Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

Mediumship & Clairvoyance

When I’m connecting when I work in churches with messages of loved ones, is this other Inner Beings in a pool that are giving messages to my Inner Being to give me? Is that how the clairvoyance works? LP 2.9.14

All Inner Beings have much wanting for pools. Some of the Inner Beings have small energy. Cannot have many pools, only a few. Some have much energy, then they can play with their energy in many pools. But when a Wooden Doll has wanting for knowings of a Wooden Doll that has transitioned then the Inner Being of the doll asks the Inner Being of doll who has transitioned, asks it to put on the coat of the old Wooden Doll. When the coat is on, then the words flow through the coat to your Inner Being. Then from your Inner Being flow some words, mostly pictures for showing. Not many words, you find it harder to get words. Can have flowing of words but you are not always aware of it in your head. Your Inner Being says you are more aware of pictures. He also wants to try to play with smells. He can try when there is a known smell. It’s not always possible for the coat to be known by it. But might have some with pipe or such, can have smell.

When I am speaking the address, the words that flow from spirit from Inner Beings to help people here about the way of life, what was like a sermon, is that different Inner Beings from a pool of learning?

I am asking who is bringing forth the words. No easy answer here. There are many such. Your Inner Being says for some of the time it’s him. He wants to explain for the Wooden Dolls there. But there are many other ones when the Inner Being of the ones in the chairs, one of their Inner Beings might have big wanting to say something for one of his Wooden Dolls. If he’s there on a chair he can hear, it’s possible to say something intended for him and all in the room will hear it also, but that is no problem, for the one it’s intended for will also have the hearing, that is wanted.

I have an energy that I feel that I call the white lady who gives me words of wisdom. Is she of my Inner Being or has there been a connection to me?

Asking. Your Inner Being is choosing to show a picture in your head, but also in the seeing, wanting of you seeing. Not often, only when your Inner Being wants for you to notice that the words are of the same will he show her. He can also show others. It’s your Inner Being but he is choosing some showings of coats. This one you speak of is not a coat, she is of the choosing of your Inner Being. The Inner Being can manifest what it chooses, it can show what it chooses. He has some times he is wanting to flow words for you, but you are not always hearing. When he has this problem and he wants you to hear, he chooses to show her, for your monkey knows her. Your monkey says ‘I notice her, I listen to what is said’. Then you have the knowing of the words flowing. He doesn’t always use her for you. He is saying if he always uses her, then you will not listen if she is always there. This is why he only shows her when he has big wanting for the words to be known by you.

When we are channelling and the words flow, I’m aware partly and I can hear some of what I’m saying. So that is my own Inner Being or can there sometimes be others?

It always will be from your Inner Being, there is no other way. I am here with Saesneggar through her Inner Being. All energy flows from the Inner Being to the Wooden Doll. There cannot be other flowing for the Wooden Doll. How does that happen? I explain properly for you. The Inner Being of a Wooden Doll can have the wanting of words. The Inner Being flows words and pictures, and smells etc. Many can have flowing from their Inner Being to your Inner Being. Then your Inner Being flows from him to you. You are not knowing of all of such. Sometimes you have the knowing of words and you speak, but when you start the speaking, there are many like the turn of tap, small water you are saying, then big water, more fast come. You also say you are not knowing in your head, only for some. Then the water is stopping, you are not remembering all of it in your head, only a small part. This is your Inner Being flowing from an Inner Being for talking with you. I have also done this with Saesneggar. I and her Inner Being played a game. She didn’t believe, didn’t trust it was possible. We had the man who was mending her car. He was talking to her. She didn’t care, she didn’t know about cars. He talked for a long time. She had a long talk with him, many words she didn’t know, then the Inner Being he turn off the tap, no more words flowing. The car man talked more to her and she panicked because she didn’t know what he was saying. Ha! We laughed, we made her believe us. We won’t do that any more. Your Inner Being does not have a problem for your monkey believes. Can have flowing easy of you. No problem.

Soul Group & Soulmates

I would like to communicate with my relatives in Spirit. Sn 14.4.13

In your time the fastest way to do this is for you to slide into the state where your own Inner Being can drive you. Your Inner Being can communicate to you. When you’re speaking your Inner Being can bring forth your relatives. They are not of your Inner Being, not of what you would call your soul group. They are not. Your soul group has no relationship to your physical relations. Your soul group is the group of beings that your Inner Being has (manifested). Not the same as the physical friends and relatives that you have here. But your Inner Being will communicate to their Inner Being and bring them forth.

I did a life between life regression where we were put into a very deep hypnotic state to travel into the non-physical plane, the state of the soul where it’s not incarnated. I had some impressive experiences. When I came back through a former lifetime into the spirit world, the experiences I had was to meet my spirit guide and members of my soul group. Was this a memory or was this really happening? SN 14.4.2013

I can answer, I had this experience in my transition. Right. To go back to the Inner Being, you are the doll now, the physical, the doll today, now you are each moment, each breath you are the ‘puppet’ of your Inner Being. Now the Inner Being it has many, many hundreds of unique fragments that are controlled as the ‘puppets’ of this Inner Being. So when you, your physical consciousness is put into a rested state, it can have a small level of awareness of its communication with its Inner Being. So what it will see at this moment of communication with its Inner Being, is it sees the Inner Being. It meets the Inner Being as you will meet the Inner Being at your point of transition. So what you have called the soul group, it is a small part of the communication that your Inner Being was holding with other fragments of itself at the moment that you were seeing that part of your Inner Being.

Your soul group, it is a, I will explain it as a physical thing. Your Inner Being is big. This is the sphere of your Inner Being and underneath there are hundreds of fragments and they are all, from your point of view, they would always be now because we have no time. So when you were in the rested state to join for a moment with your Inner Being, you would see some communication going on with this one and this one and you see there would be communication with several of them that you would be in awareness with and you would call that your soul group. It is not. They are all just fragments of your Inner Being, as you are a fragment of you Inner Being. So the lives you have seen are moments of those fragments and the transition of a fragment back to its Inner Being, they are but moments within the same Inner Being that you have.

Are we born into the same soul group when incarnate in a different ‘coat’? WMG 24.6.14

The Inner Being has the choosing of what experience he is wanting. There are the choices of any place in your environment, if the Inner Being is Level 1. If the Inner Being is Level 2 he can choose a different environment, but the choices are for any location in the environment and also of any time in your environment when is most probable that the wanted experience will be had. The Inner Being cannot make the wanted experience happen, because the Wooden Doll has all the choosing. The Inner Being can only choose when to manifest a Wooden Doll and where, that is the choosing of Inner Being. All choosings from then on are from the Wooden Doll. You call it soul group, that’s what I call the cupboard where the coats are living.

Penguin-Couple-2-by-Merlin2525What are Soulmates? WMG 24.6.14

The Inner Being has many Wooden Dolls at the same time. Different pieces of the same Inner Being can know each other. Saesneggar knew another Wooden Doll from the same Inner Being for many years.

Do Inner Beings choose to have their Wooden Dolls interacting with each other over many lifetimes? If an Inner Being gets to know another Inner Being well, would they agree to have Wooden Dolls coming together because it makes it easier for them to influence each other in the wanted way? CC 13.8.14

This can happen. It is usually if the Inner Beings are in the same pool, then they have same wanting. They can have the wanting to have doings partly in the pool and partly in your environment. Now the Inner Being is not able to have doings in your environment. They have the wanting to influence their Wooden Doll for the influence of your environments. They are able to make their Wooden Doll like another Wooden Doll. So that happens sometimes? Often. When they are in pool where the pool has wanting of co-operation.

So if a person meets a new Wooden Doll for the first time and they feel some recognition, could it be that their Inner Beings know each other?

The energy of the Wooden Doll is of course the same energy as the Inner Being. The Inner Being has knowings (of the other). This is why the Wooden Doll also has knowings, it’s normal.

So is this why people sometimes feel others are of the same soul group because of the Inner Being connection?

This is always the case. Some might feel recognition like the other Wooden Doll is a brother or sister.

So it can feel that way if it’s just that the Inner Beings know each other?

The Inner Being plays with much of its energy in the pool, it has more knowings than Wooden Doll has knowings.





Taming the Monkey Mind

Can you explain to me about ego. Is ego the same as monkey or is there a difference? CC 24.6.14

It is not the same. What I am calling the monkey, this is the part of your head that is the amygdala (the Limbic system*). Thinking and fearing, more instinct, that what I am calling the monkey. Most of your apparatus flows into this. Only a small part of your head goes to the thinking part, most of the apparatus is flowing to what I have called the monkey, for it, not words and thoughts, works very fast in your apparatus. Much faster than can be through thinking, a small part is given for thinking. The most parts are not given for thinking, they are used for the monkey.

[*The Limbic system includes many components including: Cingulate gyrus – cognitive functions and attention, autonomic functions eg regulating heart rate, blood pressure; Amygdala – fear, flight or fight response; Hippocampus – memory; Orbitofrontal cortex – decision making; Hypothalamus – metabolic processes eg body temperature, sleep, hunger]

So is the monkey the conscious brain? AS 29.8.14

The conscious mostly, some parts are subconscious but all of the conscious is the monkey. He has value, he’s not bad. He makes your physical apparatus survive. All parts – seeing and hearing and such, he has the fast workings with them. He only chooses to show small parts in the other part of your head. The other part of your head is slow, the monkey is fast. You need the monkey, he’s not bad.

But where does the ego fit in? CC 24.6.14

This is not a part of head, it is a word for the ‘I know of me’, the ‘I am me’. This does not happen when you have transition, for that becomes the coat, that part. The rest of you is flowing in the Inner Being, having doings in the pools and such like of choosing, but the ‘this is me’ part, this ‘I am’ part, this is the ego, this goes into the coat.

Is it by meditating that I get the knowing from my Inner Being? JG 10.6.14

This is easier, can be like that most of the time, but also there are other ways that the Inner Being can give the knowings for you in your head, in the normal things when you are talking or reading, many times you will wonder, ‘Ah where did that come from? That’s not in the book? I have read the book, the book didn’t say this, why have I thought of this?’ It’s from the Inner Being. When you are reading, your head is in a way (frame of mind) where it’s easy for the Inner Being to get a knowing into your head. You are thinking I have read it in a book – it’s not in the book. Ha ha.

Can I invite the Inner Being to have more influence than the monkey? AM 19.8.14

The Monkey Squawks

The Monkey Squawks

The Inner Being is always wanting this, but it cannot have the doings (make it happen), this is your job. You need to think of happy things all of the day. But I’m afraid of everything. This is the problem; the monkey has the fearing, the squawking, he is always squawking and you’re not happy. Your head has the choosing, not the monkey. When the monkey has the squawking and big fearing, then you need to think of happy things you like, like the taste of cake in your mouth, ha ha. Always the thing you like makes the monkey comfortable; then he sleeps, he’s happy, he likes cake. Then the Inner Being can have a slightly bigger part each time. After many hundreds of such times when the monkey is sleeping and your head is happy, then your vibration will be faster. Then the Inner Being can have more influence in your head. Then you will have the deliberate choosing always for happy. It’s not easy. Saesneggar practised for 2 years before she had a big change of vibration. You might have 2 years of hard work to make your monkey happy. For the monkey has control of all of your life now, you cannot have a quick switch off of the monkey.

For most Wooden Dolls now it’s the monkey doing the choosing; it has to be in this environment, all have need of the monkey (for survival). Your beasts are different but they have the fast seeing and choosing from their monkey.

Can you explain the best way to tell the difference between promptings of Inner Being and what is coming from monkey brain, eg if we have fear is it Inner Being telling us don’t go in this direction now or is it the monkey saying I’m afraid? JP G 22.5.14

Your emotions, the Inner Being mostly has happy emotion; the emotion of the monkey is not always happy. Saesneggar goes on a train and the words make Robert laugh ‘MIND THE GAP’. I say to my Saesneggar ‘MIND THE GAP’, your Inner Being has a happy thought-form and you’re not happy – MIND THE GAP. It has knowing of the gap, you say your gut feelings – that’s the gap. Always ask your gut feelings about the gap. And if there is a gap, it’s not from your Inner Being.

How do I raise my consciousness and get the monkey out of way so I can go into trance? AS 29.8.14

The easy way, Saesneggar wasn’t able to this for many years, then she found it easy to do this. She thought of saying in her head what she wanted and then expecting it to happen, not possible. Then she had the knowing of wanting the monkey to be asleep but the head awake (to be able to go into trance). How to do that? She tried many things. What worked for her monkey is to give him work, important doings, then he is busy with that. He doesn’t sleep. It wasn’t possible to have him sleep for this. Your one is probably the same. You will need to give the monkey important things to do, then he is busy and the Inner Being can then be able to influence the vibration of your head and put your head in the vibration that matches the foot to go in your slipper. You cannot have the knowing of this. The Inner Being is able to do this but only when the monkey is allowing. Saesneggar’s monkey didn’t allow, that was a problem, so the monkey needed to be busy then he didn’t care, he didn’t notice the Inner Being.

So is that why when I’m driving I feel knowing from the Inner Being?

This is so, this is easier for your Inner Being, but he knows it’s not possible when you are in your car, it could hurt you (to be distracted). It is possible for him but he is choosing not to, it’s not safe. But it’s needed for something to make the monkey busy, like driving.

The same happens when I’m in the bath, so it’s not forcing it?

You cannot make it happen, you must make the monkey busy, then it will happen, but don’t expect it. Experiment with different doings for the monkey, have a game of many things for the monkey to do, then practise to know what works and what doesn’t work.

Further explanation of the Monkey from Saesneggar

Robert has often referred to two parts of the Wooden Doll’s mind, the part that is ‘connected’ to the Inner Being and the ‘monkey’ part which has the stronger genetic influence.  He says that the two work together but don’t always agree. He says that all input from our 5 senses will always go straight to the monkey part (this is our physiology and will never change) where it is processed very quickly and most of it is ignored because it is deemed to be unimportant e.g. your eyes see an aisle full of washing powder but straight away you are aware of the pack that you want and you haven’t really noticed the 99 others on the shelves.  

Robert says that the important bits of what we see/hear etc are pulled out by the monkey part and can be either sent to the wider mind for consideration or the monkey part engages an instant fight or flight response.  He says that some wooden Angry-Cartoon-monkeydolls with small pipes to their Inner Being will almost always act from the monkey part – for example they feel threatened and make aggressive comments when someone ignores them, whereas their Inner Being would want them to consider the wider context such as maybe that person is having a bad day or just hasn’t noticed me, ‘either way it’s not my problem so I don’t need to react negatively or even feel negative about this, I’m quite happy for them to choose to notice me or not’.  

Robert says that the monkey part constantly evolves from our genetic past and adapts slightly from each experience, it isn’t always wrong and is vital to our physical survival, so he admits to teasing by the use of the word ‘monkey’. He says that when we develop a bigger, stronger pipe to the Inner Being we have a better balance of judgement – those with a strong pipe are usually positive and not fearful because they are able to comfort their own monkey part regularly, therefore their monkey seldom feels threatened and doesn’t ‘kick off’ (my words).  

Transition (Death) 3 – Fear of Dying

Is my soul’s purpose to work with the dying? (JG-LFG 9.6.14)

There is a big need, much wanting, for many Inner Beings have big wanting for Wooden Dolls to help with the transition (passing). There is big fear in the moment of what is next with many Wooden Dolls. They do not want to stay Wooden Doll (carry on living) but they have much fear, big fear of transition and will not allow their energy to reabsorb back to their Inner Being. The Inner Being wants to end the (life of the) wooden doll. It makes the flow of energy smaller and smaller and smaller so the apparatus is deteriorating and hard to sustain. But the Inner Being cannot decide when the Wooden Doll is no more – only the Wooden Doll can choose when the transition happens. But this is now a big problem – in your environment there are many who have no knowings of the Inner Being and no knowings of (the reality of) what you are calling death. They fear it. They all have feelings of ‘the ones I have hurt or the ones I made sad, and the ones I was not good enough for, I wish I had done this and I wish that had not happened ‘. And the problem is that when there is small flow from the Inner Being to the Wooden Doll, it’s half here and half in transition back to the Inner Being. Then it’s easier for them to see those who are in spirit than those in the physical, so they often see and hear the words of those that have made transition and it brings more fear – ‘that one doesn’t like me, that one I have hurt, he has come for me, I don’t want to move to the next plane, I want to stay a Wooden Doll’.

The truth is that the Inner Being of the one that was wronged puts on the coat of the person who was harmed, and appears because he is wanting to say ‘I am not hurt, I’m an Inner Being and as an Inner Being I wanted to have an experience and I asked your Inner Being to help me have that experience, that’s all it is. It’s not a problem, it’s not for blaming or guilt or fear of the one in spirit.’ He wants the Wooden Doll to hear, ‘there is no problem, I’m happy, I had the experience for my Inner Being that I asked your Inner Being for. You are the one who helped me to have that experience. It was not a happy experience, but I need all experiences, not just happy ones.’

This is why many wooden dolls now in this moment take many years to make transition. It’s not good for Wooden Doll or for the ones who have to care for them after they should have had transition. The physical body cannot cope, it needs much help. There is no value (ie further learning experience to be had) in that Wooden Doll now, no experience that is wanted now but there is no transition. But you are able to speak with the ones who have the listening and to have the understanding from them of what it is they fear. You can ask: ‘ Why have you not made transition? Who are the ones who are making you not want to be with them?’

You can tell them this – there will be no making you be with any other when you have transitioned. If you have the husband, or the wife or the mam or the dad that you do not like, and as a Wooden Doll you had to be with them, and when they made transition (died) you were happy, but you are now feeling ‘I should not have been happy, they have knowing I was happy when they were not here with me and I don’t want to be with them now. I have had years of happiness and freedom and I do not want to give it up now and be with that one again.’ There is no problem, not be with anyone that you are not choosing to be with. You will speak with that one, for the Wooden Doll is like a coat put in a cupboard when not worn. So the Inner Being of that one will take coat from the cupboard and put on the coat to appear to you as that one. So it can give the comfortable feeling that ‘I’m not afraid of that one, he’s not angry, he’s not sad, he’s happy with me and I will have a conversation with him and then we will all be happy and I will not see that one again if I am not choosing. No problem.

There is big needing of this in your environment. More now than before. Before many were happy to have transition, they believed in heaven. It’s not real, but it’s a story that made Wooden Dolls comfortable. Now they are not wanting the story of heaven. But they do not know the truth. They fear what is next, yes.

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Is the Inner Being omnipresent? (JP gr 22.5.14)

The Inner Being is always. A small piece of the energy of the Inner Being goes into the Wooden Doll, all energy is in your Inner Being, it always knows all moments of the Wooden Doll. Like the man Robert Hughes is no more, but I (his Inner Being) have all Robert’s knowings. Your Inner Being has the knowings of all your moments. And the Inner Being of your Inner Being has the knowings. When you have no more knowings (after your death), your Inner Being will always have your knowings. All knowings are thought-forms, energy, and can never cease to exist, all energy will always be.

Always growing, all new thought-forms can never not be. I laugh about how the Wooden Dolls think. They think they do something – Saesneggar digs a hole and plants a tree, and thinksThat is real. When many moments have passed, when I am no longer here, the tree will be here.’ But when Saesneggar has the thought-form, it is bigger than the tree and the thought-form will always be. What it is in the head is more important than what is done with the hands.

When you are asking a question Robert, who is it you are asking, is it what we know on earth as the Akashic Records? (BD 1.7.14)

There is no such thing (as Akashic Records). The Inner Being knows in each moment what you are thinking and everything you do; it knows what you are doing, tasting, all. It has the experience the same as you do. When you, the Wooden Doll, have  transition (death), the Inner Being does not transition. The Inner Being still has all the knowings of you. Like you have the knowings of when you were a baby. Some you remember, some you don’t, but it’s all in the Inner Being. The Inner Being has all the knowings and can easily bring forward the memory. I have previously used a picture for Saesneggar, I gave her the image of the coats in the cupboard. Now the Inner Being has all of you flowing in it, but some parts of you that are not needed, will be put as a coat in the cupboard. It’s not gone, the Inner Being can bring the coat from the cupboard when it chooses. Like I am now showing the coat of Robert. You are not talking with Robert, Robert is not here now, Robert has been gone for 100 years. I am of course the Inner Being wearing the coat of Robert. I have many hundreds of coats I can put on, but Saesneggar is comfortable with the Robert coat. 

oldbookNow, it’s important for you to know that all that you know in your heart: your music, your thinking, your science, all these were the knowings of Wooden Dolls in your environment, all that ever lived, and the knowings are now within the Inner Beings of those Wooden Dolls. All Inner Beings talk, like you talk; not with the mouth, but they have the knowings of each other. They can ask. They have the pools (for specific interests). That is how all knowings are stored; you call it Akashic Records, like you understand the image of a book. It’s not a book. It’s the knowings of the Inner Beings, who are living like you are living. The energy of the Inner Being is always flowing, always will flow, always have the knowings, you can ask any question. Saesneggar was wondering how Robert could talk about the big science, the quantum string [in a previous session with a quantum physicist]. I don’t know the information as the Robert coat, but I can access the knowings of those Inner Beings who have Wooden Dolls at this moment who are working with this [quantum physics] and have knowings of this. And I speaki words from them, from the Inner Beings. That is how I can answer the questions on such things.

So the term Akashic Records was coined by Edgar Cayce so that we could understand?

Many use the pictures [ie use images to help explain], like me with the image of the coat. It’s a way to explain. It hard to explain the knowledge of all. For the knowings of many Wooden Dolls are not right. They don’t understand the Inner Beings. They think, ‘when I transition [pass away] then the memory of my life is sent from my apparatus to a guide or such. This is not so, it is always only the Inner Being, but it is not sent only at the time of transition, but knowing from the Wooden Doll is sent to the Inner Being in all moments. This is how in your book, the bible of the Nazarene, it says that God is all-knowing, all knowings in all moments. This is what it’s trying to explain.

So it’s the God that’s within us?

This is the Inner Being, this is what you are calling the God, the Buddha, the Nanek, it’s all same, it’s the Inner Being.

I was going to ask, is Jesus the son of God?

They all, you are, ha. All, there is no other. You call it God, I don’t call it God. I have the Inner Being and the Inner Being has the Inner Being and that has the Inner Being and that has the Inner Being. All different speed of energy from the experience of each one. All one energy, that we are all knowings of the others. There is only one energy. I do not call it God for many have other knowings of a God that are not the truth.

How do you see the Wooden Dolls? Do you see us as a full body, do you see us as spirit lights, are you with us in very intimate moments? This is something which affects everybody, we want to know are you with us all the time and see everything that we are doing behind closed doors? Sn 16.4.13

To explain it. [Speaking as the Inner Being of Robert] When the thoughts of my Wooden Dolls, I would have that thought every moment and I can choose to see, not how you would see, but I can have a knowing of the physical of that doll when I choose to. I would always, every moment. I have to have the thought of all of my Wooden Dolls so that I can give my doll the emotion that is appropriate to help that doll. Well you are here, you are where you should be thinking ‘mmm’ (happy thoughts) or you are here in thought thinking ‘urgh’ (unhappy thoughts). This is not where you should be in your thinking, so I would know every thought that my Wooden Dolls have and every instant I know their thought and I send the appropriate emotion to tell them that you are ‘mmm’ or ‘urgh’, but I could choose to have the seeing through the physical doll as you would say. It will take more of my energy and I can choose to do this when I want to because my doll is very ‘mmm’ (happy) and I feel that, but the thought is not always enough for me to judge the emotion that I want to give the Wooden Doll. So for that moment I would choose to have more of the knowing, so that if I am unsure how strong the emotion is, how much physical chemical do I need for my Wooden Doll now, I would pour more of my energy from my bucket to the physical doll to pull more knowing of that doll for that moment. So I can judge.

[Note from Saesneggar: Robert uses the terms ‘mmm’ or ‘aaah’ to indicate the Wooden Doll having positive, happy emotions and ‘urgh’ or ‘blurgh’ to indicate having negative, unhappy emotions.]

If I understand correctly it means normally you are connected by thought with your Wooden Dolls but sometimes it is necessary to gain more insight to have more info then you can really have a look, open the curtain completely.

That is correct. One, there is the thought that I would always have, and some moments I would choose to pour more energy to get more knowledge of that doll. But also that doll can, when it chooses, it can have the thought to ask me, the Inner Being, it does not always know of this. The Saesneggar does know to ask now and would now ask the Inner Being many times to put more energy.

Past Lives & Karma

Do we choose our life before we come here? WM24.6.14

The Inner being has the experience of each wooden doll. When the energy has re-emerged into the inner being (after transition), the ‘coat’ is in the cupboard, it does not come back. The Inner Being will have many other wooden dolls. It’s not reincarnation and karma, that is not the truth. When the Inner Being wants to manifest a Wooden Doll, the Inner Being wants an experience so it chooses where it is most likely to have the wanted experience. It chooses the time and place and parents, hoping for certain experiences, but it has no choosings (while the doll is incarnate). The Inner Being sends emotions to the Wooden Doll, but the Wooden Doll has the choosing. My Inner Being wanted to have the experience of being a soldier. I could have chosen not to be a soldier (Robert was in a reserved occupation). Nothing is written, you have the choosing.

Does memory of other lives influence this life? BH 22.7.14

This is important. The Inner Being has many hundreds of Wooden Dolls in your environment. Each of the Wooden Dolls has the doings and knowings. The Inner Being also has the knowings and doings of the Wooden Doll. He is learning with each of the Wooden Dolls. Like you when you were a baby, and when you grow bigger you have more learning. That shapes your head, shapes your thinking from your experiences. That’s the same for your Inner Being, for all the Wooden Dolls that he has the knowings from, he has learning from them and there is also the learning of you as the Wooden Doll, learning by you and by the Inner Being, of you both. It has the colour of the experience, the knowings and doings of all the Inner Beings and all the Wooden Dolls they have knowledge from. All this shapes the Inner Being in the moment. They are all important.

Are there past lives? WM 24.6.14

There are only the ‘coats’ of previous incarnations in the ‘cupboard’ of the Inner Being after they have transitioned. All the thought-forms of every Wooden Doll will always be in the Inner Being. Thought-form energy will never not exist. The Inner Being will always be, but not always in the same form. Energy builds with each incarnation, some incarnations build much energy, some build small, but all are building and shaping the Inner Being by their experiences. The Inner Being is always becoming – it is never done. With big energy the Inner Being can do more – it can sustain more Wooden Dolls and can spend energy like you spend money. Inner Beings get more energy by having Wooden Dolls. We spend a small amount of energy to flow into a Wooden Doll to sustain it. We have the energy of the thought-forms flowing from the Wooden Dolls to the Inner Being. After transition, coats can choose to always be together if they want. Nobody has to see other coats they don’t want to see.

Is there ever any need for clearing past lives of other Wooden Dolls of our Inner Being, or is there nothing there to clear? CC 8.7.14

That is not possible, the Inner Being has all the knowings of all the thoughts and all of the experiences of the Wooden Dolls. Now the Inner Being can choose to show these to a new Wooden Doll or not to show them. Most do not show (previous incarnations), but when the Inner Being chooses to show one it can. The Inner Being flows that down the pipe.

When Wooden Dolls have past life regressions, are they ever shown past lives from their Inner Being? CC 29.7 14

Can have, no problem. The Inner Being may choose to show any coat, but the Inner Being, ha, is also able and sometimes chooses to show something else (not one of its previous incarnations), it can show any it chooses.

Do Inner Beings ever choose to have a new Wooden Doll in the same ancestral line?

They can do, can choose it, but there is no purpose, there is not the wanting of the physical (influence). The physical has only small influence compared to the influence of the Inner Being in the doll.

I decided to clear my ancestral line of unpleasant characteristics, how am I doing in that? AM 19.8.14

This is not possible. The unwanted (characteristics) are in balance of the wanted ones. There is no problem, it is needed. It is more important for you to focus your thinking on the wanted, not the unwanted. This is important for you – not to have big thinking, and build momentum on thoughts about unwanted things, creating thought-forms about unwanted things. Now the thought-form energy will always be. It will have being long after you have transitioned (passed away) back to your Inner Being. The thought form doesn’t go, it’s always here, so be careful to choose to focus your thinking on what is wanted. Always make momentum by thinking about what excites you, the passion, the wanted. When you are building momentum, choose to build this, then you will have thought-forms building what is wanted. That wanted thought-form will still have being when you no longer have being. Then you will leave behind in this environment more wanted, positive thought-forms than negative, unwanted thought-forms. You will have contributed to raising the vibration of the environment, by leaving behind more faster energy; this is important for you.


Karma: I believe that at the end of each lifetime there is no karma, that it is all dealt with in one lifetime? AS 24.6.14

Karma is not the truth. The Inner Being always has been, always will be, but the Wooden Doll has one time, one environment, it is not born many times. There is no conversation with the Inner Being on transition, the Inner Being (already has experienced) all of the life of the Wooden Doll as it happens, it has the knowings as you have knowings. Nothing is passed from you to a new Wooden Doll, but all your experiences remain in the Inner Being; the experiences of all Wooden Dolls are in the Inner Being.