are sleeping. Now some of the experiences processed by your Inner Being with your energy they can leave residual knowings when you wake, not much, little pieces of the knowings that were in your sleeping when your energy was flowing in them. You can have some knowing, your Inner Being allows it. It can stop it if you want that.

That reason is easy, your Inner Being can stop that, but the other reason why are you only have a small amount of sleep, then wake up, then try to sleep more, that is not your Inner Being. That is the Wooden Doll part of you in your moments of waking. There are many things that you are feeling not very comfortable about. There many things that you don’t feel in control of. I have a picture for this: a cork floats on the water, but not on your water. Your water is still, at peace, but your cork is on another Wooden Doll’s water and that water is not still. You want your cork to be still but it is every place and you have no knowing where it will go next. You don’t feel comfortable. Now that happens much in the day and the apparatus it have the chemical in the head (to bring about) sleep and this means that the apparatus sleeps but soon the chemical is not so big and the apparatus wakes and as soon as the waking happens, the thought forms of things feared from your day come into your head, no, not wanted.

What the Inner Being is wanting for you as a Wooden Doll is that on waking you think about what are the things I like and not the things I don’t like, and it is important when you are going to bed not to have thinking of what was not wanted in the day. I am asking you now, 5 things you must have thinking of in your day that you want. They do not have to be important, they might be funny like where you laugh about something that made you laugh during the day. Maybe you’re not proud of laughing, maybe the old woman fall and you laugh. It doesn’t matter, you laugh, that matters. Thinking now 5 happy things that are going well that I want in my day, think of those. It’s hard in the beginning to think of 5, for most (of the thoughts about the day) are not happy. When you have many days of thinking, making yourself think of the 5 (happy things), then it is easy to find the 5 and afterwards it’s hard to find only 5! You will want 10, then want more than 10. For happy. The energy gradually will change to faster, more ‘aaah’ not ‘urgh’ energy. It takes many of your days for it to change. But it’s important for your Inner Being.