Robert Hughes Channelling

Robert's gateway to your Inner Being

Transition (Death) 2 – Near Death Experiences

Previously you said: “There is no conversation with the Inner Being on transition, the Inner Being has already has experienced all of the life of the Wooden Doll as it happens, it has the knowings as you have the knowings.”

I have trouble accepting that Wooden Dolls don’t have a life review after they transition. When people have Near Death Experiences they always describe this happening. C 2.9.14

Of course. The Inner Being of them is able to communicate with them, the only opportunity for the Inner Being – he doesn’t waste it. He has the opportunity of showing what is wanted and what is not wanted from life, for when (the Wooden Doll) has more of life, he has then the knowing of what is wanted and what is not wanted. This is important.

But that doesn’t happen when a person transitions fully?

There is no need such for he doesn’t have more of life, the apparatus (body) is gone. It is only of use when have apparatus more (ie, when the person will carry on living), for more new experiences. But when the apparatus is gone, then there are no new experiences of the doll, not in the old coat. It has the experiences of the Inner Being, even when it wears the coat. Like Robert, my Inner Being has chosen to wear the coat of Robert many times, but the experiences are of the Inner Being, not of Robert. I am happy, I have the Inner Being. I have not the wanting of the small knowings of Robert, I have the big knowings of many (through the Inner Being). The big happy of many, not the small of Robert.


What is happening when people have Near Death Experiences and see light? AS 8.7.14

When people see the light in the Near Death Experiences it’s a perception due to the closing down of the physical apparatus. Neurons fire fast in the head, faster than usual. The Inner Being has faster energy on transition to reabsorb all the energy quickly from the Wooden Doll. The faster energy looks like light to the Wooden Doll’s head, bigger than it has known before.

Sleep, Dreaming & Insomnia


What is happening when we sleep? (WG 24.6.14)

During sleep, most of the energy of the person is reabsorbed into the Inner Being. The Inner Being spends it on other things it wants to do, maybe to give energy to others of its Wooden Dolls that are awake when you are asleep. Also some energy is spent where the Inner Being wants doing, or learning, or playing with something new. It may want a piece of its energy to go into a pool to do something. I [the Inner Being of Robert] joined a pool for communicating. I wanted to try it. I tried connecting with many different Wooden Dolls for speaking in trance. Like the story of the foot in the slipper (Cinderella). None of them fit, then many beings were trying to match with the energy of Saesneggar and none fit. Then Robert tried Saesneggar’s energy and it fit. That is how the energy is never not moving, it is always used by Inner Being. Hundreds of years ago, the energy of your Inner Being was made from a thought form. That energy flows in you now, the same energy always. In many hundreds of years to come, your energy made from your thought forms in this moment will flow into another wooden doll. It is the balance of all thought forms together in the moment that make the difference to how that local environment (eg Earth) expands.

Sometimes images come into my mind when I’m waking up (AS 8.7.14)

There is always coming and going of energy from the Inner Being. The Inner Being has choosing to spend its energy like humans spend money. (During) waking, beasts and Wooden Dolls need much money [ie energy from the Inner Being]. The sleeping needs small money, it comes back into the bank or pocket of the Inner Being. You have some knowings when you wake of doings and think ‘that memory it’s not me, who is this person?.’ Some are memories of the ones where your energy has been flowing [into other Wooden Dolls from the same Inner Being who are alive at the same time in other parts of the world]. You only become aware of them in the moment where the energy is moving back from another Wooden Doll to you. Inner Beings do not sleep, they do not have a physical apparatus which needs sleep. They are not physical, there is a slow vibration with mass and matter, Inner Beings do not have that (physical matter).

Dreaming: Where do dreams come from? (WMG 24.6.14)

When you are sleeping the fast energy is reabsorbed into the Inner Being. It is used in other Wooden Dolls (of your Inner Being). Sometimes dreams are not dreams, but a glimpse of what has been going on with other Wooden Dolls of your Inner Being. Most does not come into the Wooden Doll, it stays in the Inner Being, but for some Wooden Dolls that have fast energy from a big pipe, they have some awareness of the other uses of their energy while they are sleeping.

Can the monkey give pictures in dreaming? Where does the dreaming come from? How much of it is messages from the Inner Being? (CC 29.7.14)

Ah, the monkey is not able when dreaming. When (the Wooden Doll is) sleeping, the monkey is sleeping, this why it is important for healing, for the Inner Being is able to flow, there is no monkey problem.

So are dreams always important?

The emotion of the dreaming, that’s what is important. The Inner Being can choose how to show the dreaming. The only purpose of the showing is to make the Wooden Doll feel an emotion. Emotion always important, doings are not important.

Dreaming/Insomnia: Why does the monkey go happily asleep at night but then we wake up and our minds start racing? (SC 29.7.14)

This is where the energy from Inner Being is flowing. When sleeping, the energy to you from the Inner Being is small, just (enough) to sustain the apparatus, no doings in the head. The energy flows only for the Inner Being – he uses the energy in pools and sometimes for other Wooden Dolls. The Inner Being also wants your Wooden Doll to have the thinking properly for helping (to manifest what is wanted in their lives). There are things that the Inner Being wants the Wooden Doll have proper thinking about to finish it (the image of what is wanted), then the thought form will be created. When it’s not happening, the Inner Being is most able to send the wanting to the Wooden Doll when sleeping. Now the wanting has more energy, now the Inner Being sends that wanting and the apparatus of the Wooden Doll has knowings of the wanting. Then monkey says ‘what’s this, where is it coming from? I have fear of it’. Then the monkey squawks and the apparatus (body) wakes up. Cannot have sleeping for the monkey is dancing and squawking because of knowings (thoughts) in the head that are not from him. He doesn’t like it. But it’s important because it’s about knowings that are not finished, what the Inner Being wants to be finished. The emotion is important, not the picture. The Inner Being will have sent pictures to your head in sleep, dreams. The dream is not important, your Inner Being uses dreams to manifest the emotion that is important, not the dream. The dream is for constructing the emotion. The emotion will be recognised by the monkey. He will think ‘what is this emotion for, what do I need to think about?’ The monkey part of your head will know that. That is how your Inner Being has a conversation with your monkey. Cannot have this when you are awake. The Inner Being cannot talk to the monkey.

Insomnia: I don’t sleep very well at all and I get quite vivid dreams, some not very nice about death and dying. (LFG 9.6.14)

Two things to explain. The first reason is the when you are sleeping, the energy from the Inner Being is small, just enough to sustain the apparatus while sleeping. Most of your energy is reabsorbed into the Inner Being, like when you transition, it’s no different to sleeping. The energy is in the Inner Being. Well what does it do when in the Inner Being? It does not do nothing, your Inner Being is busy. It does not sit on a cloud playing a harp, it’s busy, doing many hundreds of things. It sustains other Wooden Dolls that are not sleeping – different parts of your environment sleep in different moments [time zones]. Now your energy is mostly in other Wooden Dolls when you are sleeping. Now some of the experiences processed by your Inner Being with your energy they can leave residual knowings when you wake, not much, little pieces of the knowings that were in your sleeping when your energy was flowing in them. You can have some knowing, your Inner Being allows it. It can stop it if you want that.

That reason is easy, your Inner Being can stop that, but the other reason why are you only have a small amount of sleep, then wake up, then try to sleep more, that is not your Inner Being. That is the Wooden Doll part of you in your moments of waking. There are many things that you are feeling not very comfortable about. There many things that you don’t feel in control of. I have a picture for this: a cork floats on the water, but not on your water. Your water is still, at peace, but your cork is on another Wooden Doll’s water and that water is not still. You want your cork to be still but it is every place and you have no knowing where it will go next. You don’t feel comfortable. Now that happens much in the day and the apparatus it have the chemical in the head (to bring about) sleep and this means that the apparatus sleeps but soon the chemical is not so big and the apparatus wakes and as soon as the waking happens, the thought forms of things feared from your day come into your head, no, not wanted.

What the Inner Being is wanting for you as a Wooden Doll is that on waking you think about what are the things I like and not the things I don’t like, and it is important when you are going to bed not to have thinking of what was not wanted in the day. I am asking you now, 5 things you must have thinking of in your day that you want. They do not have to be important, they might be funny like where you laugh about something that made you laugh during the day. Maybe you’re not proud of laughing, maybe the old woman fall and you laugh. It doesn’t matter, you laugh, that matters. Thinking now 5 happy things that are going well that I want in my day, think of those. It’s hard in the beginning to think of 5, for most (of the thoughts about the day) are not happy. When you have many days of thinking, making yourself think of the 5 (happy things), then it is easy to find the 5 and afterwards it’s hard to find only 5! You will want 10, then want more than 10. For happy. The energy gradually will change to faster, more ‘aaah’ not ‘urgh’ energy. It takes many of your days for it to change. But it’s important for your Inner Being. 

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Is the Inner Being omnipresent? (JP gr 22.5.14)

The Inner Being is always. A small piece of the energy of the Inner Being goes into the Wooden Doll, all energy is in your Inner Being, it always knows all moments of the Wooden Doll. Like the man Robert Hughes is no more, but I (his Inner Being) have all Robert’s knowings. Your Inner Being has the knowings of all your moments. And the Inner Being of your Inner Being has the knowings. When you have no more knowings (after your death), your Inner Being will always have your knowings. All knowings are thought-forms, energy, and can never cease to exist, all energy will always be.

Always growing, all new thought-forms can never not be. I laugh about how the Wooden Dolls think. They think they do something – Saesneggar digs a hole and plants a tree, and thinksThat is real. When many moments have passed, when I am no longer here, the tree will be here.’ But when Saesneggar has the thought-form, it is bigger than the tree and the thought-form will always be. What it is in the head is more important than what is done with the hands.

When you are asking a question Robert, who is it you are asking, is it what we know on earth as the Akashic Records? (BD 1.7.14)

There is no such thing (as Akashic Records). The Inner Being knows in each moment what you are thinking and everything you do; it knows what you are doing, tasting, all. It has the experience the same as you do. When you, the Wooden Doll, have  transition (death), the Inner Being does not transition. The Inner Being still has all the knowings of you. Like you have the knowings of when you were a baby. Some you remember, some you don’t, but it’s all in the Inner Being. The Inner Being has all the knowings and can easily bring forward the memory. I have previously used a picture for Saesneggar, I gave her the image of the coats in the cupboard. Now the Inner Being has all of you flowing in it, but some parts of you that are not needed, will be put as a coat in the cupboard. It’s not gone, the Inner Being can bring the coat from the cupboard when it chooses. Like I am now showing the coat of Robert. You are not talking with Robert, Robert is not here now, Robert has been gone for 100 years. I am of course the Inner Being wearing the coat of Robert. I have many hundreds of coats I can put on, but Saesneggar is comfortable with the Robert coat. 

oldbookNow, it’s important for you to know that all that you know in your heart: your music, your thinking, your science, all these were the knowings of Wooden Dolls in your environment, all that ever lived, and the knowings are now within the Inner Beings of those Wooden Dolls. All Inner Beings talk, like you talk; not with the mouth, but they have the knowings of each other. They can ask. They have the pools (for specific interests). That is how all knowings are stored; you call it Akashic Records, like you understand the image of a book. It’s not a book. It’s the knowings of the Inner Beings, who are living like you are living. The energy of the Inner Being is always flowing, always will flow, always have the knowings, you can ask any question. Saesneggar was wondering how Robert could talk about the big science, the quantum string [in a previous session with a quantum physicist]. I don’t know the information as the Robert coat, but I can access the knowings of those Inner Beings who have Wooden Dolls at this moment who are working with this [quantum physics] and have knowings of this. And I speaki words from them, from the Inner Beings. That is how I can answer the questions on such things.

So the term Akashic Records was coined by Edgar Cayce so that we could understand?

Many use the pictures [ie use images to help explain], like me with the image of the coat. It’s a way to explain. It hard to explain the knowledge of all. For the knowings of many Wooden Dolls are not right. They don’t understand the Inner Beings. They think, ‘when I transition [pass away] then the memory of my life is sent from my apparatus to a guide or such. This is not so, it is always only the Inner Being, but it is not sent only at the time of transition, but knowing from the Wooden Doll is sent to the Inner Being in all moments. This is how in your book, the bible of the Nazarene, it says that God is all-knowing, all knowings in all moments. This is what it’s trying to explain.

So it’s the God that’s within us?

This is the Inner Being, this is what you are calling the God, the Buddha, the Nanek, it’s all same, it’s the Inner Being.

I was going to ask, is Jesus the son of God?

They all, you are, ha. All, there is no other. You call it God, I don’t call it God. I have the Inner Being and the Inner Being has the Inner Being and that has the Inner Being and that has the Inner Being. All different speed of energy from the experience of each one. All one energy, that we are all knowings of the others. There is only one energy. I do not call it God for many have other knowings of a God that are not the truth.

How do you see the Wooden Dolls? Do you see us as a full body, do you see us as spirit lights, are you with us in very intimate moments? This is something which affects everybody, we want to know are you with us all the time and see everything that we are doing behind closed doors? Sn 16.4.13

To explain it. [Speaking as the Inner Being of Robert] When the thoughts of my Wooden Dolls, I would have that thought every moment and I can choose to see, not how you would see, but I can have a knowing of the physical of that doll when I choose to. I would always, every moment. I have to have the thought of all of my Wooden Dolls so that I can give my doll the emotion that is appropriate to help that doll. Well you are here, you are where you should be thinking ‘mmm’ (happy thoughts) or you are here in thought thinking ‘urgh’ (unhappy thoughts). This is not where you should be in your thinking, so I would know every thought that my Wooden Dolls have and every instant I know their thought and I send the appropriate emotion to tell them that you are ‘mmm’ or ‘urgh’, but I could choose to have the seeing through the physical doll as you would say. It will take more of my energy and I can choose to do this when I want to because my doll is very ‘mmm’ (happy) and I feel that, but the thought is not always enough for me to judge the emotion that I want to give the Wooden Doll. So for that moment I would choose to have more of the knowing, so that if I am unsure how strong the emotion is, how much physical chemical do I need for my Wooden Doll now, I would pour more of my energy from my bucket to the physical doll to pull more knowing of that doll for that moment. So I can judge.

[Note from Saesneggar: Robert uses the terms ‘mmm’ or ‘aaah’ to indicate the Wooden Doll having positive, happy emotions and ‘urgh’ or ‘blurgh’ to indicate having negative, unhappy emotions.]

If I understand correctly it means normally you are connected by thought with your Wooden Dolls but sometimes it is necessary to gain more insight to have more info then you can really have a look, open the curtain completely.

That is correct. One, there is the thought that I would always have, and some moments I would choose to pour more energy to get more knowledge of that doll. But also that doll can, when it chooses, it can have the thought to ask me, the Inner Being, it does not always know of this. The Saesneggar does know to ask now and would now ask the Inner Being many times to put more energy.

Robert Hughes channeling

Orbs or Spirit Lights

Heather pink orb 02I’ve heard contradictory opinion about orbs or spirit lights. You just proved to me with my camera that I can take a picture of what I can sense with my eyes just before I take the picture. Can you explain? (Sn 14.4.13)

We have spoken of the environment here and that there are many parallel (environments), many in your environment that have the senses, the equipment in your physical to see. You would see them. Now as well as those that you would see as the physical you, there are many, many more who you cannot see and there are in this environment – they are with you every moment that you have been here and will be here every moment after you have been here. They share the physical environment and your physical environment is only one small part of the wider environment that is not planets as you would say it. So at each of those levels, the energy is poured into activities that the entity would want to take part in. Now those activities, they would happen for you on the same environment that your senses can see, but although they are in that environment, you do not have the senses much to see, so you can occasionally – you could pick a glimpse of those. In your small childhood you would have seen more.

I think I saw more in my childhood

You would, all would. We (Inner Beings) are able sometimes to shift our energy from our level into a level below, as I am now (when speaking in trance), but we would also pour a small part of our energy into your environment at your level, into a part of your environment that you do not have the senses to pick and see and smell and taste. But some of your contraptions can have that frequency to sense.

So this is not a reflection in the lenses when we are taking the picture, but this is something real from the spirit world, a real phenomenon?

When a unique entity makes a deliberate piece of its energy down into your environment to vibrate at the frequency of your equipment, that is a deliberate intention to do that, but that equipment Heather orb IMG_0121would not always be sensing that energy, that equipment would also be sensing the things in the environment that the equipment is conceived to observe. So, as I explain, you, if you were to imagine yourself as a piece of equipment, right now most of your observation is of the physical environment that you were conceived to observe. And occasionally, like now, you would observe something from the environment next to this, which is me. Now the contraption is just the same. It has been conceived to observe things in its environment and that is most of the time what it will observe, and occasionally it will observe something of the environment next to it like you are now observing me or sensing me, hearing me, not seeing me as I do not look at all like Saesneggar!

When I was looking into the sky, I saw many tiny little lights, pacing at a very high speed through the air. Is this spirit light that I see when I’m looking into the air with open eyes? Also when I’m in an airplane and I’m looking into the clouds  and when I’m looking in bright sunshine into the sky, I can see many tiny little lights at very high speed and moving in every direction

And do you feel these lights? Do you feel an energy from them, a personality, a communication from these lights?

Actually I realised that I was seeing them and I told a friend and in the moment when I set up the intent to tell the friend, I saw another big white light just moving from my eyesight and then I thought it must be spirit because it was a direct response to my thought.

That could be. It could be spirit because there are many spirits around you all the time, the spirits which would be the Level 1, like I am now, and we are in the same environment, we do not have the heaven and hell, you understand. We are here but most of the time. We would not choose to show ourselves to a Wooden Doll because that would take a lot of our energy that we would need to call in from other activities. It is possible that we do show ourselves, but it takes so much energy that we would usually do this with a very deliberate reason. I will ask your Inner Being what you saw. The lights you saw today are of a chemical type of image that it is seen within the eye, not outside, but you look at the sky so it would appear in the sky but it is a chemical in the senses. It is the word that I used before, the neuron within the eye that would produce it. But your Inner Being is very aware that you do very much see spirit around you. There are those who have the love with you (in spirit). They summon their energy to them that they can show to you and this is many moments in each day that you would be seeing them. And they do this as they know through your Inner Being that you do see them and you value them, so they will continue to pull some of their energy to show to you that they are still interested in you.


Heather orb IMG_5316Most of the time I see white light, sometimes creamy, many times blue, rarely red or orange, bigger and smaller ones. Can you explain the differences?

I can. The white light is a very new energy so it would be of a, not just in transition because it would not have the energy enough to show to a Wooden Doll, but it would be new through the transition and into the Level 1, so a new Level 1, a fresh Level 1 yes. The cream is more normal so that would be like myself when you see me. I do show myself sometimes for the Saesneggar and the contraption. Saesneggar has photos with me. Because I know when the photo is to be made, so I can appear ready because the photo, the contraption for the photo works very fast so I do not need a lot of energy, I can just appear for that instant.


Before you talked about the spirit lights and you said the white light would be someone who is new  (Sn 17.4.13)

I did not speak of the blue light. The blue light it is true. It is what you would say is the Level 2, that is always the blue. The energy of the Level 1 and the energy of the Level 2 is different. The energy of the 2 is very fast and strong. If it is next to the Level 1, you would see that it is fast and strong. The Level 1 energy is very fast and strong when next to the Wooden Doll so at each transition the energy will in many moments, small pieces of the energy will be given more speed and more power and in many many many moments more energy would be at Level 2 than is at Level 1 and after more moments all of the energy of that Inner Being is now in Level 2 and none remains in Level 1, so that is then the transition or death from Level 1 to Level 2. It would seem as a death because there is nothing left at Level 1 where once it was.

What is the red or the orange light?Heather house orbs 038

I do not know. It is not of an energy. There is blue at 2 and then there is a full heavy purple Level 3, it is the heavy purple and then the 4 that is the faster stronger lighter purple

So the darker purple is Level 3 and the lighter purple is Level 4?

It is so. Are there more colours then? There are 2 colours more. There is a heavy dark gold, there is the heavy slower of the gold and then the light, very very very fast gold. But you will not see those energies in your environment, it is not possible. I am also in our environment and more of my energy is at Level 2 than Level 1 and I am in this environment and I cannot see the gold.

OK and what levels would they be?

The heavy gold is at the 5 and the light gold that is at the 6. But you would not see those energies at this (level of environment). You would start to have awareness of those energies when you are at Level 4.

Can you explain, when I started to see spirit lights I first saw white, then had some blue but now I always have more blue lights coming.

This is happy. There would always be more of the Level 1 Inner Beings in this environment than there would be the Level 2. For the Level 1 must pull much of their energy to receive the thoughts of their Wooden Dolls in this environment and to send the emotion to their Wooden Doll so the white lights you will see many because each doll in your environment will have its Inner Being close by. That is close by as an energy, it is not close by in this (environment), for if I look at Robert’s Inner Being, I have many Wooden Dolls in many environments, I would not be next to all of them. I have some energy for each doll. Some smaller energy for some doll, some bigger energy for some doll in some moments. The blue energy, the blue Inner Being, they would not be in the environment of the Wooden Doll, for reading the thoughts of the Wooden Doll and sending emotion to the Wooden Doll. They do not have a Wooden Doll here.

But me, I am an Inner Being of dolls and I have an Inner Being. This Inner Being is blue and when I am in communication, it is more known to me at Level 1 when I communicate with my Inner Being. The Wooden Doll does not know when it communicates with its Inner Being for many moments. But at Level 1 the communication with the Inner Being is greater. So at Level 1 the Inner Being can pull some energy from its Inner Being, which is the blue, to be shown to the doll and this will happen for many moments and it may do this pull to draw more energy (from its higher level Inner Being) for the Wooden Doll than the Level 1 can (itself). So it can be of value when the Wooden Doll is hurt. It will pull big energy. And also when the Wooden Doll is hurt here in the thoughts, then the Inner Being of the hurt will pull more energy from the next level and you would have the blue this day [ie be likely to see the blue orb].

Transition (Death) 1 – The Experience of Transition

I would like to communicate with some deceased family members. Is that possible? Sn 14.4.2013

Do you understand that every being that was in the physical, it is still as a fragment, when it has re-emerged back to its Inner Being, it will always still exist as a fragment. Just as I still exist in my Inner Being as a fragment. I am not the fragment that re-emerged nearly 100 years ago, but I can still put a piece of my energy into the vehicle that was that physical soldier, yes, to talk. So the fragments they were once a member of your family. Those fragments will still exist, they are still there and still living, you would say in a fashion. They are still within their Inner Being and their Inner Being can easily any time can call into their Inner Being and bring one of them forth and you can speak through your Inner Being.

But to explain then, every physical fragment that has been, will always be with the Higher Self, the Inner Being that would control it while it is here. It’s simply re-emerges back into its Inner Being, as the mother, so it goes back to its mother. As it came out of its mother here, it goes back to its mother, the Inner Being. So it would always be there but I explained that while you are here, you are aware that you are sent the feeling, the emotion, but that is not from you here. That has come from your Inner Being, but the thoughts as a creative being, the physical fragment that is here in this environment, it would have many, many thoughts in each moment. Now each of these thoughts they also re-emerge at the instant that they are thought, they re-emerge back into your Inner Being. Do you understand this? Because just as every emotion that has every existed in your physical, every emotion, every thought that you as the physical would think, in that instant will re-emerge back into your Inner Being and it will exist in your Inner Being always and it is made aware, and also the Inner Being of that Inner Being, is made aware of all and within each of its Inner Beings that it would look after, that it would be the mother of.

So it can be aware of the hundreds and hundreds of Inner Beings that it would look after and they would each be aware of all the thoughts that you have thought and the things that you have seen, and this is of value to know, because they will always exist in your Inner Being. So in the moment when you would re-emerge into your Inner Being, you are suddenly aware of all of those, so all of those thoughts and all of those emotions that you have experienced here, you can feel them all because you are not focused now as one being in this environment. You are then that piece of your energy, is no longer focused in the physical here. It is focused back into your Inner Being, so it can sense, you could say, it can sense all of the thoughts that it has, every thought and all of the emotions that it has ever thought.

And that is a very difficult piece for the transition. Because the first thing that you do, is you realise that, yes, you can feel your own thoughts when you are back in your Inner Being, your mother, but that Inner Being, it communicates every moment with hundreds of hundreds of other Inner Beings at its level, just as you would communicate with your friend and you communicate with hundreds of your friends, but only one at a time here. But that is not the case when you are back in your Inner Being. Your Inner Being would communicate with hundreds and hundreds in every moment. And that my friend is very hard to take, because when you, the moment that you focus a piece of your energy on a thought, or a memory you would call it, of your physical self, you would not only feel the feeling and think the thought that you had here, you would also, without asking to, and you cannot stop it – there is no asking, it would just be – that you experience the feeling and the thoughts of the Inner Beings who were a part of that memory.

Now that, my friend, is the hardest part of your transition. It is experiencing some of the activities that you may think now are fine, yes, they are OK, they are normal and then when you re-emerge and you experience again that activity with other Inner Beings who also experienced that activity at the same moment that you did, that may have experienced completely different views of that activity, but not just views, they may have felt sometimes grief of that activity. But here in this environment you may not have known this at all. But that is a complicated part of the transition to experience. But you get used to that and when you are used to that, then they say that the transition has passed. You are then in the state, the normal state of your Inner Being. There is no more transition for that fragment.