Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

Robert Hughes channeling

Other Dimensions (Environments)

Robert Hughes channeling

Other Dimensions

For an explanation of Robert’s use of the word ‘environment’, see Theme 5

How many dimensions are there? WMG 24.6.14

There are many galaxies, as you call them, and many environments in each of the places, like this one you are calling home. There are many you do not know of in your environment. The energy has a faster vibration that cannot be known by your vibration. In the same way that there are some sounds you can hear and some you cannot. They have small knowings of you, as you have of them. Your animals can see and hear some of the things you cannot. There are many hundreds of things that cannot be known by Wooden Dolls on earth, your apparatus is not able to perceive them.

There are many beings of other levels within your own earth environment in your here and now that you cannot have knowing of, and there are also many that you are seeing in your now but you do not always know that they are in a different environment to you.

There are many other environments manifested by your Inner Beings also. Beings who visit your environment are not of (physical) form like you. They do not need spaceships. Their energy is faster, like me I don’t have a contraption to come visit with you. They have the fingerprint of the energy of you and tune to your energy. It’s nothing to be afraid of. They have knowings of many of your kind from many times. There is no limit to dimensions, they are always becoming, more and different environments.

This one is Level 0, a new environment, like a small child learning. The Inner Being builds energies from having hundreds of Wooden Dolls here. When my Inner Being was new, it had many trying to sustain (a physical apparatus here). At first it could not sustain a baby. It had many learnings then was able to sustain a baby properly. Now I am starting anew at Level 2, it’s not easy.

Can you talk to us about how many dimensions there are? JP G 22.5.2014

You are meaning like your environment. There are many environments, you cannot see all like your apparatus it can see some, not all. You hear some noises, some noises you cannot. Your beasts can see and hear some things you cannot. That is a small part of the all. There are many, many hundreds of things that cannot be known by any (people) of earth. There are many in your environment. You have no apparatus to know them, they have no apparatus to know you. Many in your here and now, you cannot have knowing of and many hundreds in other environments that you have no knowing of and there are many that you are seeing, but you are not always knowing that they are in a different environment than you. All in the now.

We’re all seeing differently through different dimensions. Inner Beings see all, knowing more than this and me – I am a Level 2 Inner Being [it is Robert’s Inner Being who speaks through him]. When I was Level 1 I had many hundreds of Wooden Dolls and I had knowing of all their doings and their thought- forms in me; I always will have thought-forms from them from all moments. Now I am Level 2 I have small number of Wooden Dolls of Level 1, as I have not been at Level 2 for long moments.

ETs, UFOs & Light Beings

Do ETs exist? Are there beings living on other planets? Do humans really see UFOs and have aliens abducted humans?  Robert answers from the spirit perspective


Do extra-terrestrials exist? CC 2.5.14

ET is a name used by Wooden Dolls of this environment (humans). Your time is measured by a clock. If you look inside this machine it has many hundreds of pieces which all work with the next piece. If one piece does not work then the whole thing does not work. I have talked about the energy of Inner Beings from Levels 1 to 5 – they are all pieces of the clock, all work with the piece next to it, each piece cannot work with pieces too different from it. [Also see Creation – Clock Analogy] The knowing of Wooden Dolls is only of earth. There are also many other environments in your earth that (Wooden Dolls) have no knowings of. They are in (the same) now and earth but they are also one more piece of the clock. There are millions of pieces of the clock in other earths. Others are not physical. Level 2 environments do not ever manifest physical. Level 3 and bigger pieces of clock than level 2, have very fast energy.

Are there Inner Beings living on other planets on other galaxies in the universe? WM24.6.14

The Inner Beings of different levels will manifest in a different environment for their energy, some are like earth and have physical particles and matter, most do not. The new Inner Beings have particles like you here. Most do not need it, they have faster energy as wave form. The Inner Beings of the higher ones like Level 3 and 4, they have manifested many hundreds of Wooden Dolls in many different environments. It’s very hard for higher level Inner Beings to manifest here, they do not have experience for sustaining Wooden Dolls here and it takes a lot of energy. All Inner Beings have the knowings of the doings, the learning of each of their Wooden Dolls in each environment. That learning flows to the Inner Beings from the different environments.

The science in your environment speaks of entanglement, it means all waves and all particles in the moment are paired together. All is one, all have knowings of all, that’s how Wooden Dolls in your environment discover knowings of how it is; there are startings of the knowings, now (some Wooden Dolls are) not wanting the book (religious doctrine). The child (is given) the book when it has fear of ‘what am I and where am I’, like the boy when the mam has a baby and the boy is jealous of the baby, then the mam gives the boy a book saying the baby comes from the big bird (stork), but when he grows older, he understands that the baby comes from the mam. There are many books, Wooden Dolls are possessive of their own books (of beliefs).

Are there any beings living on other planets or are they all just in other dimensions?

There are many hundreds of Level 1 physical environments like your environment, many hundreds. They are physical like you are and their beasts, many hundreds of the different beasts in the physical environments. But for the how (they would) travel to visit, it the same as how I travel to see the Stone Ones (Robert’s name for a group of Level 3 healer beings); when I have their vibration, I tune in to their song and I go there. That is how we all one, we don’t have talking with each other with the mouth, we have talking with thought-forms and we have knowing of their energy from their thought-forms like their fingerprint and when we have their fingerprint, we have the thought-form to go and visit our energy to where they are. That is how we travel. We do not have a machine to get into, we have the thought-form, the thought form is all. And now it’s not necessary (for us) to go to work on a plane, it’s all thought-form, can be thought form to get there.


When humans see UFOs what is it? CC 27.5.14

Ha ha, they are not from other places, ha ha, there are many hundreds in your environment. They are different energy, Wooden dolls cannot have the apparatus to see them, like me. I am in your environment, the biggest part of my energy is in your environment, but I am not much seen. [Note: The Inner Being of Robert has shown himself to humans sometimes as an orb or spirit light. Visual aspects of Robert the man, such as his moustache, have occasionally been visible over Saesneggar’s face when in trance through transfiguration]

‘Spaceships’ are of your environment. Some are like new mapping of planes, for experimenting (new designs being tested). Built by humans for experience and might have a different way of making their energy for powering them. Not used yet. Experimental, that is the word I wanted. Some are for joking. Most are for joking (hoaxes). That’s the thinking about the ones in the fields (crop circles) that they are joking, but they are not joking, they are art, they are done for love, for pictures.

Are ETs able to manifest UFOs for us to experience? WM 24.6.14

Their energy is not slow enough to manifest here, it cannot be known by your apparatus. It can be recorded on some contraptions and there is some interference with your contraptions. The manifesting is not seen or heard or smelt.

Alien Abduction

What is happening when people think they have experienced Alien abduction? CC 29.7.14

This is 2 things. It can be either. Now, the first can be the dreaming of the Wooden Doll, but also it can be that the Inner Being is choosing to show this for its Wooden Doll’s experience.

Why would the Inner Being want that, to make the Wooden Doll afraid?

May not have the wanting of fear, may have the wanting of the leading, the important, (to use the image to make the person pay attention) to have the Wooden Doll talking to its Inner Being. The Inner Being might feel the Wooden Doll does not want to receive communication from its Inner Being, that it is not being listened to. It might also want to convey important messages to other Wooden Dolls. (The alien image is being shown by) the IB, it can choose from many different images. One from a different environment (ET) can be shown, or the angel, or of the book (a religious character). There are many choices. [Note: the Inner Being chooses an image that they know will resonate with the Wooden Doll, and therefore the Wooden Doll will pay attention to it.]

Light Beings

Are there Light Beings working with me in healing? CC-Sg 14.5.2014

There is one only, one energy, one thought, one mind you call it.  It’s many parts, all parts are different. There are many different speeds and power of the different energy. That is how I have described the levels, but all are one and all have knowing of each other part. It is all the one mind, different parts of one mind. The ones that are working with you and that you have love of, they are like you and me. They are all different parts of the one energy. No part is more important than another. I have said that they (Pleiadians) are a story, for a story is how a man explains of these parts to another man. They are a story, not the truth, but yes the energy forms they all exist, they are all real in different ways. Different energy that cannot be known by your physical apparatus. You cannot feel and see and taste these ones. They are not always in your physical environment. They can sometimes be and sometimes not be. Like any other energies they will cross your environment when they have choosing, when they have wanting for it.

In a clairvoyant reading I was told I was originally a Pleiadian, is this so? AS 8.7.14

The word Pleiadian has come to represent the idea of an experienced Inner Being, not from this environment. Your Inner Being has chosen to manifest many hundreds of experiences in this environment; it is not a young Inner Being. Like Robert’s Inner Being chose to have many hundreds of experiences in this environment. When Inner Beings have faster energy at Level 2, they cannot have Level 1 experiences and there is much to be learned from Level 1.  The idea of a Pleiadian is like the Nazarene and Nanak, a book (story) to help Wooden Dolls’ understanding, it is not a manifest thing. It is like a story to help understand an idea, like I talk about Wooden Dolls, that’s my book, my story to illustrate something. The Pleiadian is a picture used for the healers.