Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

WAR & RELIGION – the causes of conflict

Here are 3 instances where Robert explains the causes of conflict and why religious wars are a threat to us all

Why do you (the Inner Being of Robert) want to speak to us at this point in time? TG 9.11.14

Silver dummyWhat I want to say is that, when I was alive, all my life, all, even in the trenches, I had a strong faith, always. It made dull my thirst for the truth. Like a baby suckling on silver (a silver dummy), ha, that was me. There are many books (religious belief systems), many who fear another’s book, and there is killing because of it. I do not want this. All Wooden Dolls (humans) have an Inner Being. The Inner Being knows them, knows them better than they know themselves. The Inner Being loves them, in joy and in their wrong-doings for learning; all is loved.

I want Wooden Dolls to sit in the quiet love of their Inner Being, then they will see the truth, not in a book. No amount of killings can make a book truth, the only truth comes when you sit with your Inner Being. Now, it’s not Robert’s truth, the truth comes from the Inner Being of each person. As with the beasts and the plants of your environment, there is not only one, there are many different ones. All are needed to sustain the earth environment. It is the same with truth. There is not only one, there is no book, all Inner Beings have their truth. All have the growing. It’s never done, always growing. This is why I want to give this message to reach many people. They have fearing of other books, they have killing. If humans continue to have no knowing from their Inner Being, but believe in a book (religion), you need to know that it’s probable your loved ones will be involved in the killing. This is why I want to speak. Many others (in spirit) want to speak also (through humans). This is needed for you to know in the now.

Many people were killed (on this day – 9.11) because of a book (religion). Many more will be killed. This can only be prevented if the Inner Beings can show the truth to their Wooden Dolls. But if the Wooden Dolls continue with the killing, then the environment can no longer be sustained. Robert loves this environment, but (Inner Beings) cannot intervene.

Colwyn Bay War Memorial

Colwyn Bay War Memorial

What do you think if you look at our world today with all those war activities all over the world, how do you feel about that? Sn 15.4.13

It is very interesting to me to see the difference of a soldier today and my time (WW1). I would not think him a soldier at all. A lot of the soldiers today act on intelligence. The fighting is not with soldiers. The fighting is with cowards who do not show themselves. They would not wear a uniform. They would hide in a children’s school and they would shoot. That is not a soldier.

I know that the majority of the people on your earth, they have learned so much from my time and from the war in between, and the smaller wars later, so for the most part, the people, they do not need war now. The conflict now, it is not with the people, or with their governments now. They have outgrown the useful war. The conflict now it is with the religions, which will not last long. This is just one step because for the most people, the religions are not strong in their heart now, and the conflict now, this is serving a good purpose to be the death of how any respect to an old religion. People would not follow for long now. And that is a major step in the expansion for your environment, and my old environment too, for we are brothers.

Could you explain why people have to do terrible things to each other, kill each other and have war? Sn 21.4.13

It is not always, but it is many times, caused by the fear. The Inner Being can try to give emotions to influence the Wooden Doll (positively), but it cannot compel its doll to do anything, or to think anything. It can only pass the emotion and the emotion does not always bring the thought that the Inner Being would want. So the Inner Being would then give the stronger emotion to change the doll and the doll’s thinking. So the strong emotion, the fear, some moments that fear will be too strong for the Wooden Doll to think properly.

So this is the reason why all these things happen?

It is always, in all of the dolls, the doll is not to blame, it is that its Inner Being has not yet the experience, the knowing of how to flow energy of value and emotion of value to the doll. But the Inner Being learns here in this slow environment (earth).

Robert's name on War Memorial

Robert’s name on Colwyn Bay War Memorial

Read Robert’s original words on this subject (the above has been edited slightly for ease of understanding)