Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

How we create our future with our own Thought-Forms (car headlight analogy)

Here are two instances where Robert explains how our future is deliberately created by our own thought-forms

Saesneggar asked Robert how can the future be known TG 8.5.14

I will explain this properly with a picture. When you drive a car at night, it goes from here to there, you know all the way, it’s easy, you always go the same way. But whereas in daylight you can see all the fields and buildings and know they are there, when there is no light at night, you cannot see but you still know the fields and buildings are there because you know the way. So it’s the same with what is to come, you can have knowing of bits to come next from the headlights lighting the way, but the way is set by the energy, by your own thought-forms, it is set for your own way. No other can set this, not the Inner Being, not any other, only each individual human. You can only set your own path. And what you see is just a small part of the path. But how do you change it, if you see a part of the path and go: ‘I don’t like that, I don’t want that’, you have big fear, you want a different path, how do you change it? It’s simple, you change your thought forms.

Now the problem here is that all of you have the thought-form after the thing has happened. You have a thing that brings joy and you feel joy. You have a thing that brings fear and you feel fear. It is like you see what has not yet come in your car headlights, but the thought-form is set not by what you want to see, no it is set by what you have just experienced in your life. If you see something behind you (in rear-view mirror), something that has been that was nice, you feel nice, so in your front windscreen you see a nice thing in the headlights, something you want. But if there was something that has happened that was not nice in the rear-view mirror, your thought-forms are not nice. You have set your own thought-forms from what was and that brings the next thing to you. It’s like driving your car with your head looking through the back window, not the front window. That is not how you want to drive properly. So the change must be to not set the thought-form from what has been (what has just happened in your life) but set your thought-forms for what you are wanting to come next, not based on what has been.

It’s like saying give me health and I will feel healthy. Give me much money and I will feel rich. Ah, this is no good, you will not have health or money because would need to have it first. It does not happen like this, you cannot drive the car with your head looking back, your head has to look forwards. This is important. You must feel the feeling of what you want in your life before you have it to create the thought-form which will attract it into your life.

LG 9.6.14

This is important. I will use a picture to illustrate: you, the wooden doll, are making thought-forms in each moment – you are thinking of many things, some you want, some you don’t want. When you are thinking of what you are wanting, then all those things can attach to you and the things not wanted cannot attach to you. It’s like the car that goes on the road in the dark. You know there are many trees and houses and lots of things at the side and in front and behind you. You know all of them, you know that road but you are seeing only the part in front where you going. That is your what will come next. Your car goes on that road but that is because of the vibration of the thought-forms in your head. Maybe that is not what is wanted, but you have the choice. You can choose to be happy, you can choose to not think of the thing you are not wanting, you can choose the things you are wanting. Maybe it’s nice things you like to eat. Like chocolate. I think I have chocolate in my mouth. It’s not there but I think the thought-form of the chocolate. It’s the same, it has the same power for building the thought-form as real chocolate has, it’s no different. Have a picture in your head of the chocolate you are wanting and then in all things in that moment what you are wanting can attach to you and the things that are not wanted cannot fit your Wooden Doll. The car has changed to a different road, it’s not now on the ‘I’m not wanting this’ road. It on the ‘chocolate’ road. The road of all things wanted.

See Robert’s Original Words

Happiness 2 – Car on the Road Analogy

Why do I find it hard to be happy? JM 19.8.14

It’s your choosing. It’s always your choice whether to be happy, you can do this. You can have many things in your life that are not happy. You can have one thing you have seen that makes you happy. Or think of a thing you like in your head – cake or chocolate. Think of the thing you like, the taste of the thing you like. Imagine turning it around in your mouth for many moments. Feel the happiness of tasting it in your head. Choose the vibration of happy. Do more practice of this. How can you have the cake in your head? More practice then it comes easy to have the happy feeling. When your vibration has momentum for happy, then you will feel happier. If you have no vibration of happy then there is no momentum, then it’s hard to be happy. You must have the deliberate choosing for happy. At the end of each day before you sleep, have pen and paper and write 5 things that have made you happy that day. It’s hard when you start, then each day it gets a bit easier, then much easier. When it’s much easier then try the hard part – do it differently, write the 5 things then that you have done that  day that make you happy. That’s harder. Then you will appreciate yourself more, this is hard. This you don’t do at present. You need first to think of the happy things. Make the momentum of happy by having the thinking in your head of the happy things or a good taste. This is needed for many days then the momentum grows faster, gradually building each day.

What type of environment is it best for me to live in, countryside, seaside, town?

You can have joy in any of them, you can also have joy in prison. Your now has no joy. Your prison is the monkey at present. (See Taming the Monkey mind) When your monkey is sleeping, then you can have joy, even in prison, it’s not important where you live. You can have joy when and where you choose. Always the choosing is in your head only, all environments can make you happy. Diversity of experience is good, when you are happy you will be wanting more change. You will not be wanting one thing always.

How can I make more friends?

The problem at present is that your ‘car’ is on the road of the not wanted. Your car is not on the shining road; friends don’t notice your light. Make yourself happy, then your car will be on the right road. Your vibration is different to the friends’ vibration; your vibration is slower and not shining. Your monkey has control of you (at present). When you have fear, it’s important to choose no fear – choose joy. Things don’t make you happy, it’s only the choosing in your head. Then you will be on the happy road where what you want is.

Robert Hughes channeling

Choose the road of the wanted

Car AnalogyNote from Saesneggar: Robert says that moment by moment, our vibration attracts (like a magnet) that version of reality that best matches our current vibration. I struggled to understand this concept, so he explained using the analogy that I am driving my car (living my now) along a section of road that matches my vibration. A change in my vibration causes my car to switch to a different road  ̶  to happy (fast vibration) or sad (slow) or one of a million shades of grey in between (possible universes). Our life experience is attracted, section by section, in each moment as we go through life.

Robert insists that nobody can tell your future, not even your Inner Being. Humans can imagine a future based on past experiences. Your Inner Being can see a small distance in your headlights, based on probability and your current vibration, but your Inner Being cannot influence your vibration to switch roads, only you can do this.

For some of Robert’s tips on how to be happy see Attract Positivity

Law of Attraction 4 – Manifesting & Thought-forms

Is most of our life experience a reflection of our conscious beliefs? SC 7.10.14

Ah this is true. The thought-form is able to manifest. The thought-form, this is always the practice vibration, the thought had many times. (When) the thought is always the same, this is the belief, so when someone has the knowing in their head, the belief in their head: ‘I cannot have this, I cannot do this’, then the truth is they cannot have, they cannot do. The vibration, the thought-form manifests in your reality for ‘I cannot have, I cannot do’. This is the belief, it makes happen, manifest, but you can change of course of it. You can have many thoughts of, ‘I can have this’. Feel it in the belly. Have the knowing of what is wanted then have the flowing, the passion of what is wanted now. You should live in your head as if you had what is wanted now. Not you might have it in the future. No, it cannot manifest then. You must have the passion now, of living what is wanted. Then the wanted needs a small change of vibration to manifest – you have most of the doings all done in your head.

If we want something to manifest do we have to focus on the feeling of having it in the now or is the intention enough, or do we have to feel we already have it? SC 29.7.14

The intention needs momentum and thought-form to manifest the thing. Now, how to have this? It needs the knowing of having the wanted thing. The problem is that the monkey in the head says ’I don’t have this, I have wanted this many times and I don’t yet have it here’. The monkey knows it’s not there, it’s not possible for your head to say ‘I have this’, because you know you don’t have it. It’s not possible to tell the head that the thing is there when it’s not there. It doesn’t work. The way to do this differently, what works, is for your thinking and your momentum, it is important to choose more of the wanted, more thinking of what is wanted.

FlowerI’ll give you a picture to illustrate: the flower – how it looks, how big it is, the colour, the shape, how it all looks. You see the wanted flower in your head, but no flower is coming, so you know now that the image of the flower in your head is not finished. Visualise the flower more. See the flower again, put more of the flower in your head. The flower is different now, changed, you have the feel of the passion, the momentum, the excitement in your head – the monkey knows he is seeing the flower in the head. It has all the doings of the finished flower in the head. All is happy, all is comfortable with all the knowings of flower in the head, then it can manifest. Then the flower there – it’s not a big step, it’s a small step for the momentum. The thought-form of the flower is in your head and your vibration many times: it’s comfortable, always there, not new, not exciting, it’s boring, it’s always there.

Then it happens, always like the woman who is wanting a baby, but has no baby. She is trying many wantings for a baby, but no baby; then she starts not to care now, she accepts there is no baby. She then has the momentum of other things she wants, she is not thinking of the baby, then the baby comes when she is not thinking about a baby. Why does this happen? This is the same. When a big thing is wanted very much, then the momentum, the thought form, is a problem for there is much wanting but not having it. Then this cannot manifest; it can only manifest when it’s boring, when the feeling is ‘oh it’s here, I don’t care, or it’s not here I don’t care’. The wanting is there, and the picture in the head of what is wanted is finished, then have the feeling of not caring – then it happens, it manifests. For there is no problem, there is no blocking by the monkey of the momentum for manifesting.

How long must we think positive thoughts most of each day instead of negative thoughts before we start to attract/manifest the things that we wish for? Sg 5.2013

The question is not right. It’s not a matter of time, only momentum, (it depends on) how much momentum is in the thought-form how quick what is wanted comes. Ha! your Inner Being has big knowings of it, he always chooses happy, has what is wanted, he doesn’t have energy wasted. You have knowings, but you choose ‘urgh’ (feeling negative). It’s a big waste – it brings what is not wanted, ha ha.


Multiverses – Foretelling the Future

David Castillo Dominici, Free Digital

In our ‘Wooden Doll’ experience of time, how far in advance can you in spirit be confident of being able to read our energy to know what our probable future would be? SC 7.10.14

Ah. This is important. Now, I explain properly. Your scientists, they have some of the knowing. They call it the multiverse. They have the knowing of many hundreds of nows. All are probable, possible; now you in the now, you have always a vibration. It can be ‘aaah’ (happy, positive vibration) and can be ‘urrgh’ (unhappy, negative vibration) and there are many like them. Now there are many hundreds of different possibles of the multiverse, they each have a different vibration. Now you in the now, the moment of now, have the vibration of you. It has the same match as one of the multiverses, not all. So this becomes the next thing for you. The attraction of one of the multiverses. It manifests for you. All are real, but only one manifests for you. This is the choosing from your vibration. You have the many things happening now, but you have the one vibration.

So it’s important to know that when you have 10 things you are happy about, but one thing you are unhappy about, you have ‘urrgh’ when you think of this, then the vibration of ‘urrgh’ attracts the multiverse of the not wanted (into your reality). Stop doing this. You can choose to have the vibration of the ‘aaah’ thinking. Choose to think of the wanted, then make yourself excited about the wanted thing, then your vibration thought-form is of the wanted, then all comes from the wanted multiverse.

But to answer your question, your Inner Being is able to know of the multiverses that are close to your vibration in the now and he of course, knows your head. He thinks: ‘Her vibration is not changing much. She is stable, so the vibration now is this. She is not likely to change vibration, so I can know of the probable multiverse she will attract.’ But he is not able to be certain. So you can be happy, then see a thing that suddenly makes you unhappy. For example you might see a small baby be hit by a car and die, then you are sad. So your vibration in that moment is not the same as the vibration of the previous moment. So the Inner Being will know: ‘Ah the multiverse is now not the same. She has brought forth a different manifestation for her. I don’t want this, I will try to make her think of wanted things, not of ‘urrgh’ things. Your Inner Being is able to influence you more. Most Wooden Dolls do not have much influence (from the Inner Being), but your Inner Being has more flowing in you. Not always, you have always the choice. But you also have the choice to listen to the Inner Being.

He is able to make you notice, so he is not able to see the year, the month, the week, ahead, no. He can see the probability for you with the same vibration, but your vibration can change in moments, then the future will also change. Always the future is made in the now moment (by your vibration). It’s not written in a book. It’s not the planning of the Inner Being, no, that cannot be. The Inner Being can choose which environment to manifest (incarnate) in, then when you are manifested, then there is no more influence from the Inner Being (on what happens). All is your choice, from your head, from your vibration.

Even the baby, his vibration chooses a multiverse. The Inner Being is not able to choose. He can see the multiverse also, but cannot make one of your multiverses manifest. Your vibration always manifests. No one other than you. This is important.

So it’s very important to be happy?

This is so. You should always choose this.

Robert Hughes channeling

Create the Reality you want

Is the Law of Attraction real? How long do we have to focus on the things we want before they start to manifest? Robert answers from the spirit perspective.

LoA Pic 2

The “Law of Attraction” states “like unto itself is drawn” i.e. a person attracts everything (good and bad) into his/her own life due to their emotional state of mind. Is the Law of Attraction real? If it is, how does this work?

So the first important thing is that there is no bad, all good. All wanting causes expansion, this is how you and your universe continually evolves and expands. You say it is good when it matches what you are now wanting and you say it is bad when it is not what you are now wanting. But the bad offers experience and opportunity to understand better what is wanted, because from the bad experience you know what you don’t want. It is important that you always choose thoughts on the joy that you will feel when the wanted thing has manifested – feel the joy in the now moment for your thought form because only when it has enough momentum will it manifest. You must not choose to make a thought form from the fear of a bad experience. The like attracts like, it’s true, your thought forms bring everything into your life. Important: all experience is good for the inner being, all wanting creates growth for your inner being and for your environment – wanting is thought form that has momentum.

Your inner being has experience of all thought in all moments that you are thinking of something. This energy flows to the inner being from the person. The inner being is also constantly flowing energy to the person. (The moment the inner being stops the flow of energy to the person, what you call death happens.) Many people say ‘Aargh that person is bringing unwanted things into my life.’ This is untrue. No other person can manifest in anyone’s life, only the person for itself. All experiences come from the person’s own thought forms.

You do not understand this. You think that thought forms must be about that wanted thing. It doesn’t matter. A person might have five big things that are not wanted – ‘aargh’ and one wanted – ‘ooh’. If the person chooses to think about the wanted thing, he’s happy. No problem. The ‘ooh’ vibration makes the thought form have big momentum, so the four things must change to wanted things, because they don’t fit the person’s happy vibration.

Equally, if you have 9 thoughts that are of wanted things and one of an unwanted thing, if you continue to focus on the one unwanted thing, as people often do, then the vibrations of the wanted things will start to change to the less wanted.

Here is a visual example. If you taste something bad (aargh), you spit it out or swallow quickly to get rid of it. It’s important not to think about it. If you taste something good (ooh), you should deliberately choose to chew this for many moments, to make it last. You remember the good tasting, and when it’s gone you should think for many moments of memory of good taste. This makes thought form momentum. When an unwanted thing happens, don’t think of it or focus on it, just think of an ‘ooh’ taste. It doesn’t matter what you’re thinking about, only that it’s ‘ooh’ not ‘aargh’.

The inner being helps. It flows sudden emotions to help the person notice something. Like for example if a woman’s inner being would like her to have a baby, she will start to see many babies. Another woman might only notice the pretty coat of the baby’s mother if she herself has big wanting of a warm coat for herself and not to have a baby, so she doesn’t notice the baby.

How long must we think positive thoughts most of each day instead of negative thoughts before we start to attract/manifest the things that we wish for?

This isn’t the right question. It’s not a question of time, only momentum. The amount of momentum in the thought form governs how quickly the thing wanted manifests. Inner beings understand this very well and always choose to be happy, then they have what is wanted, and no energy is wasted. People might know the theory but often choose to think about the ‘aarghs’ – a big waste of time as it brings the not wanted into their experience. Also people often think “it hasn’t come yet, it’ll never come, I can’t make this attraction thing work for me”. They are right because their negative thought form makes it possible for only unwanted to manifest, wanted can only manifest in positive thought forms.

Exercise in focusing on the wanted

Each night before sleeping, think of 5 things that have happened that day that you have liked. Do it regularly and soon you will be thinking of 10 things that day that you have liked. To do it before you sleep is important as it means you go into sleep in a positive vibration.

When you have become practised at this you will notice that you are feeling happier most of the time and that your mood is less often swayed into negativity by things that you dislike. It usually takes daily practice for more than a month to change the negative habits of a lifetime, be patient.

When you are happier most of the time you can change the focus slightly and think each night of 5 things that you have done that day that you are happy about. This is important for you to learn to appreciate yourself, this changes your core vibration to one of consistent happiness where you will attract more that will make you happy.