Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

Importance of Humans (Wooden Dolls)

The Importance of Humans (Wooden Dolls) and the pressing need for greater connection to their Inner Beings (Sg 14.5.2014)

(for further explanation of Wooden Dolls see Human Beings & Inner Beings)

blavatar RHNow what I have to explain, is that the physical is important, the Wooden Dolls I call them (humans). The Wooden Dolls are important.  They are very much big important, for the growing, the ever-becoming of your environment – there are many hundreds of environments all becoming (evolving). Your one is all becoming, a part of the all, no different. Look at your environment. There are hundreds and hundreds of your different beasts and your plants and such like them. Many hundreds – all different, all have influence on the other ones. Now your Wooden Dolls they are the ones through whom we other energies (in Spirit can have most influence on your physical environment. We flow, all energies, we flow the life force, you call it, into all of your beasts and your plants and your Wooden Dolls but most in this moment, the most influence of knowing of what our wanting is, is from your Wooden Dolls. Now the Wooden Dolls have big influence on all of the others in your environment, your beasts and such. That’s why it’s very important that more Wooden Dolls develop bigger pipes to their Inner Being. So there can be more influence from their Inner Beings, this is wanted now.

‘Tis important for your environment has need for less polluting energy, for the energy created by the Wooden Dolls now to sustain their lives has (negative) influence on your beasts and your environment. Now there is a bigger energy, – Zero Point energy. It exists, it’s all here, it’s all everywhere. It’s what I am, it’s what you are. When I talk of energy that is what I mean. That is the word that your Man has for it. One day your Man, your Wooden Dolls will know. They will have the knowing to work with this Zero Point Energy and it will be used instead of the energy that you are now using.

It is very good for the beasts and the environment of your living. It helps the growing, the ever-becoming. It (Zero Point Energy) will be easier and faster and less of a problem for it. But it can also be a big problem if it is not properly developed. It can harm the beasts and your physical environment. It can be big harmed. So there is a big need now that all the Wooden Dolls do not have belief in the stories of their Mams and Dads. Now they have bigger need for no stories (of religions etc), but to have bigger pipe to their Inner Being, so the Inner Being can have bigger energy to the Wooden Doll and more influence for the Wooden Doll. This moment in time is important for Wooden Dolls. All environments have moments when there is great importance and moments when it’s not so important. Now in this environment it is very important in this moment that Wooden Dolls start to have bigger pipes. So do not think that Wooden Dolls are not important. They are most important for the becoming of them and their beasts, and their environment (the Earth) will develop (and thrive) or not develop because of the Wooden Doll more than all others.



How Inner Beings and the Earth Environment grow based on the experiences and thought-forms of humans (Wooden Dolls)

Is it resonance that connects everything, especially with your example of the Russian dolls? JP G 22.5.14

All beings have at any moment an ‘Aaah’ (positive) or an ‘Urgh’ (negative) feeling; the sum total of all these feelings is what grows the environment and is responsible for how it grows (whether in a positive or negative direction). That is important for all to know. It is always becoming, all is always becoming. I have big laughing for the one here, Saesneggar, thinks of heaven and hell. But all is the thought-form. Now I am at Level 2, I do not sit on the cloud with a harp. I am not done, I am becoming, always all are becoming, not done, all growing. We are growing ‘Aah’ or growing ‘urgh’, that’s your job, that’s what you do. Your thought-forms are strong. The monkey makes the thought-forms, that is strong, it has the growings for the one on the cloud with the harp (our thought-forms help the Inner Beings to grow).


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