Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

Past Lives & Karma

Do we choose our life before we come here? WM24.6.14

The Inner being has the experience of each wooden doll. When the energy has re-emerged into the inner being (after transition), the ‘coat’ is in the cupboard, it does not come back. The Inner Being will have many other wooden dolls. It’s not reincarnation and karma, that is not the truth. When the Inner Being wants to manifest a Wooden Doll, the Inner Being wants an experience so it chooses where it is most likely to have the wanted experience. It chooses the time and place and parents, hoping for certain experiences, but it has no choosings (while the doll is incarnate). The Inner Being sends emotions to the Wooden Doll, but the Wooden Doll has the choosing. My Inner Being wanted to have the experience of being a soldier. I could have chosen not to be a soldier (Robert was in a reserved occupation). Nothing is written, you have the choosing.

Does memory of other lives influence this life? BH 22.7.14

This is important. The Inner Being has many hundreds of Wooden Dolls in your environment. Each of the Wooden Dolls has the doings and knowings. The Inner Being also has the knowings and doings of the Wooden Doll. He is learning with each of the Wooden Dolls. Like you when you were a baby, and when you grow bigger you have more learning. That shapes your head, shapes your thinking from your experiences. That’s the same for your Inner Being, for all the Wooden Dolls that he has the knowings from, he has learning from them and there is also the learning of you as the Wooden Doll, learning by you and by the Inner Being, of you both. It has the colour of the experience, the knowings and doings of all the Inner Beings and all the Wooden Dolls they have knowledge from. All this shapes the Inner Being in the moment. They are all important.

Are there past lives? WM 24.6.14

There are only the ‘coats’ of previous incarnations in the ‘cupboard’ of the Inner Being after they have transitioned. All the thought-forms of every Wooden Doll will always be in the Inner Being. Thought-form energy will never not exist. The Inner Being will always be, but not always in the same form. Energy builds with each incarnation, some incarnations build much energy, some build small, but all are building and shaping the Inner Being by their experiences. The Inner Being is always becoming – it is never done. With big energy the Inner Being can do more – it can sustain more Wooden Dolls and can spend energy like you spend money. Inner Beings get more energy by having Wooden Dolls. We spend a small amount of energy to flow into a Wooden Doll to sustain it. We have the energy of the thought-forms flowing from the Wooden Dolls to the Inner Being. After transition, coats can choose to always be together if they want. Nobody has to see other coats they don’t want to see.

Is there ever any need for clearing past lives of other Wooden Dolls of our Inner Being, or is there nothing there to clear? CC 8.7.14

That is not possible, the Inner Being has all the knowings of all the thoughts and all of the experiences of the Wooden Dolls. Now the Inner Being can choose to show these to a new Wooden Doll or not to show them. Most do not show (previous incarnations), but when the Inner Being chooses to show one it can. The Inner Being flows that down the pipe.

When Wooden Dolls have past life regressions, are they ever shown past lives from their Inner Being? CC 29.7 14

Can have, no problem. The Inner Being may choose to show any coat, but the Inner Being, ha, is also able and sometimes chooses to show something else (not one of its previous incarnations), it can show any it chooses.

Do Inner Beings ever choose to have a new Wooden Doll in the same ancestral line?

They can do, can choose it, but there is no purpose, there is not the wanting of the physical (influence). The physical has only small influence compared to the influence of the Inner Being in the doll.

I decided to clear my ancestral line of unpleasant characteristics, how am I doing in that? AM 19.8.14

This is not possible. The unwanted (characteristics) are in balance of the wanted ones. There is no problem, it is needed. It is more important for you to focus your thinking on the wanted, not the unwanted. This is important for you – not to have big thinking, and build momentum on thoughts about unwanted things, creating thought-forms about unwanted things. Now the thought-form energy will always be. It will have being long after you have transitioned (passed away) back to your Inner Being. The thought form doesn’t go, it’s always here, so be careful to choose to focus your thinking on what is wanted. Always make momentum by thinking about what excites you, the passion, the wanted. When you are building momentum, choose to build this, then you will have thought-forms building what is wanted. That wanted thought-form will still have being when you no longer have being. Then you will leave behind in this environment more wanted, positive thought-forms than negative, unwanted thought-forms. You will have contributed to raising the vibration of the environment, by leaving behind more faster energy; this is important for you.


Karma: I believe that at the end of each lifetime there is no karma, that it is all dealt with in one lifetime? AS 24.6.14

Karma is not the truth. The Inner Being always has been, always will be, but the Wooden Doll has one time, one environment, it is not born many times. There is no conversation with the Inner Being on transition, the Inner Being (already has experienced) all of the life of the Wooden Doll as it happens, it has the knowings as you have knowings. Nothing is passed from you to a new Wooden Doll, but all your experiences remain in the Inner Being; the experiences of all Wooden Dolls are in the Inner Being.