Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

Time & Parallel Lives


roman-clock-newCan you explain the difference between your time and our time. My understanding that where you are in spirit, all time is one now, it’s not linear like we have in this environment. But if it’s not linear, do you already know what our choices are going to be? CC 1.7.14

I have not knowing how to show a picture for this. To explain, what you call time is this environment, it has time. It has a slow vibration, big mass, then gravity has workings here, this environment is slow vibration, big mass. The environment of the Inner Being has no mass, has a fast vibration, there is no mass here, the gravity is not noticed. It cannot be noticed if there is no mass and a fast vibration. Time is the measure of the light, of the vibration of the light from one place to another place in your environment. It is controlled by gravity, yes. Now we have none of that, no such. No gravity, no mass, no time. The now is our moments always, but we have the now experience of the Wooden Dolls in our now moments. They are the doings in the time of their environment. Many different times in the environments of the different wooden dolls, not of you. You and Saesneggar are in the same time (zone), but others have other timing, before and after, but this only how you seeing it in your environment. It’s not real, it is shown because of gravity.

So if you can see the past and future of our environments, can you also see what our choosings will be? CC 1.7.14

No, the choosings are of you. I can have a small jump into environments to look, but I and your Inner Being are not able for make choosings. Only Wooden Doll is able make choosing. We have the wanting, big wanting and we sending the vibration to help influence the choosing of the WD, but the Wooden Doll can still have the choosing to, or not to.

Can you please explain again about how you see our linear time. It’s hard to understand how in your now you can go back in our time to incarnate a Wooden Doll. Wouldn’t them going back in the past affect our now? CC 7.10.14

This so. This is not real. They do not have time. The Inner Being has now, all of now, he is not of time. He does not go back and go forward. He has only now.

So from our point of view, all of the incarnations in the past have already happened?

This so. The seeing of you is not always of now, it has only the small (seeing) of now, the moment. Cannot have the seeing of the one of the future of you.

If you can have a WD in our future, and they are all seeing it in the now, doesn’t that mean you can experience the future of earth?

They have only the knowing of the experience of their Wooden Doll. They do not have the knowing of all. They can only see the experiences of (their Wooden Dolls).

So are there different realities in the future?

There is the multiverse. There are millions and millions of the possible. It is not known what (you will) manifest. You are able to make the change. You can manifest any. (We) cannot have the knowing of which you choose.


Parallel Lives

RH fractalWhat happens to the choices we don’t make? Are different versions of the same Wooden Doll existing in parallel universes in the same now? CC 22.7.14

Not this, no. The Wooden Doll has the now. There are many choices in the now. The choosing that has the momentum, then has big momentum, has thought-form. The energy thought-form, it manifests, then the Wooden Doll has the experience. No other (experience) manifests for there is no momentum for the thought-form, it cannot manifest.

So there is only one version of each Wooden Doll and they have many choices to make and whatever they choose is their reality?

This is so. It can change. It can be that in the moment (a person is thinking): ‘I am choosing this one, but I don’t have big momentum, it does not have a big enough thought-form to manifest. I am thinking it’s not working. So I choose another, again no momentum’. The monkey is thinking it’s not working, so there are more choosings, many choosings; it’s all confusion for none are working. I am always seeing this in Wooden Dolls. There is need for thinking and choosing, then they have the momentum (to manifest). This is important. There is need of big momentum for the thought-forms. When there is enough, then it will manifest. Choose and have the passion of what you have chosen; (don’t have) the monkey doubting, that’s the problem.