Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

INNER BEING 1 – What is an Inner Being?

Robert Hughes channeling

Summary of Robert’s Explanations of the Inner Being (or Higher Self).

Robert often uses everyday objects to help us understand complex concepts. To help us understand the nature of consciousness as one energy operating at different ‘Levels’, and the nature of our own ‘Inner Beings’ that have created every one of us, he chose a set of nesting Russian Dolls.

  • In this analogy the human being is the smallest Wooden Doll on the right. Robert refers to the consciousness that manifested the Wooden Doll as its Inner Being, an energy consciousness that has no form but exists as an energy waveform
  • The Inner Being is choosing to project a small portion of itself into the physical environment that we call Earth as the Wooden Doll for the duration of its human life, ie it manifests its consciousness into a physical human
  • Robert stresses that the most important part of his message, the reason why he speaks now, is so that more people can come to know their own Inner Being and its Truth by sitting in quiet meditation
  • This Inner Being is energy that is projected by its own Inner Being which exists at a higher vibrational level (the next doll to the left, and so on)
  • Each physical human knows itself as a unique consciousness. But in each moment of our lives, full awareness of our consciousness flows back to the one source via the chain of Inner Beings.Robert Hughes channeling
  • Consciousness is a ‘system’ of billions of linked parts (you, your Inner Being, me, my Inner Being, its Inner Being etc). Each has its own experiences, but all experiences flow to drive the growth and development of the whole
  • Robert refers to Inner Beings by their ‘Level’. This is not a hierarchy, but a naming convention Robert worked out with his medium to help him denote the speed of vibration of a consciousness at a point in time. The more experience a consciousness has, the faster its vibration. However Robert explains that levels are like the cogs in a clock; some spin fast, some slow, but all must spin for the clock to work – ie Inner Beings are no more important than Humans, we influence our physical environment (Earth), they influence the non-physical environment
  • There is only ONE ENERGY. All individual consciousnesses; you and I, our Inner Beings, their Inner Beings & so on; are all projected energy from this single source
  • The human has the slowest vibration (physical), we can do few things at once. Inner Beings have faster vibration, their consciousness can take part in more activities at once

Negative Experiences – Why Bad Things Happen

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Free Digital

Many people I have met have told me they had to go through many severe life experiences to awake. Many have nearly died. I also nearly died, and I have the feeling I needed to wake up. So what’s your thinking around that? Sn 17.4.13

This is the case yes. We have talked about thoughts and emotions, now the Wooden Doll (human) has the thought, always has the thought; it always has the emotion but it does not see the emotion. It sees the thoughts, yes, and it is when it has only the thoughts (and cannot feel the emotions that) it cannot see the Inner Being. It receives emotions every moment from the Inner Being but it is not aware of the emotion. So the Inner Being will give the negative ‘urgh’ emotion; there will be many, many moments of this before the doll has to see this also (ie pay attention to it). It would see this, it not see these until there many many of these and then it will see them. [ie if a person is not paying attention to the emotions coming from the Inner Being to guide it, there comes a point where the Inner Being would choose to give negative emotions to help the person ‘wake up’.]

Could you explain why people have to do terrible things to each other, and is it only in this earth environment, or is it going on in other environments that people kill each other and have war?

This is so in this environment and it is not always, but often it is because of the fear. We spoke of the 1-10 [this refers to the Inner Being giving different levels of emotion to the Wooden Doll to help guide it], and there is much of this as the (inexperienced) Inner Being gets knowledge of how to guide its Wooden Doll. But the Inner Being cannot compel its doll to do anything or think anything. It can only pass the emotion and the emotion does not always bring the thought that the Inner Being would want. So the Inner Being would then give the stronger emotion to change the doll and the doll’s thinking. So the strong emotion, the fear, and in some moments that fear will be too strong for the Wooden Doll to think properly.

So this is the reason why all these things happen?

It is always in all of the dolls, it is not to blame the doll, it is that some Inner Beings do not yet have the experience, the knowing of how to flow the energy that is of value and the emotion that is of value to the doll. But the Inner Being learns here in this slow environment (earth).

Can you please explain what does an Inner Being gain from a negative experience like being murdered? Does it gain the same kind of energy from a negative as a positive thing and does the energy come from the emotion? CC 8.7.14

The energy of the not wanted, it is slower, not so used, because the Inner Being has fast energy. I’ll explain (with a picture), when a spring is big, it’s fully opened out, that is the fast energy. It is useful for the Inner Being. When the spring is closed, small, it is slow, not useful for the Inner Being. This is the energy of the not wanted, like the killing. The energy of it flows to the Inner Being – there can be no other way – but it is slow, small, not of much use. The experience is what is wanted more than the energy of that, the experience. The Inner Being will have the knowings and the growings from that experience.

Related Posts: War & Religion – the causes of conflict

‘Ghosts’ and ‘Lost Souls’


Is it necessary or possible to clear negative spirits from places? CC 22.7.14

No. The energy of the Wooden Doll always comes from the Inner Being, nothing else is possible. When a Wooden Doll has transition (dies), the energy flow from the Inner Being to the Wooden Doll stops. There is no other energy, no goings, no doings, the Inner Being has the energy back. It is like when you have a coin in your pocket. You give the coin to the Wooden Doll friend (the Inner Being gives its energy to its Wooden Doll for the duration of its life). When the Wooden Doll friend is gone, you don’t give the coin any more, the friend is gone. No problem, there is no bad coin bouncing on the floor (ghost) ha ha! That’s not the problem. The monkey (mind) has the fearing of a problem. The monkey thinks ‘I can see this, I can hear that’, it’s all the monkey (imagining), not the Inner Being sending this.

It’s just the imagination of the monkey mind?

This is the problem. One monkey, thinks he has the knowing (of a ghost), and he starts squawking, then the other monkeys they all squawk. They all hear the squawking from first monkey. They think, ‘ah, I don’t know why there’s a problem, but I know I need to squawk loud, for that one is squawking loud.’

So then they all start imagining the same thing?

This is so. There is no problem.

johnny-automatic-spirit-of-the-oakWhen ghost hunters go to a place and they all start getting the same impressions of a ‘spirit’ and recording things on their devices, is this a manifestation from their monkey minds? CC 29.7.14

The energy of big occurrences, whether this is big happy energy or big fearing of something in a moment, this releases thought-forms. The thought-form always exists as a thought-form. The thought-form does not transition (die), it always remains a thought-form. It has no thinking, it does not have the flowing of an Inner Being, it is thought-form only, but it has the vibration of it. It can appear like the vibration of a person, of a Wooden Doll person ‘visiting’ (ghost). When the Wooden Doll becomes aware of the thought-form (ie thinks it’s a ghost), his monkey starts big squawking. And when one monkey starts squawking, all of the monkeys start squawking. You have seen monkeys in trees, when one squawks, they all squawk. It’s the same in the Wooden Doll when there is fear, and this is how the fear is sustained, when they all squawk.

Is it possible to clear negative thought-forms that are remaining in a place?

The thought-form is no problem, it cannot do anything. It is like when you look at TV, like that. It is not living, it has no Inner Being. It only manifests the same thing, in each moment the same thing. It has residual energy of the doings (past events). This is it.

So is psychic attack not possible?

This is not. That would need an Inner Being for this. You cannot have an Inner Being for that, it has no Inner Being, it cannot have any thinking. It is only residual energy. That is all it is, there is no Inner Being flowing, only the thought-form flowing.

When you, Robert’s Inner Being, go back to the valley where Robert lived to see it, if someone was there at that time could they sense you and think that you were a ghost? CC 13.8.14

Not now, but in the past. The Wooden Dolls who lived in that place would know Robert. They could have had the seeing of Robert and knowing him, but not now. All those who knew him have transitioned.

But does the thought-form of Robert not stay in the place?

He does not have thought-forms of strong momentum. Thought-forms of Wooden Dolls do not often have strong momentum. This happens mostly when there has been a trauma with strong momentum.

And then it stays there and it can’t be cleared? This is so.

In a book I read, a woman experienced negative spirits sitting on her bed and seeming to attack her, where was that coming from?

That is only the fear of the monkey. There can be the knowing and the seeing in the head, not different from the seeing with the physical body (ie it can seem real). It can have the feeling that it has happened, but it’s the monkey creating it of course.

And when people go ghost hunting and they have devices to record things, and things are picked up, where does that come from, does that come from all their monkeys squawking?

In many cases, but it can also be the choosing of the Inner Being to manifest (recordings etc). I have done this also. I wanted to manifest Robert for contraptions (cameras). Can do this, they can see on the contraption (camera), they know when Robert is coming and going on the contraption. [Robert has shown his moustache over Saesneggar’s face on camera on several occasions while speaking in trance.]


What is happening in spirit rescue? WMG 24.6.14

On transition the apparatus is the same – the Inner Being flows into the Wooden Doll, it cannot stop. When the Wooden Doll chooses for it to stop, the Inner Being stops the energy flow to the Wooden Doll; all the energy stays with the Inner Being, it is reabsorbed. No energy is now in the Wooden Doll. There are no stuck spirits, there is no way to be stuck. The Inner Being stops sending energy that’s all, nothing is stuck, there is nowhere for it to go. The energy belongs to the Inner Being, it is only loaned to the Wooden Doll. The only change on transition is that the energy flowing back to the Inner Being stays, but the energy flowing to the Wooden Doll stops. There is no losing of a soul or an energy, it’s all the Inner Being. The Inner Being is nothing more than energy. All of Saesneggar’s energy, life force, compared to her Inner Being would be less than a tiniest part that would be seen in her apparatus as one hair on her head. The energy is not big for a Wooden Doll compared to the energy in the Inner Being, it is not possible for it to be lost. The Inner Being is not losing energy, like you don’t lose your money. It loves its energy, that’s all it has, it has a big purse.

And there is no other place for it to go – the Inner Being only can have flowing to its Wooden Doll, it cannot have flowing to any other place in your environment. It can flow to pools in other environments and some wooden dolls in other environments, but not in your environment. It cannot be that it flows anywhere else. There is no lost, it’s always part of the Inner Being. The Inner Being has its own energy.

So what are we seeing when are sending somebody over in spirit rescue? WMG 24.6.14

That can be the experience if the Inner Being wants that experience, it can show any (being) for rescue as you are saying, or it can show the talking with a loved person, another Wooden Doll, you can see it, talk to it. The Inner Being of that one puts on the coat from the cupboard for showing. It looks real for you. Some Wooden Dolls can have the seeing and some cannot. If the pipe (connection) to the Inner Being is big and the energy can flow fast, then it’s easy for seeings, if the pipe is small, then no seeings.

Happiness 1 – Ripples in the Lake Analogy

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Lucky pic

If someone around us is unhappy, should we change our thoughts to happy to influence them for happy? JP 26.8.14

A rock has ripples when it hits the water. When you talk to the ones who are unhappy, their ripples hit you. You can choose to allow their ripple on your head, or your ripple on their head. Now not all ripples are the same. When the ripples have momentum, big passion, then the momentum makes a thought-form, a strong ripple. When there is no momentum, there is no thought-form, only a small ripple and the thought-form of the other person may be stronger and may hit you. It’s important for you to choose to have the momentum for happy thought-forms, then your ripple is big and will hit their ripples and they will feel your happiness. Then they will feel the difference in your vibration and notice it. They will want it, like the taste of something nice. There is no shame, it doesn’t mean that you don’t care that they aren’t happy. You care a lot, that’s why you are choosing the momentum of happy, it’s not to feel guilty about. This is how you can help and you can explain to them that you are choosing deliberately to always be happy. You choose the bowl of food with the happy. Try new bowls to experience new. Must always want to try the unknown. If you don’t like it you can quickly choose what you do like. Quickly flick off unwanted thoughts like a cinder that lands on your trousers from a fire. Explain this to the friends.

(LF G 9.6.14) When you are not happy, you don’t have the fast energy from your Inner Being. You manifest a thought-form which is not strong, then all around you the other Wooden Dolls have manifested a strong thought-form, it’s stronger than you. Then your life has the attachment of the things that are wanted for the others, not for you. You are like the cork floating in the pool of another. Your Inner Being is not wanting that.

If there is a huge sadness in the world and we change the vibration to happy, I think that would make a difference, is this how we affect energies JP 26.8.14

This is the thinking of the ripple. Your stone has a ripple, the stone of the big sadness has a big ripple. The stones hit the water at the same moment. One ripple stops the other ripple, this is the energy of the water. Your energy has the balance of the energy of their sadness. Can only be in moments like ripples. There is always need for thought-forms on this (positivity); more passion makes a big ripple then it has more strength for changing things. There can be many of such.

The important thing is what is in your head, don’t think of what happened, have the thought-forms of seeing in your head what is wanted. If your friend is not well, not happy, then see in your head the friend happy, singing, dancing, laughing, always, then your ripple will have the knowing of them happy. But it’s important for you to know you are able to put your car on the wanted road, but you cannot put someone else’s car on the wanted road, only the person can put their own car on the road. Like when you are in your car, you have the steering wheel, you sit in the car but you don’t like the road, you want another road, you’re not able to make the car be another road, can only send the ripple with the steering wheel to put the car on the other road.

Wooden Dolls are always fearing of what is to be (future) and they are not happy about what has been (past). They have the vibration of the not wanted. This is what they know. They don’t have the knowing of ‘aaah’ (happy), they have the knowing of ‘urgh’ (unhappy). They feel your ‘aaah’ ripple, then they have more from you of the ‘aaah’, they think “why is this one always ‘aah’, how does it happen? I like the feel of that, I want it.” Then you can explain to them how they can have it. There is no other way, only their choosing. They think something happens to them, then they feel in response to it. No, it’s the feeling that makes the thing happen, not the reverse.

This why I’m speaking because I want all Wooden Dolls to know this and practise choosing happy, then they will see it in their life. The wanted will happen, then they will choose more happy, then others will see them and want to be happy. Then there will be more of the wanted ripples in your environment (earth). It will change the vibration of your environment to the wanted, not the slow energy (ripple) of the not wanted. It’s now possible for the vibration of your environment (earth) to be faster, to have the faster wanted vibration, but the Wooden Dolls have the ‘urgh’ (are not happy).

Ripples In Lake – Note from Saesneggar: Robert has explained that the thoughts and actions of each of us affects many around us, both seen and unseen.  I struggled to understand the interconnectedness at first so Robert described a “picture” of ripples from a stone hitting a lake where some stones hit at the same time and some very soon after, their ripples sometimes amplify an existing ripple and sometimes cancel out an existing ripple.  He says that there is always growth, all galaxies are always expanding, always becoming. Whether the Wooden Dolls create positive (wanted) thought-forms or unwanted thought-forms dictates how the expansion happens i.e. some new ripples will amplify and some will cancel each other out, so it is the balance of all thought-forms in the moment together that makes the real difference to how that local environment expands – that is why he wants all wooden dolls to connect better with their Inner Beings so that the Inner Being can give them the appropriate emotion to help guide them.