Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

Robert Hughes channeling

INNER BEING 3 – Communications

I would like to communicate with my relatives in Spirit. Sn 14.4.13

In your time the fastest way to do this is for you to slide into the state where your own Inner Being can drive you. I can help that for the first part, but I am not necessary for your Inner Being is Level 1 as I am. Your Inner Being can communicate to you. (Robert’s Inner Being subsequently moved to Level 2)

When you’re speaking your Inner Being can bring forth your relatives. They are not of your Inner Being, not of what you would call your soul group. They are not. Your soul group has no relationship to your physical relations. Your soul group is the group of beings that your Inner Being has (manifested). Not the same as the physical friends and relatives that you have here. But your Inner Being will communicate to their Inner Being and bring them forth.

Do people who do mediumistic work have special capabilities to do the communication or does every person have it? Sn 14.4.2013

Each time the consciousness evolves as the monkey evolved to the man, each consciousness evolves also. Now go back, back into your time, the monkey, still today would do this, back to the time they communicate from the pool through the Level 1 Inner Being to the piece of being that is here. They do that every moment of life as a physical – it is guided very much, (there is a) very, very strong push from the Inner Being. Now as the monkey became the man and as the man became the creator and shaper man, less influence is now possible with the Inner Being, so at that time this became stronger. There is more need to communicate at the level of the environment so the speaking became the dominant form of control and of the mind, so the mind had a larger influence on the being. They are physical, this piece of the being, however the Inner Being is still there and it is still trying to control every moment it could influence, especially the feel of the being. In the sleeping, the Inner Being is always in control.

There is no knowledge, there is no influence and control of the speaking in that state. That is the natural state where the Inner Being would control, so for question then, every physical piece of being will always have the communication with its Inner Being. Therefore, every physical piece, unique piece will always communicate, but because that being it is not aware in its waking times of the flow that comes to it. It thinks always of its control and it thinks even that its emotions are coming from it. Every single emotion does not come from here, it is from your Inner Being. Every emotion every moment in here is from the Inner Being, so yes every living person from the baby up to the old. Well the baby would communicate very easily with the Inner Being. small children always they do this, it’s as the language develops that the conscious control of the being has to become stronger for that being to develop in this environment. Therefore the Inner Being will control and use the emotion that will allow more of a perception with the being that the being is always thinking and speaking of itself. It is a perception. The perception is not the reality because the reality is that all is from the Inner Being.

But how are we more able to receive this communication? Is it that we have different access to our Inner Being?

It is not so, it is just that you have decided that you will communicate in a mind way.

Those souls in the spirit world, if they can give us a real physical sensation like someone is touching us with a full hand, it takes them lots and lots of energy right? Sn 20.4.13

You would understand that it is only the Inner Being that can do this. So when I have my focus to Saesneggar under the foot, I will do this with the Inner Being. So it is the Inner Being that will give Saesneggar a sense in the mind that there is a thing walking on the foot. I cannot do this. It is only the Inner Being that can have the communication with the doll. The other Inner Beings we communicate every moment, our whole self with our own Inner Being and it is very easy for us to communicate, but it is not the mouth you understand. We would tell the Inner Being that we want to focus this energy and we want it to be and how we want it to move. Saesneggar’s Inner Being it can give the physical, the touch you call the physical, yes.

Are my family in spirit all part of my Inner Being? BD 1.7.14

No, they are part of other Inner Beings. But the Inner Beings are all one energy. The Inner Beings have talking like you have talking here with other Wooden Dolls. We have more talking and doings with other Inner Beings. You have the knowing ‘I am this, I look in the mirror, I know me. I have choosing of my doings as me’. After transition when you are in the Inner Being, you can see that the Inner Being does not have the apparatus (body), the Inner Being has energy. The energy has, in the same way as water, big pools and smaller pools and the Inner Being can take its energy like you take your money, and it fills its bucket. And it pours some of its bucket to the Wooden Dolls to sustain them and it pours some into other pools. Now the pools are for doing different things [different focus, such as healing or communication]. The Inner Being chooses what it wants. But the pools are not done as me – the ‘I am’. The pools are done as many. Many hundreds of Inner Beings all pour their energy into these pools and they have their doings together. This is how we do most things. We have more, not needing the mouth for talking. We have the thinking of the energy for this Wooden Doll part in a pool to talk to this other Wooden Doll part in the pool. We have very fast communication. The mouth, the growings of the words they happen, then this communication is thought of as being important by the Monkey. Not so, this is slow – not good communication with the mouth. It will not always be so. The apparatus (body) also has (the possibility) of the communication by the thinking. It does not have the knowings of it, but it’s there. The beasts have this. They use this more. They do not use the mouth much, mostly the head.


Robert Hughes channeling

INNER BEING 2 – How to increase the connection with your Inner Being

LightSitting with your Inner Being each day in Meditation is very important – the best possible use of your time: for optimum health, inner guidance and to know the truth of your life

“Your Inner Being knows you better than you know yourself.  He loves you in your joy and in the wrongs that you have learned from.  Sit with him each day in the quiet of his love, let him show you the truth that he sees.  Not my [Robert’s] truth, find truth for yourself with your own Inner Being.  It is written in no book, for it is ever becoming, never done.

All my life, even in the trenches, my faith was strong.  But the book [religion] dulled my thirst for truth, like a baby suckling the silver (a silver dummy).  Around you are many who fear another’s book and will kill the other.  You should force no book [doctrine] on another, nor fear another’s book.  Your environment sustains not because there is one shape of beast or plant, but because there are many; all are ever becoming, never done.  Such is truth, shaped by many, not one, ever becoming, never done.”

Sitting with your Inner Being is the most important thing for everyone, the best use of your time. Many people never have knowings of their Inner Being as they never meditate. It’s important to grow your pipe [connection] to your Inner Being, then the Inner Being can flow faster energy to you. The best way to meditate is to simply connect to the Inner Being (no music or images) and the best time is when getting ready to sleep. Go asleep with your Inner Being because that leaves your conscious mind in a state where it is easier for your Inner Being to work with you through the night.

Illness – If the pipe to the Inner Being is small and the energy is not fast enough, then the physical apparatus cannot be properly sustained by the Inner Being (for optimum health), then gradually there will be a declining in the physical body and illness will come. It can be made better by having more meditating with the Inner Being and taking time for the pipe to get bigger. Then the physical apparatus will change and return to health.

The best way to meditate is to simply connect to the Inner Being without music or images.  Sometimes, especially when people are new to meditation, or if they have difficulty in stilling the mind, it can help for them to use music and/or a visualisation meditation.  But if they become aware that their mind is only busy with the pictures, they will have no room for the Inner Being, so then it’s better to try with no words.

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See Robert’s original words on this subject

INNER BEING 1 – What is an Inner Being?

Robert Hughes channeling

Summary of Robert’s Explanations of the Inner Being (or Higher Self).

Robert often uses everyday objects to help us understand complex concepts. To help us understand the nature of consciousness as one energy operating at different ‘Levels’, and the nature of our own ‘Inner Beings’ that have created every one of us, he chose a set of nesting Russian Dolls.

  • In this analogy the human being is the smallest Wooden Doll on the right. Robert refers to the consciousness that manifested the Wooden Doll as its Inner Being, an energy consciousness that has no form but exists as an energy waveform
  • The Inner Being is choosing to project a small portion of itself into the physical environment that we call Earth as the Wooden Doll for the duration of its human life, ie it manifests its consciousness into a physical human
  • Robert stresses that the most important part of his message, the reason why he speaks now, is so that more people can come to know their own Inner Being and its Truth by sitting in quiet meditation
  • This Inner Being is energy that is projected by its own Inner Being which exists at a higher vibrational level (the next doll to the left, and so on)
  • Each physical human knows itself as a unique consciousness. But in each moment of our lives, full awareness of our consciousness flows back to the one source via the chain of Inner Beings.Robert Hughes channeling
  • Consciousness is a ‘system’ of billions of linked parts (you, your Inner Being, me, my Inner Being, its Inner Being etc). Each has its own experiences, but all experiences flow to drive the growth and development of the whole
  • Robert refers to Inner Beings by their ‘Level’. This is not a hierarchy, but a naming convention Robert worked out with his medium to help him denote the speed of vibration of a consciousness at a point in time. The more experience a consciousness has, the faster its vibration. However Robert explains that levels are like the cogs in a clock; some spin fast, some slow, but all must spin for the clock to work – ie Inner Beings are no more important than Humans, we influence our physical environment (Earth), they influence the non-physical environment
  • There is only ONE ENERGY. All individual consciousnesses; you and I, our Inner Beings, their Inner Beings & so on; are all projected energy from this single source
  • The human has the slowest vibration (physical), we can do few things at once. Inner Beings have faster vibration, their consciousness can take part in more activities at once
Robert Hughes channeling

Other Dimensions (Environments)

Robert Hughes channeling

Other Dimensions

For an explanation of Robert’s use of the word ‘environment’, see Theme 5

How many dimensions are there? WMG 24.6.14

There are many galaxies, as you call them, and many environments in each of the places, like this one you are calling home. There are many you do not know of in your environment. The energy has a faster vibration that cannot be known by your vibration. In the same way that there are some sounds you can hear and some you cannot. They have small knowings of you, as you have of them. Your animals can see and hear some of the things you cannot. There are many hundreds of things that cannot be known by Wooden Dolls on earth, your apparatus is not able to perceive them.

There are many beings of other levels within your own earth environment in your here and now that you cannot have knowing of, and there are also many that you are seeing in your now but you do not always know that they are in a different environment to you.

There are many other environments manifested by your Inner Beings also. Beings who visit your environment are not of (physical) form like you. They do not need spaceships. Their energy is faster, like me I don’t have a contraption to come visit with you. They have the fingerprint of the energy of you and tune to your energy. It’s nothing to be afraid of. They have knowings of many of your kind from many times. There is no limit to dimensions, they are always becoming, more and different environments.

This one is Level 0, a new environment, like a small child learning. The Inner Being builds energies from having hundreds of Wooden Dolls here. When my Inner Being was new, it had many trying to sustain (a physical apparatus here). At first it could not sustain a baby. It had many learnings then was able to sustain a baby properly. Now I am starting anew at Level 2, it’s not easy.

Can you talk to us about how many dimensions there are? JP G 22.5.2014

You are meaning like your environment. There are many environments, you cannot see all like your apparatus it can see some, not all. You hear some noises, some noises you cannot. Your beasts can see and hear some things you cannot. That is a small part of the all. There are many, many hundreds of things that cannot be known by any (people) of earth. There are many in your environment. You have no apparatus to know them, they have no apparatus to know you. Many in your here and now, you cannot have knowing of and many hundreds in other environments that you have no knowing of and there are many that you are seeing, but you are not always knowing that they are in a different environment than you. All in the now.

We’re all seeing differently through different dimensions. Inner Beings see all, knowing more than this and me – I am a Level 2 Inner Being [it is Robert’s Inner Being who speaks through him]. When I was Level 1 I had many hundreds of Wooden Dolls and I had knowing of all their doings and their thought- forms in me; I always will have thought-forms from them from all moments. Now I am Level 2 I have small number of Wooden Dolls of Level 1, as I have not been at Level 2 for long moments.

Sleep, Dreaming & Insomnia


What is happening when we sleep? (WG 24.6.14)

During sleep, most of the energy of the person is reabsorbed into the Inner Being. The Inner Being spends it on other things it wants to do, maybe to give energy to others of its Wooden Dolls that are awake when you are asleep. Also some energy is spent where the Inner Being wants doing, or learning, or playing with something new. It may want a piece of its energy to go into a pool to do something. I [the Inner Being of Robert] joined a pool for communicating. I wanted to try it. I tried connecting with many different Wooden Dolls for speaking in trance. Like the story of the foot in the slipper (Cinderella). None of them fit, then many beings were trying to match with the energy of Saesneggar and none fit. Then Robert tried Saesneggar’s energy and it fit. That is how the energy is never not moving, it is always used by Inner Being. Hundreds of years ago, the energy of your Inner Being was made from a thought form. That energy flows in you now, the same energy always. In many hundreds of years to come, your energy made from your thought forms in this moment will flow into another wooden doll. It is the balance of all thought forms together in the moment that make the difference to how that local environment (eg Earth) expands.

Sometimes images come into my mind when I’m waking up (AS 8.7.14)

There is always coming and going of energy from the Inner Being. The Inner Being has choosing to spend its energy like humans spend money. (During) waking, beasts and Wooden Dolls need much money [ie energy from the Inner Being]. The sleeping needs small money, it comes back into the bank or pocket of the Inner Being. You have some knowings when you wake of doings and think ‘that memory it’s not me, who is this person?.’ Some are memories of the ones where your energy has been flowing [into other Wooden Dolls from the same Inner Being who are alive at the same time in other parts of the world]. You only become aware of them in the moment where the energy is moving back from another Wooden Doll to you. Inner Beings do not sleep, they do not have a physical apparatus which needs sleep. They are not physical, there is a slow vibration with mass and matter, Inner Beings do not have that (physical matter).

Dreaming: Where do dreams come from? (WMG 24.6.14)

When you are sleeping the fast energy is reabsorbed into the Inner Being. It is used in other Wooden Dolls (of your Inner Being). Sometimes dreams are not dreams, but a glimpse of what has been going on with other Wooden Dolls of your Inner Being. Most does not come into the Wooden Doll, it stays in the Inner Being, but for some Wooden Dolls that have fast energy from a big pipe, they have some awareness of the other uses of their energy while they are sleeping.

Can the monkey give pictures in dreaming? Where does the dreaming come from? How much of it is messages from the Inner Being? (CC 29.7.14)

Ah, the monkey is not able when dreaming. When (the Wooden Doll is) sleeping, the monkey is sleeping, this why it is important for healing, for the Inner Being is able to flow, there is no monkey problem.

So are dreams always important?

The emotion of the dreaming, that’s what is important. The Inner Being can choose how to show the dreaming. The only purpose of the showing is to make the Wooden Doll feel an emotion. Emotion always important, doings are not important.

Dreaming/Insomnia: Why does the monkey go happily asleep at night but then we wake up and our minds start racing? (SC 29.7.14)

This is where the energy from Inner Being is flowing. When sleeping, the energy to you from the Inner Being is small, just (enough) to sustain the apparatus, no doings in the head. The energy flows only for the Inner Being – he uses the energy in pools and sometimes for other Wooden Dolls. The Inner Being also wants your Wooden Doll to have the thinking properly for helping (to manifest what is wanted in their lives). There are things that the Inner Being wants the Wooden Doll have proper thinking about to finish it (the image of what is wanted), then the thought form will be created. When it’s not happening, the Inner Being is most able to send the wanting to the Wooden Doll when sleeping. Now the wanting has more energy, now the Inner Being sends that wanting and the apparatus of the Wooden Doll has knowings of the wanting. Then monkey says ‘what’s this, where is it coming from? I have fear of it’. Then the monkey squawks and the apparatus (body) wakes up. Cannot have sleeping for the monkey is dancing and squawking because of knowings (thoughts) in the head that are not from him. He doesn’t like it. But it’s important because it’s about knowings that are not finished, what the Inner Being wants to be finished. The emotion is important, not the picture. The Inner Being will have sent pictures to your head in sleep, dreams. The dream is not important, your Inner Being uses dreams to manifest the emotion that is important, not the dream. The dream is for constructing the emotion. The emotion will be recognised by the monkey. He will think ‘what is this emotion for, what do I need to think about?’ The monkey part of your head will know that. That is how your Inner Being has a conversation with your monkey. Cannot have this when you are awake. The Inner Being cannot talk to the monkey.

Insomnia: I don’t sleep very well at all and I get quite vivid dreams, some not very nice about death and dying. (LFG 9.6.14)

Two things to explain. The first reason is the when you are sleeping, the energy from the Inner Being is small, just enough to sustain the apparatus while sleeping. Most of your energy is reabsorbed into the Inner Being, like when you transition, it’s no different to sleeping. The energy is in the Inner Being. Well what does it do when in the Inner Being? It does not do nothing, your Inner Being is busy. It does not sit on a cloud playing a harp, it’s busy, doing many hundreds of things. It sustains other Wooden Dolls that are not sleeping – different parts of your environment sleep in different moments [time zones]. Now your energy is mostly in other Wooden Dolls when you are sleeping. Now some of the experiences processed by your Inner Being with your energy they can leave residual knowings when you wake, not much, little pieces of the knowings that were in your sleeping when your energy was flowing in them. You can have some knowing, your Inner Being allows it. It can stop it if you want that.

That reason is easy, your Inner Being can stop that, but the other reason why are you only have a small amount of sleep, then wake up, then try to sleep more, that is not your Inner Being. That is the Wooden Doll part of you in your moments of waking. There are many things that you are feeling not very comfortable about. There many things that you don’t feel in control of. I have a picture for this: a cork floats on the water, but not on your water. Your water is still, at peace, but your cork is on another Wooden Doll’s water and that water is not still. You want your cork to be still but it is every place and you have no knowing where it will go next. You don’t feel comfortable. Now that happens much in the day and the apparatus it have the chemical in the head (to bring about) sleep and this means that the apparatus sleeps but soon the chemical is not so big and the apparatus wakes and as soon as the waking happens, the thought forms of things feared from your day come into your head, no, not wanted.

What the Inner Being is wanting for you as a Wooden Doll is that on waking you think about what are the things I like and not the things I don’t like, and it is important when you are going to bed not to have thinking of what was not wanted in the day. I am asking you now, 5 things you must have thinking of in your day that you want. They do not have to be important, they might be funny like where you laugh about something that made you laugh during the day. Maybe you’re not proud of laughing, maybe the old woman fall and you laugh. It doesn’t matter, you laugh, that matters. Thinking now 5 happy things that are going well that I want in my day, think of those. It’s hard in the beginning to think of 5, for most (of the thoughts about the day) are not happy. When you have many days of thinking, making yourself think of the 5 (happy things), then it is easy to find the 5 and afterwards it’s hard to find only 5! You will want 10, then want more than 10. For happy. The energy gradually will change to faster, more ‘aaah’ not ‘urgh’ energy. It takes many of your days for it to change. But it’s important for your Inner Being. 

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Is the Inner Being omnipresent? (JP gr 22.5.14)

The Inner Being is always. A small piece of the energy of the Inner Being goes into the Wooden Doll, all energy is in your Inner Being, it always knows all moments of the Wooden Doll. Like the man Robert Hughes is no more, but I (his Inner Being) have all Robert’s knowings. Your Inner Being has the knowings of all your moments. And the Inner Being of your Inner Being has the knowings. When you have no more knowings (after your death), your Inner Being will always have your knowings. All knowings are thought-forms, energy, and can never cease to exist, all energy will always be.

Always growing, all new thought-forms can never not be. I laugh about how the Wooden Dolls think. They think they do something – Saesneggar digs a hole and plants a tree, and thinksThat is real. When many moments have passed, when I am no longer here, the tree will be here.’ But when Saesneggar has the thought-form, it is bigger than the tree and the thought-form will always be. What it is in the head is more important than what is done with the hands.

When you are asking a question Robert, who is it you are asking, is it what we know on earth as the Akashic Records? (BD 1.7.14)

There is no such thing (as Akashic Records). The Inner Being knows in each moment what you are thinking and everything you do; it knows what you are doing, tasting, all. It has the experience the same as you do. When you, the Wooden Doll, have  transition (death), the Inner Being does not transition. The Inner Being still has all the knowings of you. Like you have the knowings of when you were a baby. Some you remember, some you don’t, but it’s all in the Inner Being. The Inner Being has all the knowings and can easily bring forward the memory. I have previously used a picture for Saesneggar, I gave her the image of the coats in the cupboard. Now the Inner Being has all of you flowing in it, but some parts of you that are not needed, will be put as a coat in the cupboard. It’s not gone, the Inner Being can bring the coat from the cupboard when it chooses. Like I am now showing the coat of Robert. You are not talking with Robert, Robert is not here now, Robert has been gone for 100 years. I am of course the Inner Being wearing the coat of Robert. I have many hundreds of coats I can put on, but Saesneggar is comfortable with the Robert coat. 

oldbookNow, it’s important for you to know that all that you know in your heart: your music, your thinking, your science, all these were the knowings of Wooden Dolls in your environment, all that ever lived, and the knowings are now within the Inner Beings of those Wooden Dolls. All Inner Beings talk, like you talk; not with the mouth, but they have the knowings of each other. They can ask. They have the pools (for specific interests). That is how all knowings are stored; you call it Akashic Records, like you understand the image of a book. It’s not a book. It’s the knowings of the Inner Beings, who are living like you are living. The energy of the Inner Being is always flowing, always will flow, always have the knowings, you can ask any question. Saesneggar was wondering how Robert could talk about the big science, the quantum string [in a previous session with a quantum physicist]. I don’t know the information as the Robert coat, but I can access the knowings of those Inner Beings who have Wooden Dolls at this moment who are working with this [quantum physics] and have knowings of this. And I speaki words from them, from the Inner Beings. That is how I can answer the questions on such things.

So the term Akashic Records was coined by Edgar Cayce so that we could understand?

Many use the pictures [ie use images to help explain], like me with the image of the coat. It’s a way to explain. It hard to explain the knowledge of all. For the knowings of many Wooden Dolls are not right. They don’t understand the Inner Beings. They think, ‘when I transition [pass away] then the memory of my life is sent from my apparatus to a guide or such. This is not so, it is always only the Inner Being, but it is not sent only at the time of transition, but knowing from the Wooden Doll is sent to the Inner Being in all moments. This is how in your book, the bible of the Nazarene, it says that God is all-knowing, all knowings in all moments. This is what it’s trying to explain.

So it’s the God that’s within us?

This is the Inner Being, this is what you are calling the God, the Buddha, the Nanek, it’s all same, it’s the Inner Being.

I was going to ask, is Jesus the son of God?

They all, you are, ha. All, there is no other. You call it God, I don’t call it God. I have the Inner Being and the Inner Being has the Inner Being and that has the Inner Being and that has the Inner Being. All different speed of energy from the experience of each one. All one energy, that we are all knowings of the others. There is only one energy. I do not call it God for many have other knowings of a God that are not the truth.

How do you see the Wooden Dolls? Do you see us as a full body, do you see us as spirit lights, are you with us in very intimate moments? This is something which affects everybody, we want to know are you with us all the time and see everything that we are doing behind closed doors? Sn 16.4.13

To explain it. [Speaking as the Inner Being of Robert] When the thoughts of my Wooden Dolls, I would have that thought every moment and I can choose to see, not how you would see, but I can have a knowing of the physical of that doll when I choose to. I would always, every moment. I have to have the thought of all of my Wooden Dolls so that I can give my doll the emotion that is appropriate to help that doll. Well you are here, you are where you should be thinking ‘mmm’ (happy thoughts) or you are here in thought thinking ‘urgh’ (unhappy thoughts). This is not where you should be in your thinking, so I would know every thought that my Wooden Dolls have and every instant I know their thought and I send the appropriate emotion to tell them that you are ‘mmm’ or ‘urgh’, but I could choose to have the seeing through the physical doll as you would say. It will take more of my energy and I can choose to do this when I want to because my doll is very ‘mmm’ (happy) and I feel that, but the thought is not always enough for me to judge the emotion that I want to give the Wooden Doll. So for that moment I would choose to have more of the knowing, so that if I am unsure how strong the emotion is, how much physical chemical do I need for my Wooden Doll now, I would pour more of my energy from my bucket to the physical doll to pull more knowing of that doll for that moment. So I can judge.

[Note from Saesneggar: Robert uses the terms ‘mmm’ or ‘aaah’ to indicate the Wooden Doll having positive, happy emotions and ‘urgh’ or ‘blurgh’ to indicate having negative, unhappy emotions.]

If I understand correctly it means normally you are connected by thought with your Wooden Dolls but sometimes it is necessary to gain more insight to have more info then you can really have a look, open the curtain completely.

That is correct. One, there is the thought that I would always have, and some moments I would choose to pour more energy to get more knowledge of that doll. But also that doll can, when it chooses, it can have the thought to ask me, the Inner Being, it does not always know of this. The Saesneggar does know to ask now and would now ask the Inner Being many times to put more energy.

Robert Hughes channeling

Angels, Ascended Masters & Spirit Guides

 Do Ascended Masters and angels really exist? Who are  the Pleiadians and what are spirit guides? Robert answers from the spirit perspective


Angel statue 23 x 30cm watermarked

Angels and Ascended Masters

Are there beings like Ascended Masters and Angels in different environments and can we ask to connect to them or are we always just connecting to the Inner Being? (LGr 22.5.14 & SC 29.7.14)

All Inner Beings give knowing to their doll. These images are shown to Wooden Dolls by the Inner Being when there is a need to convey a particular message in that moment. They are images of beings who are known in this environment, who the monkey part of the brain is likely to respond to, and not be afraid of. The Inner Being might choose to show many different images at different times and the Inner Being will have to make a quick choice of which image to show that is likely to take away the fear of the monkey in that moment. Your Inner Being flows Level 1, his Inner Being flows Level 2 and his Inner Being flows Level 3 and so on. My own Inner Being gives knowing to me.

Now the Ascended Masters you speak of, they are mostly Level 2. Your Wooden Doll is able to flow your Inner Being and your Inner Being’s Inner Being. Everything you see in the moment flows from your apparatus to your Inner Being and also your Inner Being’s Inner Being experiences what you see and think in the moment. Always the knowing can flow from a Level 2 Inner Being to the Level 1 Inner Being then to your Wooden Doll, this is possible. Your Inner Being chooses how to show the flowing. If there is the flowing (of information) and no images, then you are not interested in it. So your Inner Being chooses to show it in your head as something different. He chooses the best way to show it to have your monkey seeing most of the flowing. He might show an angel or an ascended master, or a being from another planet. There are many options. He will choose what is comfortable for your monkey. It is important for the monkey to notice it, or else the flowing will not be listened to. What you call an Ascended Master is not a person, it is a Level 2 Inner Being. They always have the knowings of all Wooden Dolls in the environment here (earth). They can always choose, if wanted, to flow to a Wooden Doll (through its Inner Being). They don’t exist in a place of energy. Some lived on earth, not all, some were images in the head of the ones here. The Nazarene was here, he was a healer.

Is it appropriate to call on angels for help in healing? AS 8.7.14

When you call on angels, the Inner Being gives the answer, but sometimes shows itself with the ‘coat’ of the angel, for then your monkey is comfortable with what is given and notices it more, so this is why your Inner Being sometimes chooses to show its energy as an angel. As your pipe to your Inner Being grows, there will be less influence from images of angels, for the Inner Being will not have the need for an angel ‘coat’. It will be better able to give knowing to your head without needing to use the ‘coat’.

Are the angels coming close when I do Angelic Reiki? BD 1.7.14 & BH 22.7.14

What you are experiencing as ‘angels’ are Inner Beings of others who work in the Level 2 pools* for healing. There are many hundreds of Level 2 pools. Many hundreds of Level 2 Inner Beings are pouring their energy from their ‘buckets’ into your pools for healing. They have very fast Level 2 energy and can flow a small amount through your Level 1 Inner Being to your Wooden Doll. They are choosing to be in this healing pool. They are pouring their energy into the pool for your environment, the earth, for the healing of Wooden Dolls is possible now. As they are from Level 2 pools, you feel hot, you feel different, you may feel dizzy. In healing, you need bigger, stronger energy flowing through your pipe, so your head sees a guide and thinks ‘ah stronger, faster energy here’, then stronger, faster energy can flow through you to the healing client.

[*Note from Saesneggar: A pool is an energy collective. Many hundreds of consciousnesses (Inner Beings) have chosen to spend some small “drops” of their energy to further a shared interest. Robert explains that Inner Beings choose how they spend their limited energy in much the same way that humans choose to spend their limited time/money]

Spirit Guides

Carl Birch guide 2 watermarked smWhat are Spirit Guides? WM 24.6.14

These are images shown so that the Wooden Doll will trust what is shown and said by the Inner Being. These are shown when the Inner Being wants you to listen to important things from it. Most times Wooden Dolls don’t listen to their inner being, (but will pay attention to an image of a guide). The Inner Being can show itself in many ways, puts on a coat of anything it chooses. If the Wooden Doll has big believing in angels, the Inner Being chooses to show the coat of an angel. If the Wooden Doll has trusting of a Chinese doctor, it puts on the coat of a Chinese doctor. Sometimes an Inner Being will choose to show one of its own previous incarnations, one who played a big role in helping the growth of the Inner Being by its experiences, but not always. The Inner Being can choose to show anything, not only its own previous incarnations. It can show anything that is in your head that you have trusting of. Some trust a young child, others an old man or woman, or an angel. The Inner Being might choose to show a wise old spirit, one that it knows the Wooden Doll will trust.

Nothing can come to you other than through your Inner Being. It is the policeman on the door. Intuition comes from the Inner Being (and this can be shown via the form of a guide). Coincidences are not chance or luck, all is the thought-form and is from the Inner Being for you to trust. The Inner Being cannot make you do something, can only make you want something. Wooden dolls have many small choosings, all choices have a parallel universe.

When my friend does healing for me, where is the energy coming from? Sn 17.4.13

It is from her Inner Being, and the energy stream that flows through her for the healing, it is not another, she says guide, healing guide. It is not. There is only ever one and it is the Inner Being for all Wooden Dolls. Nobody can access the Wooden Doll, just the Inner Being. But the Inner Being has access in every moment to other Inner Beings so it can connect and it can transfer, to move from here to here to here from the Inner Being of another one to itself, to its doll.

So does it mean there are no spirit guides as we call them? There are not.

It’s probably most disappointing for a lot of people.

It should not be so. The doll should understand that its Inner Being knows it better than it knows itself, because the doll is a fragment of the Inner Being. Who would be a more appropriate person to guide you than an Inner Being? There is none.

Spirit Guide Drawings

What is happening when I do spirit guide drawings? Is it my Inner Being showing me or someone else working through the Inner Being CC 2.5.14, 27.5.14

It’s a way for the Inner Being of the person to communicate with their Wooden Doll. It’s a giftSiri sm watermarked from their Inner Being. The Inner Being of the one who is needing the art is wanting to send a picture to its Wooden Doll. The Wooden Doll of the person is not seeing it themselves, so the Inner Being it sends that picture to your Inner Being and then you see it in your head. It flows into the part of you that has the knowing for the drawing and you can build that picture into a physical ‘map’ that the apparatus of the person can see. Your Inner Being knows how the Inner Being of the person wants to be shown. It is not always what the person wants though. It may be that the Inner Being wants to show a different Wooden Doll (another incarnation), or show what they need to trust the emotions. It’s important for the human to trust the emotions (coming from the Inner Being). They need to look at the picture and focus on it and it will help them. It will convey a message from their Inner Being. The Inner Being will show what it chooses, but truth from the Inner Being might not be seen as truth by the Wooden Doll in that moment.

The flow is in your picture – the flow of their Inner Being wanting to speak to them. He flows in them, but they do not always choose to allow the influence of the Inner Being. But when they look at the picture, they open their eyes for their Inner Being to speak to them.


Are there such beings as Pleiadians (AS 8.7.14)

Pleiadian is the word you are familiar with to describe an experienced Inner Being who is not from this environment. The Pleiadian name is like a story to help the Wooden Dolls’ understanding, it is not a manifest thing or being. It is like a story to help with understanding of an idea, like I use the example of Wooden Dolls , that’s my ‘story’, the picture to illustrate something. The Pleaidian is the picture used to symbolise the healers.

[Note from Saesneggar: It is also possible sometimes for other beings with specific knowledge from a pool to communicate with a Wooden Doll when required, but the answers will always be received by the Wooden Doll from its own Inner Being who conveys the message.  Robert communicates with me through his Inner Being into my Inner Being, to me.  He used the “picture” of a big fire where everyone passes a bucket of water from one person to the next until they build a chain from the pool to the ‘fire’ (the Wooden Doll), the last one in the chain to you is always your own Inner Being.  He also explained that where there is a big difference in energy level (vibration amplitude and speed) then much of the ‘water’ can be lost ̶ it splashes on the ground as the next bucket arrives too soon to be dealt with by the slower one.]

Robert Hughes channeling

Animals (Beasts) and Plants

How can we communicate with animals? Can an animal have the same Inner Being as its owner? What energy flows in plants? Robert answers from the spirit perspective.

I am interested in Animal communications and being able to see inside an animal’s body to diagnose a problem 9.6.14

Toots B&WThe animals on earth are no different to your physical apparatus. The Inner Beings that flow energy to you are the same Inner Beings that flow energy to them. The beasts don’t have strong thought-forms, they have more ease in the pipe to their Inner Being, they have more knowing of the Inner Being’s energy and the Inner Being is more able to give an ‘I want this’, or ‘I know of that’ message to the beast than to the wooden doll. The Inner Beings have many wooden dolls in each moment and many hundreds of beasts in each moment. The communication is not different, but it’s easier for the beasts. When the body of the beast is diseased, the beast has pain and he has fear and then it’s very easy for transition (death). There is not the fighting that the Wooden Doll has (about the idea of death) through fear of what comes next. Animals have no fear of what comes next, so their transition is quick, it’s simpler. Your energy from your Inner Being can give you a feeling for the beasts (communicate what is wrong with the animal). You can meditate with the beast to help you have a knowing in your head of the problem for the beast, but it’s not always easy to repair the problem. That’s for the Inner Being of the beast to help.

Can a person’s Inner Being be the Inner Being of their pet too? CC 26.8.14

This is often the case. The Inner Being chooses to flow in beasts. It can easily flow in animals, also in animals that were originally manifested by other Inner Beings. Animals can have the flowing of their own Inner Being and flowing of another Inner Being. The Inner Being can choose to flow into an existing animal (such as a pet) when it wants to.

It’s the same for plants, an Inner Being can choose to flow in plants (for example in houseplants of the human). It can choose to flow when wanted or not flow when wanted. The plants would have the same Inner Being as always who manifested them, but also have energy flowing from any other Inner Being who chooses to, then there is an energy match. It’s easier for plants and animals. It’s harder to match for a Wooden Doll. This is because the Wooden Doll has more knowing of energy. There is less knowing in beasts and much less in plants. It’s easier. There always will be the Inner Being who manifested the plant or animal. But also can have flowing of others, like Robert has flowing of Saesneggar, but it is not easy for a Wooden Doll to have this.

2009-09-06_15.44 croppedSo does an Inner Being choose to flow into plants in the area close to its Wooden Dolls?

This is so. The Inner Beings have the plants to help balance the energy of Wooden Dolls. They have the choosing of the flowing in the plant and animal close to the doll, easy for balance of energy for such.

And that happens with animals too, that it will start life with one Inner Being then when it gets a new owner, that one’s Inner Being will flow into it?

It will always have the Inner Being flowing that manifested the beast or plant but will also have flowing of another Inner Being if choosing.

Does this happen with most pets?

Where the Inner Being chooses, not always. The Inner Being might also choose to flow in animals other than pets. As Robert’s Inner Being, I choose to flow in many beasts where I wanted to be for Robert. He had more flowing of happy for he had the beasts of him (with his Inner Being flowing in them). So did you flow into the sheep in Robert’s valley after his transition? When Robert was in the dairy I also chose to flow into Robert’s animals in the dairy. He used to care for many animals. He liked this. Did you flow in the beasts after his transition because you liked the place? I did not choose to. I could have.

Inner Beings of Plants & Animals AS 8.7.14

Young Inner Beings practice and grow with (manifesting) beasts. Some beasts are harder than others. Much time for practising first, then they have a small number of Wooden Dolls but mostly beasts. They always have beasts also, never only Wooden Dolls. They will also have some plants and beasts. Plants are always important, they have stable energy. Their need for sustaining is always the same, it doesn’t have the emotion (fluctuations), it has constant energy. It helps to balance the Inner Being with the Wooden Dolls. When an Inner Being is needing more energy for a happy Wooden Doll with fast energy, it can take energy from a plant if wanted. It’s easier to bring back the energy from beasts than a Wooden Doll. Beasts have a bigger pipe to their Inner Being.

Robert’s original words for the above

I am interested in Animal communications and being able to see inside an animal’s body to diagnose a problem? 9.6.14

The beast of your environment they no different to your apparatus. The Inner Being that flow energy to you, it same Inner Being that flow energy to them. The beasts they have not the strong of the thought form, they have more ease in the pipe to Inner Being, they have more knowing of doings of Inner Being energy and the Inner Being have more able of give a ‘I want this’, ‘I know of that’ to the beast than to the wooden doll. The Inner Beings they have many wooden dolls in each moment and many hundreds beast in the moment. The communication it not different, but easier for the beasts when the beast, the apparatus is diseased, the beast have the pain and he have the fear and then it very easy for transition, not have the fighting that the Wooden Doll have through fear of what next. The beast have no fear of what next, the transition quick, it simpler. Your energy from your Inner Being it can give you a feeling for the beasts. You can have the meditating with the beast can help you for a knowing in your head of the problem for the beast but not always easier for repair the problem. That for the Inner Being of the beast can help.

Can a person’s Inner Being be the Inner Being of their pet too? 26.8.14

This the often of such. The Inner Being have choosing for flowing of beasts. Can have easy for beasts, can have flowing, not of same of manifest of beasts. For Wooden Doll have much of knowing of IB, not so of beasts. Beasts can have the flowing of Inner Being and flowing of other. Choosing of Inner Being have flowing also of animal when wanted, not always of flowing beasts. Same of plants. Can have choosing of flowing for plants. Can have flowing when wanted or not flowing when wanted. They can change the flowing? The plants would have the same Inner Being of always who manifested them but also have energy flowing from any of choosing when can have the matching of energy. It easier of plants and animals. Harder of matching for Wooden Doll. This for Wooden Doll have more knowing of energy. Less of beasts and many less of plants. Easier. There always will be the Inner Being who manifested the plant or animal. But also can have flowing of others, like Robert have flowing of Saesneggar, but not easy for Wooden Doll have.

So is that the case with trees near me, that my Inner Being has only flowed into them recently while I’ve been living here?

This so. The Inner Beings have the plant for the balance of the energy of dolls. They have the choosing of the flowing in the plant and animal close to the doll, easy for balance of energy for such.

And that happens with animals too, that it will start life with one Inner Being then when it gets a new owner, that one’s Inner Being will flow into it. Not of one, will always have Inner Being flowing that manifested the beast and plant but will also have flowing of Inner Being of choosing.

Does this happen with most pets?

Where choosing of Inner Being, not always. Also have choosing not pets. Robert have the Inner Being, I have choosing flowing many beasts where have the wanting for being for Robert. He have more of flowing of happy for he have the beasts of him. So did you flow into the sheep in Robert’s valley after his transition? When Robert was in dairy I have also choosing of flowing into Robert’s animals in the diary. He have the caring of many animal. Have like of this. Did you flow in the beasts after his transition because you liked the place? I no have choosing of such. Could have.

Plants & Animals AS 8.7.14

Young Inner Beings have practice and growings with beasts. Some beasts are harder than others. Much time for practising first, then they have a small number of Wooden Dolls but mostly beasts. Always beasts also, never only Wooden Dolls. Will also have some plants and beasts. Plants always important, they have stable energy. Their need for sustaining is always the same, it doesn’t have the emotion (fluctuations), constant energy. It helps to balance the Inner Being with Wooden Dolls. When an Inner Being is needing more energy for a happy, fast Wooden Doll, it can take from a plant if wanted. Easier to bring back the energy from beasts than a Wooden Doll. Beasts have bigger pipe for Inner Being.


Robert explains the importance of sitting with your Inner Being each day in mediation –  for optimum health, inner guidance and to know the truth of your life

“Your Inner Being knows you better than you know yourself.  He loves you in your joy and in the wrongs that you have learned from.  Sit with him each day in the quiet of his love, let him show you the truth that he sees.  Not my [Robert’s] truth, find truth for yourself with your own Inner Being.  It is written in no book, for it is ever becoming, never done.

All my life, even in the trenches, my faith was strong.  But the book [religion] dulled my thirst for truth, like a baby suckling the silver (a silver dummy).  Around you are many who fear another’s book and will kill the other.  You should force no book [doctrine] on another, nor fear another’s book.  Your environment sustains not because there is one shape of beast or plant, but because there are many; all are ever becoming, never done.  Such is truth, shaped by many, not one, ever becoming, never done.”

Sitting with your Inner Being is the most important thing for everyone, the best use of your time. Many people never have knowings of their Inner Being as they never meditate. It’s important to grow your pipe to your Inner Being, then the Inner Being can flow faster energy to you. The best way to meditate is to simply connect to the Inner Being (no music or images) and the best time is when getting ready to sleep. Go asleep with your Inner Being because that leaves your conscious mind in a state where it is easier for your Inner Being to work with you through the night.

Illness – If the pipe to the Inner Being is small and the energy is not fast enough, then the physical apparatus cannot be properly sustained by the Inner Being (for optimum health), then gradually there will be a declining in the physical body and illness will come. It can be made better by having more meditating with the Inner Being and taking time for the pipe to get bigger. Then the physical apparatus will change and return to health.

The best way to meditate is to simply connect to the Inner Being without music or images.  Sometimes, especially when people are new to meditation, or if they have difficulty in stilling the mind, it can help for them to use music and/or a visualisation meditation.  But if they become aware that their mind is only busy with the pictures, they will have no room for the Inner Being, so then it’s better to try with no words.