Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

Multiverses – Foretelling the Future

David Castillo Dominici, Free Digital

In our ‘Wooden Doll’ experience of time, how far in advance can you in spirit be confident of being able to read our energy to know what our probable future would be? SC 7.10.14

Ah. This is important. Now, I explain properly. Your scientists, they have some of the knowing. They call it the multiverse. They have the knowing of many hundreds of nows. All are probable, possible; now you in the now, you have always a vibration. It can be ‘aaah’ (happy, positive vibration) and can be ‘urrgh’ (unhappy, negative vibration) and there are many like them. Now there are many hundreds of different possibles of the multiverse, they each have a different vibration. Now you in the now, the moment of now, have the vibration of you. It has the same match as one of the multiverses, not all. So this becomes the next thing for you. The attraction of one of the multiverses. It manifests for you. All are real, but only one manifests for you. This is the choosing from your vibration. You have the many things happening now, but you have the one vibration.

So it’s important to know that when you have 10 things you are happy about, but one thing you are unhappy about, you have ‘urrgh’ when you think of this, then the vibration of ‘urrgh’ attracts the multiverse of the not wanted (into your reality). Stop doing this. You can choose to have the vibration of the ‘aaah’ thinking. Choose to think of the wanted, then make yourself excited about the wanted thing, then your vibration thought-form is of the wanted, then all comes from the wanted multiverse.

But to answer your question, your Inner Being is able to know of the multiverses that are close to your vibration in the now and he of course, knows your head. He thinks: ‘Her vibration is not changing much. She is stable, so the vibration now is this. She is not likely to change vibration, so I can know of the probable multiverse she will attract.’ But he is not able to be certain. So you can be happy, then see a thing that suddenly makes you unhappy. For example you might see a small baby be hit by a car and die, then you are sad. So your vibration in that moment is not the same as the vibration of the previous moment. So the Inner Being will know: ‘Ah the multiverse is now not the same. She has brought forth a different manifestation for her. I don’t want this, I will try to make her think of wanted things, not of ‘urrgh’ things. Your Inner Being is able to influence you more. Most Wooden Dolls do not have much influence (from the Inner Being), but your Inner Being has more flowing in you. Not always, you have always the choice. But you also have the choice to listen to the Inner Being.

He is able to make you notice, so he is not able to see the year, the month, the week, ahead, no. He can see the probability for you with the same vibration, but your vibration can change in moments, then the future will also change. Always the future is made in the now moment (by your vibration). It’s not written in a book. It’s not the planning of the Inner Being, no, that cannot be. The Inner Being can choose which environment to manifest (incarnate) in, then when you are manifested, then there is no more influence from the Inner Being (on what happens). All is your choice, from your head, from your vibration.

Even the baby, his vibration chooses a multiverse. The Inner Being is not able to choose. He can see the multiverse also, but cannot make one of your multiverses manifest. Your vibration always manifests. No one other than you. This is important.

So it’s very important to be happy?

This is so. You should always choose this.