Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

Negative Experiences – Why Bad Things Happen

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Many people I have met have told me they had to go through many severe life experiences to awake. Many have nearly died. I also nearly died, and I have the feeling I needed to wake up. So what’s your thinking around that? Sn 17.4.13

This is the case yes. We have talked about thoughts and emotions, now the Wooden Doll (human) has the thought, always has the thought; it always has the emotion but it does not see the emotion. It sees the thoughts, yes, and it is when it has only the thoughts (and cannot feel the emotions that) it cannot see the Inner Being. It receives emotions every moment from the Inner Being but it is not aware of the emotion. So the Inner Being will give the negative ‘urgh’ emotion; there will be many, many moments of this before the doll has to see this also (ie pay attention to it). It would see this, it not see these until there many many of these and then it will see them. [ie if a person is not paying attention to the emotions coming from the Inner Being to guide it, there comes a point where the Inner Being would choose to give negative emotions to help the person ‘wake up’.]

Could you explain why people have to do terrible things to each other, and is it only in this earth environment, or is it going on in other environments that people kill each other and have war?

This is so in this environment and it is not always, but often it is because of the fear. We spoke of the 1-10 [this refers to the Inner Being giving different levels of emotion to the Wooden Doll to help guide it], and there is much of this as the (inexperienced) Inner Being gets knowledge of how to guide its Wooden Doll. But the Inner Being cannot compel its doll to do anything or think anything. It can only pass the emotion and the emotion does not always bring the thought that the Inner Being would want. So the Inner Being would then give the stronger emotion to change the doll and the doll’s thinking. So the strong emotion, the fear, and in some moments that fear will be too strong for the Wooden Doll to think properly.

So this is the reason why all these things happen?

It is always in all of the dolls, it is not to blame the doll, it is that some Inner Beings do not yet have the experience, the knowing of how to flow the energy that is of value and the emotion that is of value to the doll. But the Inner Being learns here in this slow environment (earth).

Can you please explain what does an Inner Being gain from a negative experience like being murdered? Does it gain the same kind of energy from a negative as a positive thing and does the energy come from the emotion? CC 8.7.14

The energy of the not wanted, it is slower, not so used, because the Inner Being has fast energy. I’ll explain (with a picture), when a spring is big, it’s fully opened out, that is the fast energy. It is useful for the Inner Being. When the spring is closed, small, it is slow, not useful for the Inner Being. This is the energy of the not wanted, like the killing. The energy of it flows to the Inner Being – there can be no other way – but it is slow, small, not of much use. The experience is what is wanted more than the energy of that, the experience. The Inner Being will have the knowings and the growings from that experience.

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