Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

Transition (Death) 2 – Near Death Experiences

Previously you said: “There is no conversation with the Inner Being on transition, the Inner Being has already has experienced all of the life of the Wooden Doll as it happens, it has the knowings as you have the knowings.”

I have trouble accepting that Wooden Dolls don’t have a life review after they transition. When people have Near Death Experiences they always describe this happening. C 2.9.14

Of course. The Inner Being of them is able to communicate with them, the only opportunity for the Inner Being – he doesn’t waste it. He has the opportunity of showing what is wanted and what is not wanted from life, for when (the Wooden Doll) has more of life, he has then the knowing of what is wanted and what is not wanted. This is important.

But that doesn’t happen when a person transitions fully?

There is no need such for he doesn’t have more of life, the apparatus (body) is gone. It is only of use when have apparatus more (ie, when the person will carry on living), for more new experiences. But when the apparatus is gone, then there are no new experiences of the doll, not in the old coat. It has the experiences of the Inner Being, even when it wears the coat. Like Robert, my Inner Being has chosen to wear the coat of Robert many times, but the experiences are of the Inner Being, not of Robert. I am happy, I have the Inner Being. I have not the wanting of the small knowings of Robert, I have the big knowings of many (through the Inner Being). The big happy of many, not the small of Robert.


What is happening when people have Near Death Experiences and see light? AS 8.7.14

When people see the light in the Near Death Experiences it’s a perception due to the closing down of the physical apparatus. Neurons fire fast in the head, faster than usual. The Inner Being has faster energy on transition to reabsorb all the energy quickly from the Wooden Doll. The faster energy looks like light to the Wooden Doll’s head, bigger than it has known before.