Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

Transition (Death) 3 – Fear of Dying

Is my soul’s purpose to work with the dying? (JG-LFG 9.6.14)

There is a big need, much wanting, for many Inner Beings have big wanting for Wooden Dolls to help with the transition (passing). There is big fear in the moment of what is next with many Wooden Dolls. They do not want to stay Wooden Doll (carry on living) but they have much fear, big fear of transition and will not allow their energy to reabsorb back to their Inner Being. The Inner Being wants to end the (life of the) wooden doll. It makes the flow of energy smaller and smaller and smaller so the apparatus is deteriorating and hard to sustain. But the Inner Being cannot decide when the Wooden Doll is no more – only the Wooden Doll can choose when the transition happens. But this is now a big problem – in your environment there are many who have no knowings of the Inner Being and no knowings of (the reality of) what you are calling death. They fear it. They all have feelings of ‘the ones I have hurt or the ones I made sad, and the ones I was not good enough for, I wish I had done this and I wish that had not happened ‘. And the problem is that when there is small flow from the Inner Being to the Wooden Doll, it’s half here and half in transition back to the Inner Being. Then it’s easier for them to see those who are in spirit than those in the physical, so they often see and hear the words of those that have made transition and it brings more fear – ‘that one doesn’t like me, that one I have hurt, he has come for me, I don’t want to move to the next plane, I want to stay a Wooden Doll’.

The truth is that the Inner Being of the one that was wronged puts on the coat of the person who was harmed, and appears because he is wanting to say ‘I am not hurt, I’m an Inner Being and as an Inner Being I wanted to have an experience and I asked your Inner Being to help me have that experience, that’s all it is. It’s not a problem, it’s not for blaming or guilt or fear of the one in spirit.’ He wants the Wooden Doll to hear, ‘there is no problem, I’m happy, I had the experience for my Inner Being that I asked your Inner Being for. You are the one who helped me to have that experience. It was not a happy experience, but I need all experiences, not just happy ones.’

This is why many wooden dolls now in this moment take many years to make transition. It’s not good for Wooden Doll or for the ones who have to care for them after they should have had transition. The physical body cannot cope, it needs much help. There is no value (ie further learning experience to be had) in that Wooden Doll now, no experience that is wanted now but there is no transition. But you are able to speak with the ones who have the listening and to have the understanding from them of what it is they fear. You can ask: ‘ Why have you not made transition? Who are the ones who are making you not want to be with them?’

You can tell them this – there will be no making you be with any other when you have transitioned. If you have the husband, or the wife or the mam or the dad that you do not like, and as a Wooden Doll you had to be with them, and when they made transition (died) you were happy, but you are now feeling ‘I should not have been happy, they have knowing I was happy when they were not here with me and I don’t want to be with them now. I have had years of happiness and freedom and I do not want to give it up now and be with that one again.’ There is no problem, not be with anyone that you are not choosing to be with. You will speak with that one, for the Wooden Doll is like a coat put in a cupboard when not worn. So the Inner Being of that one will take coat from the cupboard and put on the coat to appear to you as that one. So it can give the comfortable feeling that ‘I’m not afraid of that one, he’s not angry, he’s not sad, he’s happy with me and I will have a conversation with him and then we will all be happy and I will not see that one again if I am not choosing. No problem.

There is big needing of this in your environment. More now than before. Before many were happy to have transition, they believed in heaven. It’s not real, but it’s a story that made Wooden Dolls comfortable. Now they are not wanting the story of heaven. But they do not know the truth. They fear what is next, yes.

Transition (Death) 2 – Near Death Experiences

Previously you said: “There is no conversation with the Inner Being on transition, the Inner Being has already has experienced all of the life of the Wooden Doll as it happens, it has the knowings as you have the knowings.”

I have trouble accepting that Wooden Dolls don’t have a life review after they transition. When people have Near Death Experiences they always describe this happening. C 2.9.14

Of course. The Inner Being of them is able to communicate with them, the only opportunity for the Inner Being – he doesn’t waste it. He has the opportunity of showing what is wanted and what is not wanted from life, for when (the Wooden Doll) has more of life, he has then the knowing of what is wanted and what is not wanted. This is important.

But that doesn’t happen when a person transitions fully?

There is no need such for he doesn’t have more of life, the apparatus (body) is gone. It is only of use when have apparatus more (ie, when the person will carry on living), for more new experiences. But when the apparatus is gone, then there are no new experiences of the doll, not in the old coat. It has the experiences of the Inner Being, even when it wears the coat. Like Robert, my Inner Being has chosen to wear the coat of Robert many times, but the experiences are of the Inner Being, not of Robert. I am happy, I have the Inner Being. I have not the wanting of the small knowings of Robert, I have the big knowings of many (through the Inner Being). The big happy of many, not the small of Robert.


What is happening when people have Near Death Experiences and see light? AS 8.7.14

When people see the light in the Near Death Experiences it’s a perception due to the closing down of the physical apparatus. Neurons fire fast in the head, faster than usual. The Inner Being has faster energy on transition to reabsorb all the energy quickly from the Wooden Doll. The faster energy looks like light to the Wooden Doll’s head, bigger than it has known before.