Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

How we create our future with our own Thought-Forms (car headlight analogy)

Here are two instances where Robert explains how our future is deliberately created by our own thought-forms

Saesneggar asked Robert how can the future be known TG 8.5.14

I will explain this properly with a picture. When you drive a car at night, it goes from here to there, you know all the way, it’s easy, you always go the same way. But whereas in daylight you can see all the fields and buildings and know they are there, when there is no light at night, you cannot see but you still know the fields and buildings are there because you know the way. So it’s the same with what is to come, you can have knowing of bits to come next from the headlights lighting the way, but the way is set by the energy, by your own thought-forms, it is set for your own way. No other can set this, not the Inner Being, not any other, only each individual human. You can only set your own path. And what you see is just a small part of the path. But how do you change it, if you see a part of the path and go: ‘I don’t like that, I don’t want that’, you have big fear, you want a different path, how do you change it? It’s simple, you change your thought forms.

Now the problem here is that all of you have the thought-form after the thing has happened. You have a thing that brings joy and you feel joy. You have a thing that brings fear and you feel fear. It is like you see what has not yet come in your car headlights, but the thought-form is set not by what you want to see, no it is set by what you have just experienced in your life. If you see something behind you (in rear-view mirror), something that has been that was nice, you feel nice, so in your front windscreen you see a nice thing in the headlights, something you want. But if there was something that has happened that was not nice in the rear-view mirror, your thought-forms are not nice. You have set your own thought-forms from what was and that brings the next thing to you. It’s like driving your car with your head looking through the back window, not the front window. That is not how you want to drive properly. So the change must be to not set the thought-form from what has been (what has just happened in your life) but set your thought-forms for what you are wanting to come next, not based on what has been.

It’s like saying give me health and I will feel healthy. Give me much money and I will feel rich. Ah, this is no good, you will not have health or money because would need to have it first. It does not happen like this, you cannot drive the car with your head looking back, your head has to look forwards. This is important. You must feel the feeling of what you want in your life before you have it to create the thought-form which will attract it into your life.

LG 9.6.14

This is important. I will use a picture to illustrate: you, the wooden doll, are making thought-forms in each moment – you are thinking of many things, some you want, some you don’t want. When you are thinking of what you are wanting, then all those things can attach to you and the things not wanted cannot attach to you. It’s like the car that goes on the road in the dark. You know there are many trees and houses and lots of things at the side and in front and behind you. You know all of them, you know that road but you are seeing only the part in front where you going. That is your what will come next. Your car goes on that road but that is because of the vibration of the thought-forms in your head. Maybe that is not what is wanted, but you have the choice. You can choose to be happy, you can choose to not think of the thing you are not wanting, you can choose the things you are wanting. Maybe it’s nice things you like to eat. Like chocolate. I think I have chocolate in my mouth. It’s not there but I think the thought-form of the chocolate. It’s the same, it has the same power for building the thought-form as real chocolate has, it’s no different. Have a picture in your head of the chocolate you are wanting and then in all things in that moment what you are wanting can attach to you and the things that are not wanted cannot fit your Wooden Doll. The car has changed to a different road, it’s not now on the ‘I’m not wanting this’ road. It on the ‘chocolate’ road. The road of all things wanted.

See Robert’s Original Words