Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

Mediumship & Clairvoyance

When I’m connecting when I work in churches with messages of loved ones, is this other Inner Beings in a pool that are giving messages to my Inner Being to give me? Is that how the clairvoyance works? LP 2.9.14

All Inner Beings have much wanting for pools. Some of the Inner Beings have small energy. Cannot have many pools, only a few. Some have much energy, then they can play with their energy in many pools. But when a Wooden Doll has wanting for knowings of a Wooden Doll that has transitioned then the Inner Being of the doll asks the Inner Being of doll who has transitioned, asks it to put on the coat of the old Wooden Doll. When the coat is on, then the words flow through the coat to your Inner Being. Then from your Inner Being flow some words, mostly pictures for showing. Not many words, you find it harder to get words. Can have flowing of words but you are not always aware of it in your head. Your Inner Being says you are more aware of pictures. He also wants to try to play with smells. He can try when there is a known smell. It’s not always possible for the coat to be known by it. But might have some with pipe or such, can have smell.

When I am speaking the address, the words that flow from spirit from Inner Beings to help people here about the way of life, what was like a sermon, is that different Inner Beings from a pool of learning?

I am asking who is bringing forth the words. No easy answer here. There are many such. Your Inner Being says for some of the time it’s him. He wants to explain for the Wooden Dolls there. But there are many other ones when the Inner Being of the ones in the chairs, one of their Inner Beings might have big wanting to say something for one of his Wooden Dolls. If he’s there on a chair he can hear, it’s possible to say something intended for him and all in the room will hear it also, but that is no problem, for the one it’s intended for will also have the hearing, that is wanted.

I have an energy that I feel that I call the white lady who gives me words of wisdom. Is she of my Inner Being or has there been a connection to me?

Asking. Your Inner Being is choosing to show a picture in your head, but also in the seeing, wanting of you seeing. Not often, only when your Inner Being wants for you to notice that the words are of the same will he show her. He can also show others. It’s your Inner Being but he is choosing some showings of coats. This one you speak of is not a coat, she is of the choosing of your Inner Being. The Inner Being can manifest what it chooses, it can show what it chooses. He has some times he is wanting to flow words for you, but you are not always hearing. When he has this problem and he wants you to hear, he chooses to show her, for your monkey knows her. Your monkey says ‘I notice her, I listen to what is said’. Then you have the knowing of the words flowing. He doesn’t always use her for you. He is saying if he always uses her, then you will not listen if she is always there. This is why he only shows her when he has big wanting for the words to be known by you.

When we are channelling and the words flow, I’m aware partly and I can hear some of what I’m saying. So that is my own Inner Being or can there sometimes be others?

It always will be from your Inner Being, there is no other way. I am here with Saesneggar through her Inner Being. All energy flows from the Inner Being to the Wooden Doll. There cannot be other flowing for the Wooden Doll. How does that happen? I explain properly for you. The Inner Being of a Wooden Doll can have the wanting of words. The Inner Being flows words and pictures, and smells etc. Many can have flowing from their Inner Being to your Inner Being. Then your Inner Being flows from him to you. You are not knowing of all of such. Sometimes you have the knowing of words and you speak, but when you start the speaking, there are many like the turn of tap, small water you are saying, then big water, more fast come. You also say you are not knowing in your head, only for some. Then the water is stopping, you are not remembering all of it in your head, only a small part. This is your Inner Being flowing from an Inner Being for talking with you. I have also done this with Saesneggar. I and her Inner Being played a game. She didn’t believe, didn’t trust it was possible. We had the man who was mending her car. He was talking to her. She didn’t care, she didn’t know about cars. He talked for a long time. She had a long talk with him, many words she didn’t know, then the Inner Being he turn off the tap, no more words flowing. The car man talked more to her and she panicked because she didn’t know what he was saying. Ha! We laughed, we made her believe us. We won’t do that any more. Your Inner Being does not have a problem for your monkey believes. Can have flowing easy of you. No problem.