Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

About Robert

Robert Hughes

Robert was a Welshman, proud of the fact that he spoke hardly any English. Initially his trance communications were in Welsh, but over the years his English has become more fluent, although his accent remains strong. His medium speaks only English, so in the early days Google Translate was a great help! Robert began speaking through the medium he calls Saesneggar in February 2012.

Over the years Robert has shared many details of his life; we think of him as a friend. He was born on 27th March 1897. After leaving school at age 14 he worked as a clerk at his parents’ small dairy near Colwyn where he also drove the delivery wagon and helped make the cheeses. He had a very happy childhood with a close circle of friends. Chapel was an important part of his life, he also taught Sunday School classes. He died in Flanders on 11th July 1916, where he was a Corporal with the 16th Royal Welsh Fusiliers, serving alongside many of the friends he had grown up with. Prior to his death he had been temporarily blinded during a gas attack, his sight returned but he was weakened and caught dysentery. Having seen many others die slowly of dysentery he volunteered to go ‘over the top’ to draw enemy fire, this was a common practice at the time. He died quickly as a result of a bullet in the stomach. He feels no bitterness towards “the Bosch” and has spoken in Germany on many occasions.

Robert is comfortable speaking in daylight conditions anywhere. However in red light conditions he has successfully manifested his face over his medium several times. Everyone could see that he had short dark hair and a moustache.

In July 2014 he was able to show himself to Christina Cherry, who captured him (he says) perfectly, including his favourite waistcoat!


Robert drawn July 2014 sm


This colour version was drawn in February 2016. Robert says he wasn’t quite that good looking but he didn’t want it changed! He normally would use hair oil to keep his curly hair straight.

Robert Hughes drawn Feb 2016