Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being


When I was driving here I had a déjà ju moment; what is happening when we experience this? SC 7.10.15

Ah, this I have like of. Now I explain, the future you say, it has not happened when you have the experience of the déjà vu. It’s not already happened, but your Inner Being wants you to notice a thing, so it’s easy for him, he influences your head for you to see the thing and you think “I know of this, this is a memory of mine”. It’s not. It wears the coat of a memory. It’s not a memory. It is happening now, but it has the feel in your head like it is already a memory. Your Inner Being knows this: “Ah, she has noticed this, ha, for she thinks it’s a memory and it’s happening now.” He is able to do this to make you notice. This is always the déjà vu.

When it’s happened to me, it doesn’t seem like anything significant is occurring. Is there any way for us to notice what the Inner Being wants us to understand about it?

It’s not always the thing. It’s often the vibration of how you feel about the thing. He is able to conjure up the vibration from the experience of the thing. The thing might not be important, only the vibration he wants you to know.

It’s the vibration that’s important?

This is so, like dreaming. You wake up and have a memory of part of the dream. There is no big need (to remember) the doings of the dream, but the emotion, the vibration of the feeling of the dream, this is what your Inner Being wants to communicate to you.

Climate Change

Globe-Hands-LightYou’ve said previously that our conscious beliefs create our reality, so if that’s happening on a personal scale, does the same happen for humanity. Looking at something like humanity’s effect on the planet, is it because of our mass belief about climate change that we experience climate change as a negative impact on earth, or is it that we have physically mismanaged our resources and therefore we are experiencing climate change? SC 7.10.14

This is both. There are many influences of physical weather for your environment. Some is due to the influence of the human. Most is due to influence not of humans. There have been many climate changes, big changes when there have been no humans. Always the environment is changing. It’s normal. But the human also makes faster the change from the doings of the humans and from the thought forms of the humans also. But it’s not a problem for it is possible to make stable for the change of the living. There can be the no more of the beasts (extinctions), but have the growing of the new beasts (evolution). This has happened many times in your environment and in all physical environments. Beasts change. Humans can have some change, not all. It is possible to help make slow of the change if it is wanted by many, many hundreds of humans. But the change (is brought about by) many. It makes hot the ice, the poles. It can make the poles small. Then it creates warm and the more of the oceans in your environment. That will have then the balance of the big cold. There have been seven of such (already in the history of earth). There will be more doing of the cold (ice age), but not while you are living. There will be the hot while you are living. It takes many years for the balance of the cold.

Now, the big problem for while you are living, now there is the burning of the old planting – the fossil fuels. There have been many wars, the fighting to have the owning of such. But while you are still living, there will be the starting of being able (to access) the energy of the zero point field. Then you will not have the want of fossil fuels. That problem will be gone. But the new problem, drinking water , cannot have. There will be a shortage. There will be much water that’s not drinkable, but not enough drinkable water. Many parts of your environment will not be able to sustain the plants and the beasts. They will not have the water. This will cause many wars for the water. Not the fuel. The problem of the climate. The new need, it will be water. The old of the needed energy.

Is there anything people who are trying to help the planet can do with our thought processes to help ease the situation, or is it just part of the experience to live with that?

There is always change of climate. Always change of the beasts and plants. Always this has the changing. Cannot be any other way. But it can help for the humans not to have the fearing of the book (religion). Not to have the killing (in the name of religion). This is the first of the killing. Soon there will be not the water. This (the water shortage) will not be big in your lifetime, but the killing of the book (in the name of religion), this is in your lifetime. There is the influence of the ones who have fear of the book (religion) of others. Then they have the killing. They have the big need of knowing that the book is not real. They can have their Inner Being flowing in them. Then they will not want the book. They will not want to kill. They will have the knowing that all living things, the humans, the plants, the beasts, they are all of the Inner Being. (They will know that) ‘they are the same as me’ (that we are all one). They will have no want of killing. This is what we want, all of us (the Inner Beings). This is why we have the want of speaking to the humans now. It is possible that there will be no more humans from such (as a result of this situation). We do not want this. No problem, we are able to manifest in many environments, but there is the possibility no kill (to avoid the killing). We have want of this.

So I can understand what you’re saying about wars, what’s happened with something like Ebola virus and that is potential for killing lots of Wooden Dolls. Why has that started?

This is normal. There is always the changing of all living things. It cannot stand still. There is always the morphing of the new to make the different. Some (of the new) will survive, some will not survive. The virus is able to change fast. Many hundreds, always new. Most are not a problem for the beasts and the humans, but certain ones have the problem of the virus. Always there are many hundreds mutating. Making new. This is always normal for all viruses, but there will be the 1 or 2 that have the problem for the apparatus of the human and the beasts.

Multiverses – Foretelling the Future

David Castillo Dominici, Free Digital

In our ‘Wooden Doll’ experience of time, how far in advance can you in spirit be confident of being able to read our energy to know what our probable future would be? SC 7.10.14

Ah. This is important. Now, I explain properly. Your scientists, they have some of the knowing. They call it the multiverse. They have the knowing of many hundreds of nows. All are probable, possible; now you in the now, you have always a vibration. It can be ‘aaah’ (happy, positive vibration) and can be ‘urrgh’ (unhappy, negative vibration) and there are many like them. Now there are many hundreds of different possibles of the multiverse, they each have a different vibration. Now you in the now, the moment of now, have the vibration of you. It has the same match as one of the multiverses, not all. So this becomes the next thing for you. The attraction of one of the multiverses. It manifests for you. All are real, but only one manifests for you. This is the choosing from your vibration. You have the many things happening now, but you have the one vibration.

So it’s important to know that when you have 10 things you are happy about, but one thing you are unhappy about, you have ‘urrgh’ when you think of this, then the vibration of ‘urrgh’ attracts the multiverse of the not wanted (into your reality). Stop doing this. You can choose to have the vibration of the ‘aaah’ thinking. Choose to think of the wanted, then make yourself excited about the wanted thing, then your vibration thought-form is of the wanted, then all comes from the wanted multiverse.

But to answer your question, your Inner Being is able to know of the multiverses that are close to your vibration in the now and he of course, knows your head. He thinks: ‘Her vibration is not changing much. She is stable, so the vibration now is this. She is not likely to change vibration, so I can know of the probable multiverse she will attract.’ But he is not able to be certain. So you can be happy, then see a thing that suddenly makes you unhappy. For example you might see a small baby be hit by a car and die, then you are sad. So your vibration in that moment is not the same as the vibration of the previous moment. So the Inner Being will know: ‘Ah the multiverse is now not the same. She has brought forth a different manifestation for her. I don’t want this, I will try to make her think of wanted things, not of ‘urrgh’ things. Your Inner Being is able to influence you more. Most Wooden Dolls do not have much influence (from the Inner Being), but your Inner Being has more flowing in you. Not always, you have always the choice. But you also have the choice to listen to the Inner Being.

He is able to make you notice, so he is not able to see the year, the month, the week, ahead, no. He can see the probability for you with the same vibration, but your vibration can change in moments, then the future will also change. Always the future is made in the now moment (by your vibration). It’s not written in a book. It’s not the planning of the Inner Being, no, that cannot be. The Inner Being can choose which environment to manifest (incarnate) in, then when you are manifested, then there is no more influence from the Inner Being (on what happens). All is your choice, from your head, from your vibration.

Even the baby, his vibration chooses a multiverse. The Inner Being is not able to choose. He can see the multiverse also, but cannot make one of your multiverses manifest. Your vibration always manifests. No one other than you. This is important.

So it’s very important to be happy?

This is so. You should always choose this.