Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

Robert Hughes channeling

INNER BEING 3 – Communications

I would like to communicate with my relatives in Spirit. Sn 14.4.13

In your time the fastest way to do this is for you to slide into the state where your own Inner Being can drive you. I can help that for the first part, but I am not necessary for your Inner Being is Level 1 as I am. Your Inner Being can communicate to you. (Robert’s Inner Being subsequently moved to Level 2)

When you’re speaking your Inner Being can bring forth your relatives. They are not of your Inner Being, not of what you would call your soul group. They are not. Your soul group has no relationship to your physical relations. Your soul group is the group of beings that your Inner Being has (manifested). Not the same as the physical friends and relatives that you have here. But your Inner Being will communicate to their Inner Being and bring them forth.

Do people who do mediumistic work have special capabilities to do the communication or does every person have it? Sn 14.4.2013

Each time the consciousness evolves as the monkey evolved to the man, each consciousness evolves also. Now go back, back into your time, the monkey, still today would do this, back to the time they communicate from the pool through the Level 1 Inner Being to the piece of being that is here. They do that every moment of life as a physical – it is guided very much, (there is a) very, very strong push from the Inner Being. Now as the monkey became the man and as the man became the creator and shaper man, less influence is now possible with the Inner Being, so at that time this became stronger. There is more need to communicate at the level of the environment so the speaking became the dominant form of control and of the mind, so the mind had a larger influence on the being. They are physical, this piece of the being, however the Inner Being is still there and it is still trying to control every moment it could influence, especially the feel of the being. In the sleeping, the Inner Being is always in control.

There is no knowledge, there is no influence and control of the speaking in that state. That is the natural state where the Inner Being would control, so for question then, every physical piece of being will always have the communication with its Inner Being. Therefore, every physical piece, unique piece will always communicate, but because that being it is not aware in its waking times of the flow that comes to it. It thinks always of its control and it thinks even that its emotions are coming from it. Every single emotion does not come from here, it is from your Inner Being. Every emotion every moment in here is from the Inner Being, so yes every living person from the baby up to the old. Well the baby would communicate very easily with the Inner Being. small children always they do this, it’s as the language develops that the conscious control of the being has to become stronger for that being to develop in this environment. Therefore the Inner Being will control and use the emotion that will allow more of a perception with the being that the being is always thinking and speaking of itself. It is a perception. The perception is not the reality because the reality is that all is from the Inner Being.

But how are we more able to receive this communication? Is it that we have different access to our Inner Being?

It is not so, it is just that you have decided that you will communicate in a mind way.

Those souls in the spirit world, if they can give us a real physical sensation like someone is touching us with a full hand, it takes them lots and lots of energy right? Sn 20.4.13

You would understand that it is only the Inner Being that can do this. So when I have my focus to Saesneggar under the foot, I will do this with the Inner Being. So it is the Inner Being that will give Saesneggar a sense in the mind that there is a thing walking on the foot. I cannot do this. It is only the Inner Being that can have the communication with the doll. The other Inner Beings we communicate every moment, our whole self with our own Inner Being and it is very easy for us to communicate, but it is not the mouth you understand. We would tell the Inner Being that we want to focus this energy and we want it to be and how we want it to move. Saesneggar’s Inner Being it can give the physical, the touch you call the physical, yes.

Are my family in spirit all part of my Inner Being? BD 1.7.14

No, they are part of other Inner Beings. But the Inner Beings are all one energy. The Inner Beings have talking like you have talking here with other Wooden Dolls. We have more talking and doings with other Inner Beings. You have the knowing ‘I am this, I look in the mirror, I know me. I have choosing of my doings as me’. After transition when you are in the Inner Being, you can see that the Inner Being does not have the apparatus (body), the Inner Being has energy. The energy has, in the same way as water, big pools and smaller pools and the Inner Being can take its energy like you take your money, and it fills its bucket. And it pours some of its bucket to the Wooden Dolls to sustain them and it pours some into other pools. Now the pools are for doing different things [different focus, such as healing or communication]. The Inner Being chooses what it wants. But the pools are not done as me – the ‘I am’. The pools are done as many. Many hundreds of Inner Beings all pour their energy into these pools and they have their doings together. This is how we do most things. We have more, not needing the mouth for talking. We have the thinking of the energy for this Wooden Doll part in a pool to talk to this other Wooden Doll part in the pool. We have very fast communication. The mouth, the growings of the words they happen, then this communication is thought of as being important by the Monkey. Not so, this is slow – not good communication with the mouth. It will not always be so. The apparatus (body) also has (the possibility) of the communication by the thinking. It does not have the knowings of it, but it’s there. The beasts have this. They use this more. They do not use the mouth much, mostly the head.


INNER BEING 1 – What is an Inner Being?

Robert Hughes channeling

Summary of Robert’s Explanations of the Inner Being (or Higher Self).

Robert often uses everyday objects to help us understand complex concepts. To help us understand the nature of consciousness as one energy operating at different ‘Levels’, and the nature of our own ‘Inner Beings’ that have created every one of us, he chose a set of nesting Russian Dolls.

  • In this analogy the human being is the smallest Wooden Doll on the right. Robert refers to the consciousness that manifested the Wooden Doll as its Inner Being, an energy consciousness that has no form but exists as an energy waveform
  • The Inner Being is choosing to project a small portion of itself into the physical environment that we call Earth as the Wooden Doll for the duration of its human life, ie it manifests its consciousness into a physical human
  • Robert stresses that the most important part of his message, the reason why he speaks now, is so that more people can come to know their own Inner Being and its Truth by sitting in quiet meditation
  • This Inner Being is energy that is projected by its own Inner Being which exists at a higher vibrational level (the next doll to the left, and so on)
  • Each physical human knows itself as a unique consciousness. But in each moment of our lives, full awareness of our consciousness flows back to the one source via the chain of Inner Beings.Robert Hughes channeling
  • Consciousness is a ‘system’ of billions of linked parts (you, your Inner Being, me, my Inner Being, its Inner Being etc). Each has its own experiences, but all experiences flow to drive the growth and development of the whole
  • Robert refers to Inner Beings by their ‘Level’. This is not a hierarchy, but a naming convention Robert worked out with his medium to help him denote the speed of vibration of a consciousness at a point in time. The more experience a consciousness has, the faster its vibration. However Robert explains that levels are like the cogs in a clock; some spin fast, some slow, but all must spin for the clock to work – ie Inner Beings are no more important than Humans, we influence our physical environment (Earth), they influence the non-physical environment
  • There is only ONE ENERGY. All individual consciousnesses; you and I, our Inner Beings, their Inner Beings & so on; are all projected energy from this single source
  • The human has the slowest vibration (physical), we can do few things at once. Inner Beings have faster vibration, their consciousness can take part in more activities at once

Soul Group & Soulmates

I would like to communicate with my relatives in Spirit. Sn 14.4.13

In your time the fastest way to do this is for you to slide into the state where your own Inner Being can drive you. Your Inner Being can communicate to you. When you’re speaking your Inner Being can bring forth your relatives. They are not of your Inner Being, not of what you would call your soul group. They are not. Your soul group has no relationship to your physical relations. Your soul group is the group of beings that your Inner Being has (manifested). Not the same as the physical friends and relatives that you have here. But your Inner Being will communicate to their Inner Being and bring them forth.

I did a life between life regression where we were put into a very deep hypnotic state to travel into the non-physical plane, the state of the soul where it’s not incarnated. I had some impressive experiences. When I came back through a former lifetime into the spirit world, the experiences I had was to meet my spirit guide and members of my soul group. Was this a memory or was this really happening? SN 14.4.2013

I can answer, I had this experience in my transition. Right. To go back to the Inner Being, you are the doll now, the physical, the doll today, now you are each moment, each breath you are the ‘puppet’ of your Inner Being. Now the Inner Being it has many, many hundreds of unique fragments that are controlled as the ‘puppets’ of this Inner Being. So when you, your physical consciousness is put into a rested state, it can have a small level of awareness of its communication with its Inner Being. So what it will see at this moment of communication with its Inner Being, is it sees the Inner Being. It meets the Inner Being as you will meet the Inner Being at your point of transition. So what you have called the soul group, it is a small part of the communication that your Inner Being was holding with other fragments of itself at the moment that you were seeing that part of your Inner Being.

Your soul group, it is a, I will explain it as a physical thing. Your Inner Being is big. This is the sphere of your Inner Being and underneath there are hundreds of fragments and they are all, from your point of view, they would always be now because we have no time. So when you were in the rested state to join for a moment with your Inner Being, you would see some communication going on with this one and this one and you see there would be communication with several of them that you would be in awareness with and you would call that your soul group. It is not. They are all just fragments of your Inner Being, as you are a fragment of you Inner Being. So the lives you have seen are moments of those fragments and the transition of a fragment back to its Inner Being, they are but moments within the same Inner Being that you have.

Are we born into the same soul group when incarnate in a different ‘coat’? WMG 24.6.14

The Inner Being has the choosing of what experience he is wanting. There are the choices of any place in your environment, if the Inner Being is Level 1. If the Inner Being is Level 2 he can choose a different environment, but the choices are for any location in the environment and also of any time in your environment when is most probable that the wanted experience will be had. The Inner Being cannot make the wanted experience happen, because the Wooden Doll has all the choosing. The Inner Being can only choose when to manifest a Wooden Doll and where, that is the choosing of Inner Being. All choosings from then on are from the Wooden Doll. You call it soul group, that’s what I call the cupboard where the coats are living.

Penguin-Couple-2-by-Merlin2525What are Soulmates? WMG 24.6.14

The Inner Being has many Wooden Dolls at the same time. Different pieces of the same Inner Being can know each other. Saesneggar knew another Wooden Doll from the same Inner Being for many years.

Do Inner Beings choose to have their Wooden Dolls interacting with each other over many lifetimes? If an Inner Being gets to know another Inner Being well, would they agree to have Wooden Dolls coming together because it makes it easier for them to influence each other in the wanted way? CC 13.8.14

This can happen. It is usually if the Inner Beings are in the same pool, then they have same wanting. They can have the wanting to have doings partly in the pool and partly in your environment. Now the Inner Being is not able to have doings in your environment. They have the wanting to influence their Wooden Doll for the influence of your environments. They are able to make their Wooden Doll like another Wooden Doll. So that happens sometimes? Often. When they are in pool where the pool has wanting of co-operation.

So if a person meets a new Wooden Doll for the first time and they feel some recognition, could it be that their Inner Beings know each other?

The energy of the Wooden Doll is of course the same energy as the Inner Being. The Inner Being has knowings (of the other). This is why the Wooden Doll also has knowings, it’s normal.

So is this why people sometimes feel others are of the same soul group because of the Inner Being connection?

This is always the case. Some might feel recognition like the other Wooden Doll is a brother or sister.

So it can feel that way if it’s just that the Inner Beings know each other?

The Inner Being plays with much of its energy in the pool, it has more knowings than Wooden Doll has knowings.





Transition (Death) 1 – The Experience of Transition

I would like to communicate with some deceased family members. Is that possible? Sn 14.4.2013

Do you understand that every being that was in the physical, it is still as a fragment, when it has re-emerged back to its Inner Being, it will always still exist as a fragment. Just as I still exist in my Inner Being as a fragment. I am not the fragment that re-emerged nearly 100 years ago, but I can still put a piece of my energy into the vehicle that was that physical soldier, yes, to talk. So the fragments they were once a member of your family. Those fragments will still exist, they are still there and still living, you would say in a fashion. They are still within their Inner Being and their Inner Being can easily any time can call into their Inner Being and bring one of them forth and you can speak through your Inner Being.

But to explain then, every physical fragment that has been, will always be with the Higher Self, the Inner Being that would control it while it is here. It’s simply re-emerges back into its Inner Being, as the mother, so it goes back to its mother. As it came out of its mother here, it goes back to its mother, the Inner Being. So it would always be there but I explained that while you are here, you are aware that you are sent the feeling, the emotion, but that is not from you here. That has come from your Inner Being, but the thoughts as a creative being, the physical fragment that is here in this environment, it would have many, many thoughts in each moment. Now each of these thoughts they also re-emerge at the instant that they are thought, they re-emerge back into your Inner Being. Do you understand this? Because just as every emotion that has every existed in your physical, every emotion, every thought that you as the physical would think, in that instant will re-emerge back into your Inner Being and it will exist in your Inner Being always and it is made aware, and also the Inner Being of that Inner Being, is made aware of all and within each of its Inner Beings that it would look after, that it would be the mother of.

So it can be aware of the hundreds and hundreds of Inner Beings that it would look after and they would each be aware of all the thoughts that you have thought and the things that you have seen, and this is of value to know, because they will always exist in your Inner Being. So in the moment when you would re-emerge into your Inner Being, you are suddenly aware of all of those, so all of those thoughts and all of those emotions that you have experienced here, you can feel them all because you are not focused now as one being in this environment. You are then that piece of your energy, is no longer focused in the physical here. It is focused back into your Inner Being, so it can sense, you could say, it can sense all of the thoughts that it has, every thought and all of the emotions that it has ever thought.

And that is a very difficult piece for the transition. Because the first thing that you do, is you realise that, yes, you can feel your own thoughts when you are back in your Inner Being, your mother, but that Inner Being, it communicates every moment with hundreds of hundreds of other Inner Beings at its level, just as you would communicate with your friend and you communicate with hundreds of your friends, but only one at a time here. But that is not the case when you are back in your Inner Being. Your Inner Being would communicate with hundreds and hundreds in every moment. And that my friend is very hard to take, because when you, the moment that you focus a piece of your energy on a thought, or a memory you would call it, of your physical self, you would not only feel the feeling and think the thought that you had here, you would also, without asking to, and you cannot stop it – there is no asking, it would just be – that you experience the feeling and the thoughts of the Inner Beings who were a part of that memory.

Now that, my friend, is the hardest part of your transition. It is experiencing some of the activities that you may think now are fine, yes, they are OK, they are normal and then when you re-emerge and you experience again that activity with other Inner Beings who also experienced that activity at the same moment that you did, that may have experienced completely different views of that activity, but not just views, they may have felt sometimes grief of that activity. But here in this environment you may not have known this at all. But that is a complicated part of the transition to experience. But you get used to that and when you are used to that, then they say that the transition has passed. You are then in the state, the normal state of your Inner Being. There is no more transition for that fragment.