Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

WAR & RELIGION – the causes of conflict

Here are 3 instances where Robert explains the causes of conflict and why religious wars are a threat to us all

Why do you (the Inner Being of Robert) want to speak to us at this point in time? TG 9.11.14

Silver dummyWhat I want to say is that, when I was alive, all my life, all, even in the trenches, I had a strong faith, always. It made dull my thirst for the truth. Like a baby suckling on silver (a silver dummy), ha, that was me. There are many books (religious belief systems), many who fear another’s book, and there is killing because of it. I do not want this. All Wooden Dolls (humans) have an Inner Being. The Inner Being knows them, knows them better than they know themselves. The Inner Being loves them, in joy and in their wrong-doings for learning; all is loved.

I want Wooden Dolls to sit in the quiet love of their Inner Being, then they will see the truth, not in a book. No amount of killings can make a book truth, the only truth comes when you sit with your Inner Being. Now, it’s not Robert’s truth, the truth comes from the Inner Being of each person. As with the beasts and the plants of your environment, there is not only one, there are many different ones. All are needed to sustain the earth environment. It is the same with truth. There is not only one, there is no book, all Inner Beings have their truth. All have the growing. It’s never done, always growing. This is why I want to give this message to reach many people. They have fearing of other books, they have killing. If humans continue to have no knowing from their Inner Being, but believe in a book (religion), you need to know that it’s probable your loved ones will be involved in the killing. This is why I want to speak. Many others (in spirit) want to speak also (through humans). This is needed for you to know in the now.

Many people were killed (on this day – 9.11) because of a book (religion). Many more will be killed. This can only be prevented if the Inner Beings can show the truth to their Wooden Dolls. But if the Wooden Dolls continue with the killing, then the environment can no longer be sustained. Robert loves this environment, but (Inner Beings) cannot intervene.

Colwyn Bay War Memorial

Colwyn Bay War Memorial

What do you think if you look at our world today with all those war activities all over the world, how do you feel about that? Sn 15.4.13

It is very interesting to me to see the difference of a soldier today and my time (WW1). I would not think him a soldier at all. A lot of the soldiers today act on intelligence. The fighting is not with soldiers. The fighting is with cowards who do not show themselves. They would not wear a uniform. They would hide in a children’s school and they would shoot. That is not a soldier.

I know that the majority of the people on your earth, they have learned so much from my time and from the war in between, and the smaller wars later, so for the most part, the people, they do not need war now. The conflict now, it is not with the people, or with their governments now. They have outgrown the useful war. The conflict now it is with the religions, which will not last long. This is just one step because for the most people, the religions are not strong in their heart now, and the conflict now, this is serving a good purpose to be the death of how any respect to an old religion. People would not follow for long now. And that is a major step in the expansion for your environment, and my old environment too, for we are brothers.

Could you explain why people have to do terrible things to each other, kill each other and have war? Sn 21.4.13

It is not always, but it is many times, caused by the fear. The Inner Being can try to give emotions to influence the Wooden Doll (positively), but it cannot compel its doll to do anything, or to think anything. It can only pass the emotion and the emotion does not always bring the thought that the Inner Being would want. So the Inner Being would then give the stronger emotion to change the doll and the doll’s thinking. So the strong emotion, the fear, some moments that fear will be too strong for the Wooden Doll to think properly.

So this is the reason why all these things happen?

It is always, in all of the dolls, the doll is not to blame, it is that its Inner Being has not yet the experience, the knowing of how to flow energy of value and emotion of value to the doll. But the Inner Being learns here in this slow environment (earth).

Robert's name on War Memorial

Robert’s name on Colwyn Bay War Memorial

Read Robert’s original words on this subject (the above has been edited slightly for ease of understanding)

‘Ghosts’ and ‘Lost Souls’


Is it necessary or possible to clear negative spirits from places? CC 22.7.14

No. The energy of the Wooden Doll always comes from the Inner Being, nothing else is possible. When a Wooden Doll has transition (dies), the energy flow from the Inner Being to the Wooden Doll stops. There is no other energy, no goings, no doings, the Inner Being has the energy back. It is like when you have a coin in your pocket. You give the coin to the Wooden Doll friend (the Inner Being gives its energy to its Wooden Doll for the duration of its life). When the Wooden Doll friend is gone, you don’t give the coin any more, the friend is gone. No problem, there is no bad coin bouncing on the floor (ghost) ha ha! That’s not the problem. The monkey (mind) has the fearing of a problem. The monkey thinks ‘I can see this, I can hear that’, it’s all the monkey (imagining), not the Inner Being sending this.

It’s just the imagination of the monkey mind?

This is the problem. One monkey, thinks he has the knowing (of a ghost), and he starts squawking, then the other monkeys they all squawk. They all hear the squawking from first monkey. They think, ‘ah, I don’t know why there’s a problem, but I know I need to squawk loud, for that one is squawking loud.’

So then they all start imagining the same thing?

This is so. There is no problem.

johnny-automatic-spirit-of-the-oakWhen ghost hunters go to a place and they all start getting the same impressions of a ‘spirit’ and recording things on their devices, is this a manifestation from their monkey minds? CC 29.7.14

The energy of big occurrences, whether this is big happy energy or big fearing of something in a moment, this releases thought-forms. The thought-form always exists as a thought-form. The thought-form does not transition (die), it always remains a thought-form. It has no thinking, it does not have the flowing of an Inner Being, it is thought-form only, but it has the vibration of it. It can appear like the vibration of a person, of a Wooden Doll person ‘visiting’ (ghost). When the Wooden Doll becomes aware of the thought-form (ie thinks it’s a ghost), his monkey starts big squawking. And when one monkey starts squawking, all of the monkeys start squawking. You have seen monkeys in trees, when one squawks, they all squawk. It’s the same in the Wooden Doll when there is fear, and this is how the fear is sustained, when they all squawk.

Is it possible to clear negative thought-forms that are remaining in a place?

The thought-form is no problem, it cannot do anything. It is like when you look at TV, like that. It is not living, it has no Inner Being. It only manifests the same thing, in each moment the same thing. It has residual energy of the doings (past events). This is it.

So is psychic attack not possible?

This is not. That would need an Inner Being for this. You cannot have an Inner Being for that, it has no Inner Being, it cannot have any thinking. It is only residual energy. That is all it is, there is no Inner Being flowing, only the thought-form flowing.

When you, Robert’s Inner Being, go back to the valley where Robert lived to see it, if someone was there at that time could they sense you and think that you were a ghost? CC 13.8.14

Not now, but in the past. The Wooden Dolls who lived in that place would know Robert. They could have had the seeing of Robert and knowing him, but not now. All those who knew him have transitioned.

But does the thought-form of Robert not stay in the place?

He does not have thought-forms of strong momentum. Thought-forms of Wooden Dolls do not often have strong momentum. This happens mostly when there has been a trauma with strong momentum.

And then it stays there and it can’t be cleared? This is so.

In a book I read, a woman experienced negative spirits sitting on her bed and seeming to attack her, where was that coming from?

That is only the fear of the monkey. There can be the knowing and the seeing in the head, not different from the seeing with the physical body (ie it can seem real). It can have the feeling that it has happened, but it’s the monkey creating it of course.

And when people go ghost hunting and they have devices to record things, and things are picked up, where does that come from, does that come from all their monkeys squawking?

In many cases, but it can also be the choosing of the Inner Being to manifest (recordings etc). I have done this also. I wanted to manifest Robert for contraptions (cameras). Can do this, they can see on the contraption (camera), they know when Robert is coming and going on the contraption. [Robert has shown his moustache over Saesneggar’s face on camera on several occasions while speaking in trance.]


What is happening in spirit rescue? WMG 24.6.14

On transition the apparatus is the same – the Inner Being flows into the Wooden Doll, it cannot stop. When the Wooden Doll chooses for it to stop, the Inner Being stops the energy flow to the Wooden Doll; all the energy stays with the Inner Being, it is reabsorbed. No energy is now in the Wooden Doll. There are no stuck spirits, there is no way to be stuck. The Inner Being stops sending energy that’s all, nothing is stuck, there is nowhere for it to go. The energy belongs to the Inner Being, it is only loaned to the Wooden Doll. The only change on transition is that the energy flowing back to the Inner Being stays, but the energy flowing to the Wooden Doll stops. There is no losing of a soul or an energy, it’s all the Inner Being. The Inner Being is nothing more than energy. All of Saesneggar’s energy, life force, compared to her Inner Being would be less than a tiniest part that would be seen in her apparatus as one hair on her head. The energy is not big for a Wooden Doll compared to the energy in the Inner Being, it is not possible for it to be lost. The Inner Being is not losing energy, like you don’t lose your money. It loves its energy, that’s all it has, it has a big purse.

And there is no other place for it to go – the Inner Being only can have flowing to its Wooden Doll, it cannot have flowing to any other place in your environment. It can flow to pools in other environments and some wooden dolls in other environments, but not in your environment. It cannot be that it flows anywhere else. There is no lost, it’s always part of the Inner Being. The Inner Being has its own energy.

So what are we seeing when are sending somebody over in spirit rescue? WMG 24.6.14

That can be the experience if the Inner Being wants that experience, it can show any (being) for rescue as you are saying, or it can show the talking with a loved person, another Wooden Doll, you can see it, talk to it. The Inner Being of that one puts on the coat from the cupboard for showing. It looks real for you. Some Wooden Dolls can have the seeing and some cannot. If the pipe (connection) to the Inner Being is big and the energy can flow fast, then it’s easy for seeings, if the pipe is small, then no seeings.

Happiness 1 – Ripples in the Lake Analogy

Lucky pic

Lucky pic

If someone around us is unhappy, should we change our thoughts to happy to influence them for happy? JP 26.8.14

A rock has ripples when it hits the water. When you talk to the ones who are unhappy, their ripples hit you. You can choose to allow their ripple on your head, or your ripple on their head. Now not all ripples are the same. When the ripples have momentum, big passion, then the momentum makes a thought-form, a strong ripple. When there is no momentum, there is no thought-form, only a small ripple and the thought-form of the other person may be stronger and may hit you. It’s important for you to choose to have the momentum for happy thought-forms, then your ripple is big and will hit their ripples and they will feel your happiness. Then they will feel the difference in your vibration and notice it. They will want it, like the taste of something nice. There is no shame, it doesn’t mean that you don’t care that they aren’t happy. You care a lot, that’s why you are choosing the momentum of happy, it’s not to feel guilty about. This is how you can help and you can explain to them that you are choosing deliberately to always be happy. You choose the bowl of food with the happy. Try new bowls to experience new. Must always want to try the unknown. If you don’t like it you can quickly choose what you do like. Quickly flick off unwanted thoughts like a cinder that lands on your trousers from a fire. Explain this to the friends.

(LF G 9.6.14) When you are not happy, you don’t have the fast energy from your Inner Being. You manifest a thought-form which is not strong, then all around you the other Wooden Dolls have manifested a strong thought-form, it’s stronger than you. Then your life has the attachment of the things that are wanted for the others, not for you. You are like the cork floating in the pool of another. Your Inner Being is not wanting that.

If there is a huge sadness in the world and we change the vibration to happy, I think that would make a difference, is this how we affect energies JP 26.8.14

This is the thinking of the ripple. Your stone has a ripple, the stone of the big sadness has a big ripple. The stones hit the water at the same moment. One ripple stops the other ripple, this is the energy of the water. Your energy has the balance of the energy of their sadness. Can only be in moments like ripples. There is always need for thought-forms on this (positivity); more passion makes a big ripple then it has more strength for changing things. There can be many of such.

The important thing is what is in your head, don’t think of what happened, have the thought-forms of seeing in your head what is wanted. If your friend is not well, not happy, then see in your head the friend happy, singing, dancing, laughing, always, then your ripple will have the knowing of them happy. But it’s important for you to know you are able to put your car on the wanted road, but you cannot put someone else’s car on the wanted road, only the person can put their own car on the road. Like when you are in your car, you have the steering wheel, you sit in the car but you don’t like the road, you want another road, you’re not able to make the car be another road, can only send the ripple with the steering wheel to put the car on the other road.

Wooden Dolls are always fearing of what is to be (future) and they are not happy about what has been (past). They have the vibration of the not wanted. This is what they know. They don’t have the knowing of ‘aaah’ (happy), they have the knowing of ‘urgh’ (unhappy). They feel your ‘aaah’ ripple, then they have more from you of the ‘aaah’, they think “why is this one always ‘aah’, how does it happen? I like the feel of that, I want it.” Then you can explain to them how they can have it. There is no other way, only their choosing. They think something happens to them, then they feel in response to it. No, it’s the feeling that makes the thing happen, not the reverse.

This why I’m speaking because I want all Wooden Dolls to know this and practise choosing happy, then they will see it in their life. The wanted will happen, then they will choose more happy, then others will see them and want to be happy. Then there will be more of the wanted ripples in your environment (earth). It will change the vibration of your environment to the wanted, not the slow energy (ripple) of the not wanted. It’s now possible for the vibration of your environment (earth) to be faster, to have the faster wanted vibration, but the Wooden Dolls have the ‘urgh’ (are not happy).

Ripples In Lake – Note from Saesneggar: Robert has explained that the thoughts and actions of each of us affects many around us, both seen and unseen.  I struggled to understand the interconnectedness at first so Robert described a “picture” of ripples from a stone hitting a lake where some stones hit at the same time and some very soon after, their ripples sometimes amplify an existing ripple and sometimes cancel out an existing ripple.  He says that there is always growth, all galaxies are always expanding, always becoming. Whether the Wooden Dolls create positive (wanted) thought-forms or unwanted thought-forms dictates how the expansion happens i.e. some new ripples will amplify and some will cancel each other out, so it is the balance of all thought-forms in the moment together that makes the real difference to how that local environment expands – that is why he wants all wooden dolls to connect better with their Inner Beings so that the Inner Being can give them the appropriate emotion to help guide them.  

Taming the Monkey Mind

Can you explain to me about ego. Is ego the same as monkey or is there a difference? CC 24.6.14

It is not the same. What I am calling the monkey, this is the part of your head that is the amygdala (the Limbic system*). Thinking and fearing, more instinct, that what I am calling the monkey. Most of your apparatus flows into this. Only a small part of your head goes to the thinking part, most of the apparatus is flowing to what I have called the monkey, for it, not words and thoughts, works very fast in your apparatus. Much faster than can be through thinking, a small part is given for thinking. The most parts are not given for thinking, they are used for the monkey.

[*The Limbic system includes many components including: Cingulate gyrus – cognitive functions and attention, autonomic functions eg regulating heart rate, blood pressure; Amygdala – fear, flight or fight response; Hippocampus – memory; Orbitofrontal cortex – decision making; Hypothalamus – metabolic processes eg body temperature, sleep, hunger]

So is the monkey the conscious brain? AS 29.8.14

The conscious mostly, some parts are subconscious but all of the conscious is the monkey. He has value, he’s not bad. He makes your physical apparatus survive. All parts – seeing and hearing and such, he has the fast workings with them. He only chooses to show small parts in the other part of your head. The other part of your head is slow, the monkey is fast. You need the monkey, he’s not bad.

But where does the ego fit in? CC 24.6.14

This is not a part of head, it is a word for the ‘I know of me’, the ‘I am me’. This does not happen when you have transition, for that becomes the coat, that part. The rest of you is flowing in the Inner Being, having doings in the pools and such like of choosing, but the ‘this is me’ part, this ‘I am’ part, this is the ego, this goes into the coat.

Is it by meditating that I get the knowing from my Inner Being? JG 10.6.14

This is easier, can be like that most of the time, but also there are other ways that the Inner Being can give the knowings for you in your head, in the normal things when you are talking or reading, many times you will wonder, ‘Ah where did that come from? That’s not in the book? I have read the book, the book didn’t say this, why have I thought of this?’ It’s from the Inner Being. When you are reading, your head is in a way (frame of mind) where it’s easy for the Inner Being to get a knowing into your head. You are thinking I have read it in a book – it’s not in the book. Ha ha.

Can I invite the Inner Being to have more influence than the monkey? AM 19.8.14

The Monkey Squawks

The Monkey Squawks

The Inner Being is always wanting this, but it cannot have the doings (make it happen), this is your job. You need to think of happy things all of the day. But I’m afraid of everything. This is the problem; the monkey has the fearing, the squawking, he is always squawking and you’re not happy. Your head has the choosing, not the monkey. When the monkey has the squawking and big fearing, then you need to think of happy things you like, like the taste of cake in your mouth, ha ha. Always the thing you like makes the monkey comfortable; then he sleeps, he’s happy, he likes cake. Then the Inner Being can have a slightly bigger part each time. After many hundreds of such times when the monkey is sleeping and your head is happy, then your vibration will be faster. Then the Inner Being can have more influence in your head. Then you will have the deliberate choosing always for happy. It’s not easy. Saesneggar practised for 2 years before she had a big change of vibration. You might have 2 years of hard work to make your monkey happy. For the monkey has control of all of your life now, you cannot have a quick switch off of the monkey.

For most Wooden Dolls now it’s the monkey doing the choosing; it has to be in this environment, all have need of the monkey (for survival). Your beasts are different but they have the fast seeing and choosing from their monkey.

Can you explain the best way to tell the difference between promptings of Inner Being and what is coming from monkey brain, eg if we have fear is it Inner Being telling us don’t go in this direction now or is it the monkey saying I’m afraid? JP G 22.5.14

Your emotions, the Inner Being mostly has happy emotion; the emotion of the monkey is not always happy. Saesneggar goes on a train and the words make Robert laugh ‘MIND THE GAP’. I say to my Saesneggar ‘MIND THE GAP’, your Inner Being has a happy thought-form and you’re not happy – MIND THE GAP. It has knowing of the gap, you say your gut feelings – that’s the gap. Always ask your gut feelings about the gap. And if there is a gap, it’s not from your Inner Being.

How do I raise my consciousness and get the monkey out of way so I can go into trance? AS 29.8.14

The easy way, Saesneggar wasn’t able to this for many years, then she found it easy to do this. She thought of saying in her head what she wanted and then expecting it to happen, not possible. Then she had the knowing of wanting the monkey to be asleep but the head awake (to be able to go into trance). How to do that? She tried many things. What worked for her monkey is to give him work, important doings, then he is busy with that. He doesn’t sleep. It wasn’t possible to have him sleep for this. Your one is probably the same. You will need to give the monkey important things to do, then he is busy and the Inner Being can then be able to influence the vibration of your head and put your head in the vibration that matches the foot to go in your slipper. You cannot have the knowing of this. The Inner Being is able to do this but only when the monkey is allowing. Saesneggar’s monkey didn’t allow, that was a problem, so the monkey needed to be busy then he didn’t care, he didn’t notice the Inner Being.

So is that why when I’m driving I feel knowing from the Inner Being?

This is so, this is easier for your Inner Being, but he knows it’s not possible when you are in your car, it could hurt you (to be distracted). It is possible for him but he is choosing not to, it’s not safe. But it’s needed for something to make the monkey busy, like driving.

The same happens when I’m in the bath, so it’s not forcing it?

You cannot make it happen, you must make the monkey busy, then it will happen, but don’t expect it. Experiment with different doings for the monkey, have a game of many things for the monkey to do, then practise to know what works and what doesn’t work.

Further explanation of the Monkey from Saesneggar

Robert has often referred to two parts of the Wooden Doll’s mind, the part that is ‘connected’ to the Inner Being and the ‘monkey’ part which has the stronger genetic influence.  He says that the two work together but don’t always agree. He says that all input from our 5 senses will always go straight to the monkey part (this is our physiology and will never change) where it is processed very quickly and most of it is ignored because it is deemed to be unimportant e.g. your eyes see an aisle full of washing powder but straight away you are aware of the pack that you want and you haven’t really noticed the 99 others on the shelves.  

Robert says that the important bits of what we see/hear etc are pulled out by the monkey part and can be either sent to the wider mind for consideration or the monkey part engages an instant fight or flight response.  He says that some wooden Angry-Cartoon-monkeydolls with small pipes to their Inner Being will almost always act from the monkey part – for example they feel threatened and make aggressive comments when someone ignores them, whereas their Inner Being would want them to consider the wider context such as maybe that person is having a bad day or just hasn’t noticed me, ‘either way it’s not my problem so I don’t need to react negatively or even feel negative about this, I’m quite happy for them to choose to notice me or not’.  

Robert says that the monkey part constantly evolves from our genetic past and adapts slightly from each experience, it isn’t always wrong and is vital to our physical survival, so he admits to teasing by the use of the word ‘monkey’. He says that when we develop a bigger, stronger pipe to the Inner Being we have a better balance of judgement – those with a strong pipe are usually positive and not fearful because they are able to comfort their own monkey part regularly, therefore their monkey seldom feels threatened and doesn’t ‘kick off’ (my words).  

Transition (Death) 3 – Fear of Dying

Is my soul’s purpose to work with the dying? (JG-LFG 9.6.14)

There is a big need, much wanting, for many Inner Beings have big wanting for Wooden Dolls to help with the transition (passing). There is big fear in the moment of what is next with many Wooden Dolls. They do not want to stay Wooden Doll (carry on living) but they have much fear, big fear of transition and will not allow their energy to reabsorb back to their Inner Being. The Inner Being wants to end the (life of the) wooden doll. It makes the flow of energy smaller and smaller and smaller so the apparatus is deteriorating and hard to sustain. But the Inner Being cannot decide when the Wooden Doll is no more – only the Wooden Doll can choose when the transition happens. But this is now a big problem – in your environment there are many who have no knowings of the Inner Being and no knowings of (the reality of) what you are calling death. They fear it. They all have feelings of ‘the ones I have hurt or the ones I made sad, and the ones I was not good enough for, I wish I had done this and I wish that had not happened ‘. And the problem is that when there is small flow from the Inner Being to the Wooden Doll, it’s half here and half in transition back to the Inner Being. Then it’s easier for them to see those who are in spirit than those in the physical, so they often see and hear the words of those that have made transition and it brings more fear – ‘that one doesn’t like me, that one I have hurt, he has come for me, I don’t want to move to the next plane, I want to stay a Wooden Doll’.

The truth is that the Inner Being of the one that was wronged puts on the coat of the person who was harmed, and appears because he is wanting to say ‘I am not hurt, I’m an Inner Being and as an Inner Being I wanted to have an experience and I asked your Inner Being to help me have that experience, that’s all it is. It’s not a problem, it’s not for blaming or guilt or fear of the one in spirit.’ He wants the Wooden Doll to hear, ‘there is no problem, I’m happy, I had the experience for my Inner Being that I asked your Inner Being for. You are the one who helped me to have that experience. It was not a happy experience, but I need all experiences, not just happy ones.’

This is why many wooden dolls now in this moment take many years to make transition. It’s not good for Wooden Doll or for the ones who have to care for them after they should have had transition. The physical body cannot cope, it needs much help. There is no value (ie further learning experience to be had) in that Wooden Doll now, no experience that is wanted now but there is no transition. But you are able to speak with the ones who have the listening and to have the understanding from them of what it is they fear. You can ask: ‘ Why have you not made transition? Who are the ones who are making you not want to be with them?’

You can tell them this – there will be no making you be with any other when you have transitioned. If you have the husband, or the wife or the mam or the dad that you do not like, and as a Wooden Doll you had to be with them, and when they made transition (died) you were happy, but you are now feeling ‘I should not have been happy, they have knowing I was happy when they were not here with me and I don’t want to be with them now. I have had years of happiness and freedom and I do not want to give it up now and be with that one again.’ There is no problem, not be with anyone that you are not choosing to be with. You will speak with that one, for the Wooden Doll is like a coat put in a cupboard when not worn. So the Inner Being of that one will take coat from the cupboard and put on the coat to appear to you as that one. So it can give the comfortable feeling that ‘I’m not afraid of that one, he’s not angry, he’s not sad, he’s happy with me and I will have a conversation with him and then we will all be happy and I will not see that one again if I am not choosing. No problem.

There is big needing of this in your environment. More now than before. Before many were happy to have transition, they believed in heaven. It’s not real, but it’s a story that made Wooden Dolls comfortable. Now they are not wanting the story of heaven. But they do not know the truth. They fear what is next, yes.

ETs, UFOs & Light Beings

Do ETs exist? Are there beings living on other planets? Do humans really see UFOs and have aliens abducted humans?  Robert answers from the spirit perspective


Do extra-terrestrials exist? CC 2.5.14

ET is a name used by Wooden Dolls of this environment (humans). Your time is measured by a clock. If you look inside this machine it has many hundreds of pieces which all work with the next piece. If one piece does not work then the whole thing does not work. I have talked about the energy of Inner Beings from Levels 1 to 5 – they are all pieces of the clock, all work with the piece next to it, each piece cannot work with pieces too different from it. [Also see Creation – Clock Analogy] The knowing of Wooden Dolls is only of earth. There are also many other environments in your earth that (Wooden Dolls) have no knowings of. They are in (the same) now and earth but they are also one more piece of the clock. There are millions of pieces of the clock in other earths. Others are not physical. Level 2 environments do not ever manifest physical. Level 3 and bigger pieces of clock than level 2, have very fast energy.

Are there Inner Beings living on other planets on other galaxies in the universe? WM24.6.14

The Inner Beings of different levels will manifest in a different environment for their energy, some are like earth and have physical particles and matter, most do not. The new Inner Beings have particles like you here. Most do not need it, they have faster energy as wave form. The Inner Beings of the higher ones like Level 3 and 4, they have manifested many hundreds of Wooden Dolls in many different environments. It’s very hard for higher level Inner Beings to manifest here, they do not have experience for sustaining Wooden Dolls here and it takes a lot of energy. All Inner Beings have the knowings of the doings, the learning of each of their Wooden Dolls in each environment. That learning flows to the Inner Beings from the different environments.

The science in your environment speaks of entanglement, it means all waves and all particles in the moment are paired together. All is one, all have knowings of all, that’s how Wooden Dolls in your environment discover knowings of how it is; there are startings of the knowings, now (some Wooden Dolls are) not wanting the book (religious doctrine). The child (is given) the book when it has fear of ‘what am I and where am I’, like the boy when the mam has a baby and the boy is jealous of the baby, then the mam gives the boy a book saying the baby comes from the big bird (stork), but when he grows older, he understands that the baby comes from the mam. There are many books, Wooden Dolls are possessive of their own books (of beliefs).

Are there any beings living on other planets or are they all just in other dimensions?

There are many hundreds of Level 1 physical environments like your environment, many hundreds. They are physical like you are and their beasts, many hundreds of the different beasts in the physical environments. But for the how (they would) travel to visit, it the same as how I travel to see the Stone Ones (Robert’s name for a group of Level 3 healer beings); when I have their vibration, I tune in to their song and I go there. That is how we all one, we don’t have talking with each other with the mouth, we have talking with thought-forms and we have knowing of their energy from their thought-forms like their fingerprint and when we have their fingerprint, we have the thought-form to go and visit our energy to where they are. That is how we travel. We do not have a machine to get into, we have the thought-form, the thought form is all. And now it’s not necessary (for us) to go to work on a plane, it’s all thought-form, can be thought form to get there.


When humans see UFOs what is it? CC 27.5.14

Ha ha, they are not from other places, ha ha, there are many hundreds in your environment. They are different energy, Wooden dolls cannot have the apparatus to see them, like me. I am in your environment, the biggest part of my energy is in your environment, but I am not much seen. [Note: The Inner Being of Robert has shown himself to humans sometimes as an orb or spirit light. Visual aspects of Robert the man, such as his moustache, have occasionally been visible over Saesneggar’s face when in trance through transfiguration]

‘Spaceships’ are of your environment. Some are like new mapping of planes, for experimenting (new designs being tested). Built by humans for experience and might have a different way of making their energy for powering them. Not used yet. Experimental, that is the word I wanted. Some are for joking. Most are for joking (hoaxes). That’s the thinking about the ones in the fields (crop circles) that they are joking, but they are not joking, they are art, they are done for love, for pictures.

Are ETs able to manifest UFOs for us to experience? WM 24.6.14

Their energy is not slow enough to manifest here, it cannot be known by your apparatus. It can be recorded on some contraptions and there is some interference with your contraptions. The manifesting is not seen or heard or smelt.

Alien Abduction

What is happening when people think they have experienced Alien abduction? CC 29.7.14

This is 2 things. It can be either. Now, the first can be the dreaming of the Wooden Doll, but also it can be that the Inner Being is choosing to show this for its Wooden Doll’s experience.

Why would the Inner Being want that, to make the Wooden Doll afraid?

May not have the wanting of fear, may have the wanting of the leading, the important, (to use the image to make the person pay attention) to have the Wooden Doll talking to its Inner Being. The Inner Being might feel the Wooden Doll does not want to receive communication from its Inner Being, that it is not being listened to. It might also want to convey important messages to other Wooden Dolls. (The alien image is being shown by) the IB, it can choose from many different images. One from a different environment (ET) can be shown, or the angel, or of the book (a religious character). There are many choices. [Note: the Inner Being chooses an image that they know will resonate with the Wooden Doll, and therefore the Wooden Doll will pay attention to it.]

Light Beings

Are there Light Beings working with me in healing? CC-Sg 14.5.2014

There is one only, one energy, one thought, one mind you call it.  It’s many parts, all parts are different. There are many different speeds and power of the different energy. That is how I have described the levels, but all are one and all have knowing of each other part. It is all the one mind, different parts of one mind. The ones that are working with you and that you have love of, they are like you and me. They are all different parts of the one energy. No part is more important than another. I have said that they (Pleiadians) are a story, for a story is how a man explains of these parts to another man. They are a story, not the truth, but yes the energy forms they all exist, they are all real in different ways. Different energy that cannot be known by your physical apparatus. You cannot feel and see and taste these ones. They are not always in your physical environment. They can sometimes be and sometimes not be. Like any other energies they will cross your environment when they have choosing, when they have wanting for it.

In a clairvoyant reading I was told I was originally a Pleiadian, is this so? AS 8.7.14

The word Pleiadian has come to represent the idea of an experienced Inner Being, not from this environment. Your Inner Being has chosen to manifest many hundreds of experiences in this environment; it is not a young Inner Being. Like Robert’s Inner Being chose to have many hundreds of experiences in this environment. When Inner Beings have faster energy at Level 2, they cannot have Level 1 experiences and there is much to be learned from Level 1.  The idea of a Pleiadian is like the Nazarene and Nanak, a book (story) to help Wooden Dolls’ understanding, it is not a manifest thing. It is like a story to help understand an idea, like I talk about Wooden Dolls, that’s my book, my story to illustrate something. The Pleiadian is a picture used for the healers.