Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

Soul Group & Soulmates

I would like to communicate with my relatives in Spirit. Sn 14.4.13

In your time the fastest way to do this is for you to slide into the state where your own Inner Being can drive you. Your Inner Being can communicate to you. When you’re speaking your Inner Being can bring forth your relatives. They are not of your Inner Being, not of what you would call your soul group. They are not. Your soul group has no relationship to your physical relations. Your soul group is the group of beings that your Inner Being has (manifested). Not the same as the physical friends and relatives that you have here. But your Inner Being will communicate to their Inner Being and bring them forth.

I did a life between life regression where we were put into a very deep hypnotic state to travel into the non-physical plane, the state of the soul where it’s not incarnated. I had some impressive experiences. When I came back through a former lifetime into the spirit world, the experiences I had was to meet my spirit guide and members of my soul group. Was this a memory or was this really happening? SN 14.4.2013

I can answer, I had this experience in my transition. Right. To go back to the Inner Being, you are the doll now, the physical, the doll today, now you are each moment, each breath you are the ‘puppet’ of your Inner Being. Now the Inner Being it has many, many hundreds of unique fragments that are controlled as the ‘puppets’ of this Inner Being. So when you, your physical consciousness is put into a rested state, it can have a small level of awareness of its communication with its Inner Being. So what it will see at this moment of communication with its Inner Being, is it sees the Inner Being. It meets the Inner Being as you will meet the Inner Being at your point of transition. So what you have called the soul group, it is a small part of the communication that your Inner Being was holding with other fragments of itself at the moment that you were seeing that part of your Inner Being.

Your soul group, it is a, I will explain it as a physical thing. Your Inner Being is big. This is the sphere of your Inner Being and underneath there are hundreds of fragments and they are all, from your point of view, they would always be now because we have no time. So when you were in the rested state to join for a moment with your Inner Being, you would see some communication going on with this one and this one and you see there would be communication with several of them that you would be in awareness with and you would call that your soul group. It is not. They are all just fragments of your Inner Being, as you are a fragment of you Inner Being. So the lives you have seen are moments of those fragments and the transition of a fragment back to its Inner Being, they are but moments within the same Inner Being that you have.

Are we born into the same soul group when incarnate in a different ‘coat’? WMG 24.6.14

The Inner Being has the choosing of what experience he is wanting. There are the choices of any place in your environment, if the Inner Being is Level 1. If the Inner Being is Level 2 he can choose a different environment, but the choices are for any location in the environment and also of any time in your environment when is most probable that the wanted experience will be had. The Inner Being cannot make the wanted experience happen, because the Wooden Doll has all the choosing. The Inner Being can only choose when to manifest a Wooden Doll and where, that is the choosing of Inner Being. All choosings from then on are from the Wooden Doll. You call it soul group, that’s what I call the cupboard where the coats are living.

Penguin-Couple-2-by-Merlin2525What are Soulmates? WMG 24.6.14

The Inner Being has many Wooden Dolls at the same time. Different pieces of the same Inner Being can know each other. Saesneggar knew another Wooden Doll from the same Inner Being for many years.

Do Inner Beings choose to have their Wooden Dolls interacting with each other over many lifetimes? If an Inner Being gets to know another Inner Being well, would they agree to have Wooden Dolls coming together because it makes it easier for them to influence each other in the wanted way? CC 13.8.14

This can happen. It is usually if the Inner Beings are in the same pool, then they have same wanting. They can have the wanting to have doings partly in the pool and partly in your environment. Now the Inner Being is not able to have doings in your environment. They have the wanting to influence their Wooden Doll for the influence of your environments. They are able to make their Wooden Doll like another Wooden Doll. So that happens sometimes? Often. When they are in pool where the pool has wanting of co-operation.

So if a person meets a new Wooden Doll for the first time and they feel some recognition, could it be that their Inner Beings know each other?

The energy of the Wooden Doll is of course the same energy as the Inner Being. The Inner Being has knowings (of the other). This is why the Wooden Doll also has knowings, it’s normal.

So is this why people sometimes feel others are of the same soul group because of the Inner Being connection?

This is always the case. Some might feel recognition like the other Wooden Doll is a brother or sister.

So it can feel that way if it’s just that the Inner Beings know each other?

The Inner Being plays with much of its energy in the pool, it has more knowings than Wooden Doll has knowings.