Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

Happiness 3 – Relationships

Can you say anything about my future? I feel the time is right to have a close companion to share my life. Is there someone coming in? LP 2.9.14

I am not able to see a lot of the future, I am only able to see a small amount of what is coming. All is probability, not what will happen. The choosing of your vibration will always attract the future doings. But I want to say from your Inner Being that he doesn’t want another for you now. Your Inner Being wants you to be happier always. Not to be sad. Not to be thinking of the past, but to want to be happy now. This is important. Your Inner Being is saying there is not much of this now. You are always happier about what has been in the past, not happy of what is now. This is important. Only when you have the big happiness of now will you be able to bring forth the attraction of another Wooden Doll who also has the big happiness now.

Your Inner Being doesn’t want you to attract another Wooden Doll now, for his energy will be the same as your energy. He will not be happy and you will not be happy. This is not wanted. Your Inner Being does not need the experience of not happy. He has had much of this. He doesn’t want any more of this. He wants you to have the experience of happy now, then you will be able to attract the happy partner. You had the practice for being happy in your last relationship. He made you happy, then he went (passed away). Now you have the knowing of being happy. You must now make yourself able to be happy in your head without being with another. This is your job. Your Inner Being has big wanting of this. Your late partner had the job of the showing you how to be happy. But it was not wanted for you to be happy only with him. He had the going, his deliberate choice, for his job was done and your head was dependent on him for joy. That was not wanted. He went. You don’t have joy. But now is the time when your energy is faster. You can have more deliberate choosing in each moment for joy. This is important. Then only when you have big joy of all moments of all of your day, for many days, only then can a friend for you be brought forth.