Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

Transition (Death) 1 – The Experience of Transition

I would like to communicate with some deceased family members. Is that possible? Sn 14.4.2013

Do you understand that every being that was in the physical, it is still as a fragment, when it has re-emerged back to its Inner Being, it will always still exist as a fragment. Just as I still exist in my Inner Being as a fragment. I am not the fragment that re-emerged nearly 100 years ago, but I can still put a piece of my energy into the vehicle that was that physical soldier, yes, to talk. So the fragments they were once a member of your family. Those fragments will still exist, they are still there and still living, you would say in a fashion. They are still within their Inner Being and their Inner Being can easily any time can call into their Inner Being and bring one of them forth and you can speak through your Inner Being.

But to explain then, every physical fragment that has been, will always be with the Higher Self, the Inner Being that would control it while it is here. It’s simply re-emerges back into its Inner Being, as the mother, so it goes back to its mother. As it came out of its mother here, it goes back to its mother, the Inner Being. So it would always be there but I explained that while you are here, you are aware that you are sent the feeling, the emotion, but that is not from you here. That has come from your Inner Being, but the thoughts as a creative being, the physical fragment that is here in this environment, it would have many, many thoughts in each moment. Now each of these thoughts they also re-emerge at the instant that they are thought, they re-emerge back into your Inner Being. Do you understand this? Because just as every emotion that has every existed in your physical, every emotion, every thought that you as the physical would think, in that instant will re-emerge back into your Inner Being and it will exist in your Inner Being always and it is made aware, and also the Inner Being of that Inner Being, is made aware of all and within each of its Inner Beings that it would look after, that it would be the mother of.

So it can be aware of the hundreds and hundreds of Inner Beings that it would look after and they would each be aware of all the thoughts that you have thought and the things that you have seen, and this is of value to know, because they will always exist in your Inner Being. So in the moment when you would re-emerge into your Inner Being, you are suddenly aware of all of those, so all of those thoughts and all of those emotions that you have experienced here, you can feel them all because you are not focused now as one being in this environment. You are then that piece of your energy, is no longer focused in the physical here. It is focused back into your Inner Being, so it can sense, you could say, it can sense all of the thoughts that it has, every thought and all of the emotions that it has ever thought.

And that is a very difficult piece for the transition. Because the first thing that you do, is you realise that, yes, you can feel your own thoughts when you are back in your Inner Being, your mother, but that Inner Being, it communicates every moment with hundreds of hundreds of other Inner Beings at its level, just as you would communicate with your friend and you communicate with hundreds of your friends, but only one at a time here. But that is not the case when you are back in your Inner Being. Your Inner Being would communicate with hundreds and hundreds in every moment. And that my friend is very hard to take, because when you, the moment that you focus a piece of your energy on a thought, or a memory you would call it, of your physical self, you would not only feel the feeling and think the thought that you had here, you would also, without asking to, and you cannot stop it – there is no asking, it would just be – that you experience the feeling and the thoughts of the Inner Beings who were a part of that memory.

Now that, my friend, is the hardest part of your transition. It is experiencing some of the activities that you may think now are fine, yes, they are OK, they are normal and then when you re-emerge and you experience again that activity with other Inner Beings who also experienced that activity at the same moment that you did, that may have experienced completely different views of that activity, but not just views, they may have felt sometimes grief of that activity. But here in this environment you may not have known this at all. But that is a complicated part of the transition to experience. But you get used to that and when you are used to that, then they say that the transition has passed. You are then in the state, the normal state of your Inner Being. There is no more transition for that fragment.